Reviews for Wind & Anchor
BookHoarder6 chapter 1 . 10/7/2018
Loved the ending and maybe you can write a sequel about JacksonApril Samuel and harriett or you could change the names for copyright purposes and more children and them at the hospital callow Alex Meredith mark lexie all there that would be a really good read excellent job with the whole story and I just love reading stories about Jackson and April that come from other things outside of the hospital keep it up!
japril12 chapter 14 . 9/29/2018
first of all i have to say i'm sorry for not giving you a review for this i didn't realise there was an epilogue anyway this and the last chapter was perfect, wind and anchor is definitely on of my favourite japril stories and it one of the legends in the fandom as a whole april and jackson really made there own little family in the face of all the obstacles that were thrown at them and its my favourite thing about this story because its very true to them and why love them as a ship. thank you so much for writing this!
japril12 chapter 13 . 5/14/2018
when april walked through the door I knew that was when everything would come crashing down but is was still so sad to read it happening to her, that everything she created with jackson to protect herself and the security that he gave her was being so harshly judged by her parents just because they didn't agree with it. she did lie but they never gave her a reason to tell them the truth and them throwing her out proved that. i really felt that when april saw all of her belongings outside they tossed her out like she was nothing to them when she's their daughter, it was really sad like depressingly sad. but her going to jackson the only person that she felt has truly cared about her and him taking care of her was the one of the best parts of this whole story because it proves that he is the one who is and has been on her side. that whole conversation about getting april to go to school was funny; they sounded like they had been together forever.
oh little alice, i really felt bad for her i hope she gets out of that house.
jackson crying in april's arms loved that they really are a team
biancalb chapter 15 . 4/24/2018
I have a request can you write an outtake of Jackson POV as he is a in a hospital and his co workers being nosy about the fact he has a fiancee or wife and a family while he was still an intern and resident. please! i would love to see how you would write that. whever you are not busy writing other stories.
japril12 chapter 12 . 4/11/2018
All of Karen's plans are to ruin everything for April and I was right. The more she forces it on her just means April will push her away in the end or maybe she just throw April out when she finds out. She's that prideful that I can see that happening.
lol jackson's string of texts were so funny, actually, I love all their texting interactions. April pushing him away made sense she was being overwhelmed by everything, you made her frustration so clear and Jackson's sadness about it...I had an emotional moment ngl.
I wish April fought Izzie but Jackson! W&A Jackson, I love this man! Thank you! Fighting is wrong but he did what needed to be done.
Is it weird that I love how they fight or at least the way you write the fights, it's so authentic to them I can imagine the scene in my head perfectly.
Kimmie is the absolute worst and this is the time April should fight someone.
greysjapril chapter 14 . 3/24/2018
This is one of the most perfect fanfictions i've ever read. Your writing never ceases to amaze me missy! This is my favourite fictional version of Japril. Young, supportive and in love. Thank you so much for writing this incredible story! I've read this fic at least 3 times, and can't thank you enough for pulling me through our never ending hiatus.
Vicki-Jasper-Whitlock chapter 14 . 3/15/2018
Oh wow. I’ve just spent the past two days reading this. I cannot explain how many emotions I have gone through reading this. I absolutely loved it!
japril12 chapter 11 . 3/13/2018
So during the sex when Jackson pulled away to look April in the eye I thought that was so intimate but also he was still asking if she was okay, it just shows how much he cares so I wasn't surprised at when he said that he loved her. And then she said it back and I smiled so hard. Jackson can so reach his own shampoo but he just wanted April's hands on him 100% but it was such a cute moment.
For the only girl, I've ever seen is such an epic line I am on the floor.
Mark and Lexie are such cute idiots teasing April and I loved it.
"There was no eating!" LMAO
I thought Alex was bad and he is but Izzie was scaring me in this chapter. I was right about Callie but Izzie is just I have no idea why she is so mean to April unless that is just who she is as a person. I hope Jackson can help her with this but I also think that if he does her parents will find out somehow about them.
Thank you for writing.
japril12 chapter 10 . 3/3/2018
I loved that you put Lexie in the prom dress shopping in the beginning because who knows what Karen would have allowed April to wear. Lexie is one of the few people in April's corner so it was good to have her there. I am curious to know if April never saw Annie because her parents had some strange religious reason. Also, her mother not wanting her to wear red because sin, that just made me laugh so much. Jackson buying her the Hannah Montana CD was the sweetest thing ever and the setup rite of passage of sex on prom night lol.
W&A Lexie: "You go off and have teenage sex", "An orgasm is a right, not a privilege." She's so funny.
The way Jackson was speechless when he saw April in her dress showed he really is in love with her and I agree with him about Callie. And Yes! to Jackson punching Alex in the face. He deserved it.
japril12 chapter 9 . 1/27/2018
I'm so upset about April's family, especially her mother she should try much harder to understand her instead of shaming her, it was really brutal even though April had been lying. I feel like it will only make it worse because she and Jackson are it for each other and shaming someone into behaving is not right. When she ripped the necklace from her my heart broke, honestly. Jackson not caring and going to visit her on the roof and calling her his girl! I think that was my favourite line in this chapter. Their prom night will be something amazing.

And Kimmie can shut up, she is so annoying.
japril12 chapter 8 . 1/20/2018
Oh no...
japril12 chapter 7 . 1/20/2018
April's family is getting on my nerves, I thought they were just clueless but it seems like her sisters don't even care about her. If Jackson wasn't there I would hate to think about how she'd feel. That gift exchange was the cutest.
japril12 chapter 6 . 1/1/2018
April being there for Jackson this time around was so pure, they're very supportive of one another even though they haven't known each other for long. My favourite thing was when he talked to her about the pressure he has on himself, they won't let each other go through stuff alone. I know that all these lies are going to catch up to April and it's stressing me out...
japril12 chapter 5 . 12/31/2017
I love that Jackson and April have their own little world away from everyone at his apartment, it seems like when they're alone together everything is ok, so I know that something is going to disrupt that soon. April is not a good liar or maybe she'll just get caught up, either way I feel like it's going to be really bad and I'm not ready lol.
japril12 chapter 4 . 12/27/2017
Ok, so cute things first: April writing Jackson a review for this mixtape and him saying he wanted to frame it was so adorable. The date and the kiss, I just loved it all. They were so gentle and respectful with each other and it was perfect.
And for the not cute things:
I wanted to punch Callie in the face. How could she do that? It was kind of scary. Does she have feelings for April or something? It was so harsh. The bullying is very realistic though with the gym teacher not even noticing anything, smh but at least April had one person there.
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