Reviews for Smaller, More Honest Souls: Arc of Redemption
Chaos-Guard chapter 40 . 3/18
This has been one of the best stories I've followed and I'm so happy to see the ending but also sad to see it end as well. The game I'd suggest is either Devil May Cry 5 or Code Vein. Both are great. I can't wait for your next project oh if you want another Anime or need a suggestion on Disney I recommend marvel since technically it they are now Disney movies so maybe Dr. strange or Thor.
Chretner chapter 40 . 3/7
And so ends the story. What a wild ride it's been.

What an ending to this amazing story. I've been here since almost the beginning and I've loved every twist and turn that's come our way. The funny, the shocking, and everything in between. I couldn't have asked for a better ending to thus story.

But as one saga ends, another rises to take over. I remain anxiously optimistic for the return of this world filled with OCs by the looks of things. Well, fingers crossed for now.

This is Chretner, saying one last goodbye and good night on the close of this story.

May your Heart be your guiding Key.
jacalman chapter 40 . 3/7
Loved this, and I can't wait to see what you think up with the next story.
Gamelover41592 chapter 40 . 3/6
excellent work on this chapter and great wrap up and please let me know when the sequel will be up :)
Chretner chapter 39 . 2/26
Holy damn. That's a D-Link if ever I saw one.

Hello there. How's it going?
I'll admit, I didn't register half of what was happening here. I decided to read it just before going to bed... at 1am... I'm not a smart guy. That said, that was badass. Kind of a shame about the Demon Sky though. It was an awesome concept, but I'm just sad I didn't get to see more. Emerald made a good move too. Cruel, but a good move.
In case you didn't guess, I loved the Wayfinders. Once I figured out how I was supposed to read it, it makes me realize just how close Yang and Jaune are. If only I could get allies in D&D who could work together half as well.

As always, looking forward to the next chapter. Best wishes for your endeavors.
Gamelover41592 chapter 39 . 2/25
O.o you were not kidding
Chretner chapter 38 . 2/7
Hello there.

How'How's it going? I just woke up today and saw this chapter got released. Spent about an hour reading it. So, this took a turn I wasn't expecting. The appearance of the Demon Sky was a nice touch. I wonder how they'll deal with that. Also, Yang's hair? Oh, someone gonna die. I liked Jaune's reaction to finding out where his and OJ's paths diverged. I can see that being exactly what anyone would do in the same situation.
Looking forward to seeing how this ends. Until the next awesome chapter

Gamelover41592 chapter 38 . 2/7
0-0 it was just epic it was nuts they were bouncing everyone and it was awesome XD
Gamelover41592 chapter 37 . 1/13
this was epic and man Jaune facing off against Cinder and OJ was even more epic XD
Chretner chapter 37 . 1/13
And so it begins...

Hello again!

Today was just great. Had a quiet day at work, it went quickly, I got to talk to an old friend after work. All great things. Then I got home.
That's when I found out that two of my three favorite fan-fictions got new chapters! Friggen AWESOME day! *Que vigorous fist pumping*

The final battles. It's finally here and I don't want it to end. Such a wild ride. I'll probably read all of SMHS again just to go through the ups and downs of this story. I know that it practically is already, but I feel like this would be an awesome crossover anime. I wish I had any skills. But I don't. Shame. Some nice setup and teamwork from all our protags. Less grand scale than the last one, but I feel like it's accurate. OJ wouldn't inspire as much action from the other nations in comparison to the world ending event that was Salem.

Good reasoning too. It makes sense that the Graveyard holds more significance to Sora. It's where his last battle in his time took place, it's where the final battle in this time took place. I hope this ends as awesome as SMHS did. But you've got a few chapters to do the OJ, Morigan, and Emerald fights (and perhaps the Demon Tides), so no pressure!

As always, looking forward to the next chapter!
Wish me luck. My friend inadvertently challenged me. Now I'm trying my first attempt at a Lvl 1 run on Critical in KH 3. It's painful.
Chretner chapter 36 . 1/5
Why, hello there.

The start of the new year and another great chapter to go with it. So here we are. The grand finale. The big bad vs. the heroes. And not where I thought it would be. It's kind of natural to have the final battle of a KH game or story to be in the Keyblade Graveyard. Nice to see that's not the case. That said, if there is one thing I hate about this story, it's that I finish the chapter and I just want more. And my other fanfics haven't uploaded for a long time, so I can't keep reading! *incoherent rage noises*

Anyway, shame you can't think of an FE story. I can't blame you though. They're a complex set of games. Looking forward to the potential part 3 though. Maybe some OC's and love children? I'd be OK with that. Anywho. I need to stop writing and get back to work. Curse you half hour breaks. You need to be longer.

Farewell and best of luck. Looking forward to the next chapter.

P.S. I've typed that last part so much I just need to type in 'looking' and it auto predicts what I want to say. Haha, foony.
Gamelover41592 chapter 36 . 1/5
awesome work on this chapter and man OJ is putting them through hell
Chretner chapter 35 . 12/13/2019
Hello again.

You know, it's only just dawning on me that we're just about done with this story ark. And that makes me sad. I love this story, but unless something big happens, there really isn't anywhere for this story to go after the final battles of this story. Still, I hope that you've had as much fun writing it as I did reading it.

I don't think I'll be continuing my D&D for a while. Recently, while I was trying to back up my files for it, I lost quite a bit of progress. This is the fourth time this has happened to me. On the other hand, I've been a nerd and I've been trying to create some of my favorite characters in 5th edition D&D. So far I've done Robin from Fire Emblem, Ezio from Assassin's Creed, and I'm trying to make a build, using most of the Advanced classes from Fire Emblem: Three Houses, for Byleth. It's been a challenge.

Out of curiosity, have you thought of trying to do a Fire Emblem story? I would like to see how you do it. A self insert, an OC, another crossover. That and I would like to keep reading your work. Anyway, all the best.

Merry Christmas to you. Looking forward to the next chapter.
(Posted 8:30AM GMT)
Gamelover41592 chapter 35 . 12/12/2019
that was excellent and good call back to death battle but man things got even more nuts pretty quick 0-0
Chretner chapter 34 . 11/11/2019
Well hello there.

Another good chapter in the story. Some awesome fights there. The Jaune/Yang romance has had a few funny moments there as well. I finished reading this at work during break and almost ended up laughing at the end. That would have been rather awkward.
In other news, it looks like my D&D has died... but on the plus side I have added some new things. Like races. My friend/ co-DM had the idea of letting players play as a Heartless, like Ansem. And I decided "Wow! What a horrible and awesome idea! I'm totally doing that now!" I can't argue with the hole in the multiverse. The character is also a massive gathering of 'tamed' Heartless in his reality now. I fear for the players that encounter him. Dave the Force of Destruction (formerly from Accounting). Your note on forming bonds in combat reminds me of Fire Emblem. But it is very true. Battle bonds are a thing. Always have been.

As always, looking forward to the next chapter. Until next time.

A simple man from Australia, Chretner.
Have fun!
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