Reviews for Lost Together
Zx chapter 10 . 8/28
Can you please update the " Ranma's pig problems ""
DianaBialaska chapter 10 . 8/13
Love this story. Ryoga and Ranko are such a cute couple in this story. I'm wondering if Ranko hasn't passed the point of no return, where the merger between Ranma and Ranko's memories and personalities will end up with a new person, but someone who is still a girl and still in love with Ryoga.

It's not like canon Ranma really have a strong connection to a gender or a sexuality. Obligated to proclaim manhood, but by actions Ranma definitely is far more fluid and flexible, not a single sign of dysphoria. While this Ranko seems pretty set in defining herself as a girl, who has fallen in love with a boy.

Really looking forward to more of this. I wonder if the Tendou will show up soonish when Ranma and Genma do not show up at the dojo?
A fan chapter 10 . 8/3
Can you please finish the story.
Oga T chapter 10 . 4/2
This was epic.
I know right now it may be hard for you guys to write, what with the pandemic and the economy in trouble, but I hope you can udpate soon.
Stay safe!
SonkaD chapter 10 . 3/15
Thanks for updating, guys! Good job as ever. I didn't expect the Seven Lucky Gods to come on stage. That, and the fact that not much decisive action happens in this chapter (more like introspection - which is good too!), and I feel this chapter is more like an interlude. Everyone seems in the waiting for the next action. So I guess there's still a long way to go, right? Have you already planned how many chapters to go? As many as possible, hopefully, even if it means we have to wait for a long time to see the end of this story.
They call me Bruce chapter 10 . 2/27
Lime and Mint are hilarious
loeschdich chapter 10 . 2/18
Oh, wow.
As far as alternate universes goes this one is in my opinion one of the very best. It's very well planned and the outcome is truly believable. There is anime-canon precedent of Ranma thinking he's a woman after going amnesiac, so this expansion of the idea is very well done, and since the Musk Dynasty and the Seven Lucky Gods appear, it's clear this is not set in the manga canon alone, but in a mix of both manga and anime.
There are plenty of good surprises here, Mousse being able to focus on what he wants to learn (the ki detection technique) that he obviously would not have been able to do if he had chased Shampoo to Japan, and how he got to spend more time with her because of the same reason. I like it very much how this was all that Shampoo needed to admit she has feelings for Mousse and to grow those feelings to; of course, Ranma's not distracting her here, so that's also a huge difference.
Lotion is an interesting character, she's similar to Cologne, but not exactly a clone, and that she's related to Mousse helps selling the character well. I like her story, and hope she gets to see Mousse again at some point.
Another divergence I enjoy is the use of the herbalist twins. Pink and Link so far have been adorable and quite funny, reading their misadventures is really entertaining.
Genma's a coin toss at the moment for me. I'm not sure what you're going to do with him, but I guess there's not much he can do as long as the Amazons keep an eye on him. I do think he's not going to like what Ranma... I mean, Ranko, is doing.
I liked the Taro arc, interesting how you combined
Your characterization of Herb and the Musk dynasty is excellent, and you're giving Mint and Lime development? Who'd have thought? Pairing them with the herbalist twins is a good idea, too. While Pink and Link aren't physically strong, they are strong in other ways, mainly knowledge, something the Musk Dynasty could benefit from.
And Herb, let me tell you Herb is my favorite antagonist in the series; he's not a 120% pure asshole like Taro, a massive jerk like Ryu Kummon or a spoiled and irreverent snob like Saffron. Herb is a real, proud and determined martial artist who is willing to kill those who are not his equal in combat; he's a dark reflection of canon Ranma, if you will, same as how Mint is the same for Mousse and Lime for Ryoga. If I remember correctly canon Herb got cursed as a result of his upcoming arranged marriage, so seeing how that plays a major (if barely mentioned) role in this story is a very enjoyable thing for me. This site needs more stories featuring the Musk trio!
Ryoga is obviously a Musk descendant, and that's well played here too. His development is great and I like ho he's growing as a character. Ranko... I have many theories about her, it is clear she is not Ranma, and even if there are traces of Ranma's personality in her behavior, she *is* a girl and is separate from the Ranma personality that is locked deep in her mind. Ranma is not going to like being trapped, I feel there will be more conflict the longer this situation continues.
Pheew! I know this was a long review but there's just so much to cover in this story!
Congratulations to the two of you, I am very happy that I found your collaboration!
Tyger Hyuga chapter 2 . 2/14
What I like about this chapter is how you introduce Chevril and how she causes all the problems that will come later, and it's really cool how this chapter is relevant again way later in chapter 10 when we learn why Herb hasn't visited Jusenkyo. I remember the first time I read this I didn't really think it would become the central plot device, I thought it would be over in a chapter or two at most because if the Musk royals got involved this quickly Ryoga and Ranko would be overpowered. I say this because one tracker was knocked out after the house fell on him and the other defeated with a combination attack; those things would not work on Mint and Lime and Herb would laugh them off.
The fight scenes are very nice, they play well on Ryoga and Ranko's abilities and you guys show they're good as a team. It establishes how strong they are at this point too, and helps sell how much they improve by the time they find Taro.
The chemistry between the two is also nice, the RyoRan bits here are solid, and coming back from chapter 10, you can see that this is a good, solid base to build upon.
I'll be waiting for the next update!
Silvy chapter 5 . 2/12
Ah... esta Ranko y Ryoga juntos son hasta un poco lindos. Pero aún así no abandonaré el Ranma x Akane mientras viva! jajajaja!
Oye, que onda con esa chica pelirroja de la capucha? Es ladrona profesional o que?
Silvy chapter 3 . 2/12
Ja, creías que no seguiría leyendo, eh? Pues no! Voy a seguir porque me intriga su historia.
Silvy chapter 2 . 2/11
Ah! Qué diablos pasa con esto? Y porqué los Musk?
Sigo sin convencerme del R/R pero bueno, al menos no es de esos fics que lo hacen de golpe.
Silvy chapter 1 . 2/11
Oye! Primer review en español en la historia!
La verdad pensaba darte guerra por lo que dice el summary, ya que yo soy Ranma/Akane hasta el final, pero el primer capítulo me ha impresionado mucho así que les daré una oportunidad.
Guest chapter 10 . 2/11
Nice chapter, and kudos for using Kiring and the other guys, nobody ever uses them anymore.
Tyger Hyuga chapter 4 . 2/12
Jajaja, ese Mousse, me gusta que esté con Shampoo en una misión.
Hay cosas buenas aquí en este fic, admito que me están ganando.
Banned account chapter 10 . 2/9
Cool story so far.
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