Reviews for Once Upon A Dead Cat
inki is dear evan hansen trash chapter 6 . 7/18/2017
Touching 3
Shadowdapple chapter 6 . 7/12/2017
I know this prophecy...;)
Dawnisreallytired chapter 1 . 7/12/2017
I love it!
GlitchGhost chapter 6 . 7/11/2017
Aaaaaand this is how I die
GlitchGhost chapter 5 . 4/29/2017
*thumbs up*
Red chapter 4 . 4/17/2017
You do know that this violates the fanfiction rules, right? And you're literally starting a new series when you haven't even updated Warriors High!
(pls update it i'm dying. i'm sorry i burned you just pls)
dkjdkfjdkfjdk chapter 4 . 4/17/2017
Redwut chapter 4 . 4/17/2017
Praise Jesus
GlitchGhost chapter 4 . 4/17/2017
Pfft, noice m8...
I'm also tired of being sick. And of mosquito bites on my right wrist and my left pointer finger. I hate mosquitoes so so much...
GlitchGhost chapter 3 . 3/25/2017
Character opinions:
me: classicly joining ThunderClan ;)
Ori: still no
Sein: what's ThunderClan?
Naru: still don't like the 'dead' part
Kuro: meh -_-
Kyura: *gives a 'srsly?' look at Kuro*
Biscuittail: yup, I knew it
Foxshade: nope nope nope *turns around and walks away*
Nightfall: nice one, Snowcrystal
Dawnbringer: *runs and grabs a bag of buttered popcorn, sits down* ready
Amber: still very short
Starspeaker: I still can't read it
me: nobody cares Starspeaker. So shut up
Starspeaker: *grumbles and walks away after Foxshade*
everyone else: *thumbs up*
me: noice
catgirl2900 chapter 3 . 3/21/2017
I wonder, how many chapters until the whole series is summarized?
Redwut chapter 3 . 3/20/2017
I feel like this is a super simple version of the Warriors series lol I'm lovin it
GlitchGhost chapter 2 . 3/19/2017
Opinions from some characters:

me: ... ok
Niri: -_-
Ori: umm... wut?
Naru: I don't like the 'dead' part
Gumo: *walks away*
Sein: who's Graypaw?
Kuro: I'm not gonna be a part in this conversation. I'm dead, remember?
Kyura: nobody cares if your dead mom.
Nightfall: mistakes were made. 'A' is supposed to be 'an'. *runs after Gumo*
Gina: I'm kinda interested
Amber: what's a 'kittypet'? I'm a SkyWing so I don't know most of your scavenger language.
Biscuittail: oh, I kno hoo it iz!
Foxshade: For StarClan's sake! why a kittypet?
Dawnbringer: very short
Starspeaker: I don't understand this language! I'm a NightWing and I don't know this
me: (Starspeaker, SHUT UP!) I tink its prety col so fur. w (I'm broken)
*thumbs up*

(most of these are ocs; five are not, they're from a game. If you want to know who these characters are, just ask me)
SpiritedSilver chapter 2 . 3/16/2017
Sigh... Look what you've done this time, Snow! You've gone and written ANOTHER fanfiction on top of the 5 million other fanfictions you're working on XDD I mean, I'm totally excited for these new fanfictions, but I just don't want you piling work on yourself.
Stay cool,
Curly Fryday chapter 1 . 3/16/2017
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