Reviews for One Note At A Time
PopperPaper chapter 21 . 19h
Hnnnggg but it'll be cute that satsuki like her. Though, I get what you mean by it'll be weird. Since natsuki obviously like natsumi
RWBY Fan chapter 65 . 10/9/2019
Are you gonna write the Maji Love Kingdom concert?
Guest chapter 65 . 9/27/2019
You should do a time skip and do a chapter where Ranmaru and Arya get married and actually put her in a dress!
Guest chapter 3 . 9/24/2019
Hijirikawa Masato!
Momochan77 chapter 65 . 11/16/2018
This story amazing and seriously super cute! Ary is an amazing character and I love your music and song choices!
SilverLiningBE chapter 19 . 11/6/2018
I'd like to know if Arya was named after the character in "Pretty Little Liars" :o)

Yeah, right, I am too late with my question and maybe I will find out in the interview!
SilverLiningBE chapter 11 . 11/6/2018
Pareil pour moi, beaucoup de mal au début, je n'appréciais pas Ren. Mais j'ai vraiment craqué pour lui dans la quatrième saison, lorsqu'il évoque le sérieux de ses sentiments pour Nanami, lors de son duo avec Van. Je me suis dit "mince, il n'est pas le crétin que je pensais, il est sincère".

Après ça, je l'ai regardé différemment lorsque j'ai recommencé la saison 1 et continué à visionner les autres saisons en boucle...

Pardon, tu demandes des commentaires sur ce que tu écris et je suis à nouveau hors sujet.

Je n'ai pas (encore) lu ce chapitre ni les précédents, je n'en suis qu'au second mais je m'amuse à lire tes questions et demandes à la fin de chaque chapitre, tant que j'ai une connexion internet.
SilverLiningBE chapter 6 . 11/6/2018
J'aime beaucoup Adam, la voix, l'artiste et le personnage. It really is a good song ;o)

Au risque de surprendre, je ne peux pas encadrer Aijima, c'est épidermique chez moi. La façon dont il est arrivé dans l'anime, son intégration en tant que membre de Starish, son décalage permanent (comportement, pensées), son truc avec les muses, son aspect. Et sa voix non plus, ne me plait pas...

PS: ne pas hésiter à demander une traduction de mes commentaires si ils ne font pas de sens.
SilverLiningBE chapter 3 . 11/6/2018
Hello there,

Je vais me permettre d'écrire en français puisque cela semble être ta langue maternelle (la mienne aussi). Par contre, comme tu es canadienne et moi, belge, il risque d'y avoir des mots que nous n'allons pas comprendre ;)

Je viens de découvrir, totalement par hasard, ta fanfiction. J'étais partie d'une recherche concernant les yeux de Nanami, histoire de voir si il existe une publication pouvant peut-être expliquer leur apparence non naturelle et j'ai atterri sur ce site internet. J'ai vu beaucoup de fanfictions inachevées sur la page où je me trouvais et j'ai lancé une recherche sur celles qui sont complètes, par curiosité, vraiment sans but précis. Après avoir approfondi la recherche pour en trouver qui ont plusieurs chapitres et sont proches de la taille d'un livre, tout en bas de la page se trouvait ta fanfiction...

Le bref résumé semblait intéressant. Du coup, j'ai lu le prologue puis j'ai continué avec le premier chapitre, le second, j'ai lu ta question à la fin de celui-ci et me voilà en train de t'écrire.

J'adore ton style d'écriture ! Vraiment beaucoup ! Je lis pas mal de urban fantasy, romans young adult et un peu de romance paranormale et je dois dire que tu as du talent si je compare avec les auteurs (souvent best-sellers) que j'ai pour habitude de lire.

Et Arya est une héroïne qui me semble prometteuse, forte et fragile à la fois, déjà très attachante et avec une personnalité que tu as beaucoup travaillée (ou inspirée de toi-même peut-être).

Je suis bien contente d'être tombée sur ta fanfiction dans l'univers UtaPri. Je sens que je vais me régaler héhé.

Et j'espère sincèrement que tu as/vas continuer à écrire et exploiter ton talent. Si tu publies autre chose que des fanfictions, je serais heureuse de connaitre ton nom afin de pouvoir acheter tes bouquins.

