Reviews for The Marauders, a Harry Potter Prequel
anonymous chapter 45 . 2/4/2018
I'm really liking this, I just wanted to remind you that Dumbledore doesn't know about the Room of Requirement.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/11/2016
This is a really great story. It looks like its come straight out of the series
HouseoftheBadger chapter 1 . 1/18/2016
Okay, I haven't read it yet, but I just must say that this was incredibly funny, and what are the odds? You've named Remus' mother Faith, and her canon name is Hope. What...? That's... wow. Great done. What are the odds on that?! Faith and Hope... Goodness. That's too funny.
Rosily Lupin chapter 1 . 12/29/2014
This is the best chapter I have seen that sums up the tragic backstory of our dear Remus.
Exceptional job!
Namedark knight chapter 3 . 12/21/2014
author missed out a major fact that Sirius Black was descended from very ancient wizarding family not muggles
TheTintedPetal chapter 1 . 12/16/2014
I love this already 3
rj chapter 3 . 8/30/2012
although the fluff for padfoot is good it is completely wrong and needs to be re written in the hp books it states that he runs away from home and goes to live with the potter as well as the fact there is no mention of his brothers who is of up most importance in the hp series and it is said that his mother does not die until after rab disappears
rj chapter 1 . 8/22/2012
all very good but its hard to compete or match that writing style and finesse that JKRowling has maybe read over the books a couple more times to get an idea of how she puts her word together
Guest chapter 47 . 8/19/2012
Absolutely spectacular story!
justawriter33 chapter 1 . 4/7/2011
This story. HOw the hell do you make me cry in just ONE chapter? This story is so amazing! AND IT IS ONLY THE FIRST FREAKING CHAPTER. Can't wait to read more.
tentLIPS chapter 1 . 3/13/2011
This. Is. Awesome.

Huffleclawmage chapter 17 . 11/15/2010
WHOOP WHOOP MARY SUE POLICE MARY SUE POLICE WHOOP WHOOP! Seriously Aurora is starting to sound like a Sue. There's still a possibility of salvation though!
Avi W. Lovegood chapter 3 . 6/20/2010
I am going to guess that this is AU? Because, his parent's names were Orion and Walburga. (I think, but don't quote me :) And he most certainly wasn't in an orphanage. I think he would have rather been in an orphanage. But if this is AU, then just ignore my incessant blabbering. :) This is a good story, though
xxxMishaxxx chapter 1 . 2/13/2010
This is SUCH a fantastic story. _

Even though I've read it only now, after the HP series has ended, its really as realistic as JKR would have done it, except that I really love Your James and Sirius and Frank too apart from Remus. (Couldn't much come to like James and Sirius after OOTP) . And your Remus is just so nice.. almost like I always wanted him, central to the story..(me being a fan of Remus).

I wish some things would have been more factual about Sirius, then it would have been that more fun with the Blacks and Bellatrix!(Peter's sis kinda made up tho not fully) But really, with James, and the whole Gryffindor thing, it was almost an alternative for the real HP story. The characters were so awesome... like Aurora/Alice, John Lupin, Faith, Bridget, Malcolm... all so fit in the story that its kinda hard to know that they'e just yours and not Rowling's.

The start was cool, and the school days were just too much fun, you really captured the Marauders era very well. And then the whole Voldemort time..dark dangerous times.. you built the image nicely.. Their life post school was as exciting to read about as ever...the forming of the OOTP, mention of the Weasleys, Delacours..

And the was SO good.. Starting from the marriages, the births of Harry and Neville, the corruption of Peter Pettigrew, Sirius mistrusting Remus, the Filius charm, the Avada Kedavra... Ther was a feeling of finality, knowing the whole story, in a way, until the day from where we know about 'The Boy Who Lived '..

It was one of the best fanfics I've ever read.

Thank you for this great prequel. It was very engrossing, and almost true.

Midnight Violinist chapter 21 . 8/26/2009
This is very good! You have evrything perfectly made and somehow it seems if jk herself wrote a prequel it would be like this!
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