Reviews for Virtuoso
Laurathefirst254 chapter 19 . 7/7
Please update, it's been roughly 3 years since u last updated so I was wondering if you're still continuing with this story. If you are plz update asap.
LaPumuckl chapter 19 . 10/14/2017
Of course that one got his attention...
LaPumuckl chapter 5 . 10/14/2017
I guess someone has him on his "shit list"...
LaPumuckl chapter 1 . 10/14/2017
This should be interesting; )
chartwilightmom chapter 19 . 7/11/2017
more twists!
keep it coming
MK543 chapter 19 . 7/8/2017
I'm all twisted up. I should have been taking notes on all these extraneous characters, i.e. Charlie, Carlisle, Phil, Renee and Riley. Perhaps I could have connected the dots to who belongs to who. Seems like the 'rents decided to cut loose from their offspring, namely B & E, and whatever for, the Volturi? Not enough meat in each chapter. If they're gonna be so short they might be posted twice a week! Ah ha, I'm on to something!
Scarlett72 chapter 19 . 7/7/2017
Let me get this straight - Riley Biers was Edward's mentor. But where and when?
Phil Dwyer is actually his biological father but Edward doesn't know that?
Edward, Sr killed his best friend Charlie Swan and we don't know how or if Charlie is connected to Bella?
Esme was a detective. When Edward, Sr killed Charlie? Did she work the case?
Still fitting Carlisle into the puzzle too.
Goodness, that's a lot to consider. See you next chapter. Have a good weekend.
lillianolivia.white chapter 19 . 7/5/2017
So does this mean that Edwards dad is still alive but incarcerated ? I wonder how Bella will take that Edwards dad killed her dad?
DataByteDL-FangirlinGranma chapter 19 . 7/5/2017
Lots of puzzle pieces fell into place for me...I hope. Although I still think there's plenty of deception and twists going on. What I think I know now that amazes me is Esme was a Detective at some point...a dirty cop? And that brings me back to my suspicions about Jasper! Also Ed, Sr seems to have been framed for that murder of Charlie and MaryElla, and is probably rotting in prison with a life sentence...or was he on death row? Still not convinced that Phil is "The Owner", but makes sense I guess. I think it's Riley, AKA "The Teacher/Mentor" of VirtuosoWard & Esme (& James?). I also think Esme has gone soft and wants Edward out of the business and on his island. She certainly doesn't want him to discover the truth (or HER involvement)! But neither know that Carlisle is onboard now and the game plan may change up. Now Anthony needs to decide is he a mouse or a man? Hehehe! Ms Bella needs him.
Great chapter, Kitten. I love the progression, but that I'm still so perplexed and intrigued. That's the way I should be while reading a story like this. Keep it coming! I love you so much! {GIANT GRANMA HUGS AND SMOOCHES!} {GIANT GRANMA HUGS AND SMOOCHES!}
-Your Granma Dee (FangirlinGranma)
robyn odei-ntiri chapter 19 . 7/5/2017
thank you for the update..well done...Bella is to funny!
Rita01tx chapter 19 . 7/5/2017
No idea but it's not fair for Edward and Bella not to have the answers everyone else on the planet apparently does! If his father really did kill Bella's father, it will hurt but they need to know!
locheree chapter 19 . 7/4/2017
I am going to have to go back through the other chapter to remember what happened last. I love this chapter, though.
shaz308 chapter 19 . 7/4/2017
Hopefully things will all come together soon.
traceybuie chapter 19 . 7/4/2017
This just gets more and more complicated. hmmm...
Sara aka Nikki Black chapter 19 . 7/4/2017
I have no clue on how they are all connected, but I look forward to the reveal.
If Esme is a detective, does that mean that Jasper knows about Edward and his work? Is that why he wasn't angry when Bella told him about Anthony being scared and running away.
The plot has thickened.
Thank you for the update.
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