PS: pour ta question, si la réponse t'intéresse encore, mon personnage préféré est celui ayant (pour les autres) une coupe de cheveux agaçante, Masato. Ranmaru vient en second car j'ai eu un peu de mal avec les membres de Quartet Night, au début ;)
eclipsestarling1 chapter 1 . 6/8/2018
I can totally picture Ashly Burch who voiced Chloe Price from the game Life is Strange english dubbing Arya.
OTrizy chapter 3 . 5/20/2018
well seems like i am one of the few who ships Ary with Haruka. even tho they pairing is already chosen and stuff...
limegreenarcher chapter 25 . 5/19/2018
Another beautiful chapter, with a little cameo from the resident tsundere (I love this build up of small moments!). It warmed my heart when Natsuki was telling Ary why they all loved her as a sister (tho I think you left out otoyas opinion?) and she realised she'd been worrying for nothing. mmmmmmmm that's good shit.
I was a little disappointed Tokiya was replaced (yk me lol) but that's mostly cus that song is one of my favourites and Tokiya in the glasses and scarf disguise combo in that ep? kills me every time. However, I absolutely LOVED Haruka and Arys talk it was so emotional and thought out, it really conveyed the distress and confusion. and the end with the Yukatas haha of course Ary wouldn't know what they are! that was amazing
just as a side note, your incredible fic has inspired me to actually start planning my own in this fandom, as you've not only fueled my obsession, but this incredible fic and the amazing Ary has made me want to explore this world further! Your fic is definitely the best in this category, I adore it to pieces! see you in the next one!
Violin Cameos chapter 50 . 5/14/2018
Okay, I just have to say I am loving this story! I wanted to wait until I finished reading the whole thing, but I caved at chapter 50, lol. Anyway, I love Arya's character. She's a lot like my OC Viera, who you can meet on AO3 with the author Violin Cameos, in many ways personality-wise, and I think they'd get along wonderfully (though Viera would probably nag Ary for her foul language). I also love the family dynamic she and STARISH have. You're making up what's missing from the other characters' backstories wonderfully, although I'd like to point out that Reiji's friend is named Kisaragi Aine. I think according to the wiki Aine tried to commit suicide and ended up in a coma, and Ai was built to wake him up. If you wouldn't mind editing to fix that, I'd really appreciate it (it's always the little details that I pay attention to).

On a concrit note, the main thing you could improve in this story, but only if you really want to, is just the grammar. There are a bunch of mistakes that bother me, though at least they are consistent! What happens on occasion is that I end up not quite being able to figure out what you were trying to say. Other than that, you're doing an amazing job with this story. Ary's not a Mary Sue at all, and she's very realistically human. The rest of your OCs are great as well and add to the story. Keep this up, and you could probably make a career out of your writing!

Also, I'd like to point out that Ary's desire to reach others with the power of words and song really struck a chord with me, because I want to write to reach others as well. Even if it's just for my personal enjoyment, I hope others can gain something from reading it!
Crows-Love-Henry chapter 4 . 5/4/2018
I love a good fic that appreciates Haruka's character because damn that's beautiful...
limegreenarcher chapter 24 . 4/29/2018
daaaaang I'm so glad you put Arys birthday in there! I found it strange how the characters would age but there's never any mention of their birthdays, which is definitely. something STARISH wouldn't forget about! and ugh Heavens, that interaction was so tense when he grabbed Ary it made me dislike them just as much as when I first watched that scene. but the fact Ary thought of them as her protective brothers! eeeeeeeee it was amazing it made me gasp I was so happy! it's a far better relationship than all the boys pining for the same girl I'll tell you thatnow ik this is off topic but idk anyone else who watches this anime haha, but when I was watching the first episode of season 3, I could tell which character Haruka was coming across next purely by the music that was being played, even before the characters were on screen, and I was hoping I wasn't the only one who could do thatplus the fact they played slightly altered/acoustic versions of each characters season 1 song in the background of their scenes? dude that shit killed me every time I had to keep pausing and rewatching scenes cus of it! anyway now that I've ranted about utapris mastery of music I will once again say amazing chapter! loved the agreement Ary made with Raging, totally didn't expect that but she's right, she really does need to learn when to shut her mouth but at the same time that's why we love her so. see you in the next one!
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