Reviews for Children of Eve
Beyondtoday chapter 2 . 1/18
Beyondtoday chapter 1 . 4/7/2018
I love how you bring religion in on your stories. So many Star Trek stories have gone to the dark side and I appreciate your handling of this topic in your stories. I am Catholic and I find it refreshing to have positive values of our faith being shown instead of the constant attacking of faith. You are true to your characters.
M C Pehrson chapter 2 . 3/17/2017
Author's note in regard to Rebootfan's review:

You can find out about T'Beth's mother and the circumstances of T'Beth's birth by reading the first story in this series, "A Taking of Leave". And all the stories that follow help explain the intricate relationship between father and daughter.
Rebootfan chapter 2 . 3/16/2017
T'beth has a really big heart. I agree with what she did, but i dont think i would have done what she did. But i might have gone to spock anyways if i knew he was in danger. i would have let him stew in regret he did hurt me too. the truth was he nvr consider her his family and he was a stranger to her.
Which makes me wonder if he hated her mother too? How can you not want to know your child?
or is it bc shes female?
WildChild2014 chapter 2 . 3/16/2017
You really had me worried about sweet little Simon. Whewwww.
kyrashta chapter 1 . 3/15/2017
To add on to that last comment the only ones I like in this chapter are Simon and T'Beth. How do you spend that much effort into seeing if your child is alive and not be at least grateful she is, despite the way you parted.
Rebootfan chapter 1 . 3/15/2017
ok this ch is a bit weird to me, but i am eager to see where it goes.

i dont like lauren very much! i did a while back but now i dont, her behavior is a bit rude.