Reviews for Lessons for the Lost
Violet chapter 29 . 4/26
assdfghjkl took a lot of self control not to read this all in one setting... very cool concept, i can't wait to see where you go with this :)
Lumos1995 chapter 29 . 10/27/2019
Read this whole thing in two days! It was the Disney Princess crossover I have been desperately craving for weeks now! And I finally found a keeper:) update soooonnn!
speedster101 chapter 29 . 6/19/2019
Nice to see this updated after so many years and at least Rapunzel and Belle are friends again, though after reading the author’s Note at the end, I just know something bad is going to happen, Eric… is… going to die isn’t he…?
AnonymousStalkerFriend chapter 29 . 6/18/2019
gisela19wwe chapter 29 . 6/18/2019
Well Belle is the most brave here and Rapunzel finally is using her gift to help . I wonder if they will help Adam or if belle will reveal his curse to all of them . I hope you updated soon !
Not Enough Answers chapter 29 . 6/18/2019

Okay, first I have to say that this line: "Ariel looked as ghostly as painted glass" is fantastic and probably my newest favourite simile. It's so vivid and perfect and I just cannot with your writing! Your prose is so descriptive and the dialogue flows so naturally.

I am ALL ABOUT the princesses teaming up and basically just being badass together. And then Belle comes back and they travel to the Underworld to help Eric and talking to Hades and then Rapunzel trying to use her magic to help Eric! I can't. Also your A/N - I snort-laughed but also cried because I just have a lot of feelings, okay.
Guest chapter 28 . 3/6/2019
I’m a new reader and I’m loving this! Beauty and the Beast 2: The Curse of Disney’s IP. All of these interactions are truly great and I suddenly want to see more of this concept. Also When will poor Adam ever catch a break?
AnonymousStalkerFriend chapter 27 . 11/19/2018
I absolutely adore this story! Do you have a Tumblr we can ask you questions through or anything like that?
Not Enough Answers chapter 28 . 10/2/2018
And once again I find myself enthralled and delighted by your superb portrayal of these Disney characters! Seriously, you take the time and effort to make them all realistic and three-dimensional, so that sometimes I honestly forget they're based off of animated characters. And your prose is fantastic, as always! I love your writing style so much. It's so fluid and descriptive and the way you craft each character's inner thoughts (ESPECIALLY ADAM'S MY LOVE) is so careful and precise.

SPEAKING OF ADAM, my inner fangirl was screaming in glee during the first half of the chapter. I love his love for Belle, and something about his gentlemanly manner and devotion for her just does something to me. I love it. And that argument between Aladdin and Naveen at the end was so great. Jasmine is all of us. You said it perfectly, honey.
AnonymousStalkerFriend chapter 28 . 9/28/2018
Good to see you back!
gisela19wwe chapter 28 . 9/28/2018
Well Aladdin is getting suspicious of Adam , i hope belle helps him and figure out a solution. Thanks for updating and i look forward for more !
name chapter 28 . 9/27/2018
hey the format’s fucked up. can you fix it? it’s really hard to read
Not Enough Answers chapter 27 . 2/18/2018
I love the added summary to this fic! "Disney Game of Thrones", haha. An apt description, I'd say. I've missed your writing, so to finally catch up on this chapter was a real treat! Loved reading Anna's letter to Belle (and Belle's letter to Aurora!) and the mentions of antisocial Elsa. You know I love me some Adam&Belle angst, so this was right up my alley! And then the scene with Adam and Lumière! My heart! *whispers BROTP very quietly*

(Also I GOTTA say something about this paragraph, because it made me gasp out loud: "She had no masterful strength or sharp fangs…but Belle would find him. And she thought, the wonder of it small and fluttery as a wounded bird, if she would pull him back again to her. If Adam knew her scent, knew her body, then he might find her over the wind and sea, to already know she was here just out of reach. Surely, if the curse had returned, to captivate his senses, could he sense her now? The flutter of her footsteps creaking the ancient woods. The flutter of her dress rustled by the cool ocean breeze. The light had long disappeared from Belle's sight. With it came the ushering unseen.")

This is so, so beautiful, holy crap. YOU HAVE SUCH A WONDERFUL WAY WITH WORDS I JUST CAN'T
dracolove46 chapter 27 . 2/4/2018
really good! one of my fav storylines
Guest chapter 27 . 10/25/2017
I was so excited to see an update! I’m glad things are looking up for you, and I hope everything works out :)
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