Reviews for Time Heals all Wounds
meekobb chapter 17 . 9/7
I miss this story sooo much. Hope to see more eventually. Love ya!
shortfuse28 chapter 15 . 7/29
Original, so original...and nail biting. I do so love this story m'lady.
shortfuse28 chapter 7 . 7/29
Have I mentioned how much I love this story? Made of awesome! :-)
southernpur-rica chapter 17 . 3/28
He’s a good man and they have a good sounding board. If I’m to understand correctly, you’ve written and published a book, congratulations! You’re a wonderful and powerful writer. You truly have a gift, and I’m so happy that I’ve had the opportunity to read these stories here and on STARS. I do hope you’re able to one day get back to this story, along with the others to complete them. This story in particular is a nice little piece, that while the world is currently in quarantine throughout, it’s given me a smile. And with so much sadness right now, that is much needed. So thank you and hope to see more of this story and the others soon.
southernpur-rica chapter 16 . 3/28
Holy shit...
southernpur-rica chapter 15 . 3/28
Damn, I was really hoping she would get to see Aro again. I do love Demetri’s grandma though. I wanna know who that blasted woman Paula was!
southernpur-rica chapter 14 . 3/28
Wait, did they have wild passionate sex or not?!
southernpur-rica chapter 13 . 3/28
Hawt dayum !
southernpur-rica chapter 12 . 3/28
These two are just the cutest
southernpur-rica chapter 11 . 3/28
Glad he knocked his ass stupid
southernpur-rica chapter 10 . 3/28
Those toasts were tame, compared to mine and my husband’s, lol! But fun , so much fun! I’m kinda hoping these two get together soon though
southernpur-rica chapter 9 . 3/28
southernpur-rica chapter 8 . 3/28
I laughed so hard!
southernpur-rica chapter 7 . 3/27
Sometimes it’s as easy as breathing
southernpur-rica chapter 6 . 3/27
Spur of the moment! And she’s already making friends with the press, I bet he’ll spread the word with how nice she is.
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