Reviews for Melt With You: Vignettes
Demi clayton chapter 9 . 7/26
I think you should write more, when you can as it is really good so for, please and thank you.
Demi clayton chapter 9 . 9/9/2019
I think you should write more when you can as it is really good so for, please and thank you.
Demi clayton chapter 9 . 8/1/2019
I think you should write more when you can as it is really good so for, please and thank you.
Ronin Frost Data chapter 9 . 7/25/2019
I enjoyed the suspense in this chapter. Can't wait for the next one!
Ronin Frost Data chapter 8 . 7/25/2019
Well, North is going to have a field day having to replace ALL those ovens!
Ronin Frost Data chapter 7 . 7/25/2019
Another, wow!
Nothing wrong with how you ended this chapter! It's a good hook for a cliffhanger. :D
Ronin Frost Data chapter 6 . 7/25/2019
:O Wow!
I forgot about Krampus! I actually still need to see that movie.
Ronin Frost Data chapter 4 . 7/25/2019
This was sweet!
Thank you for putting that he rose from a Pond and not a lake! Too many people keep making the mistake or changing it because they want to, that he's from a lake, and that annoys me!
That part with the elves was funny!
Loving these one-shots!
Demi clayton chapter 9 . 7/25/2019
I think you should write more when you can as it is really good so for, please and thank you.
Ronin Frost Data chapter 2 . 7/25/2019
I want to know what they fought about.
I like this Cupid!
There needs to be more of Jack being/becoming a dad. _ :D
Ronin Frost Data chapter 1 . 7/25/2019
I will read Melt With You after this!
At the moment, this first chapter got my attention, and I love it! The gifts Jack left was so sweet it made me smile.
I have two ROTG fics up as well.
faye279 chapter 8 . 7/24/2019
Aww, these are so adorable! I read Melt With You, and these are a really cute continuation. I'm really looking forward to reading more soon!
Demi clayton chapter 8 . 4/15/2019
I think you should write more when you can as it is really so for, please and thank you.
Demi clayton chapter 8 . 1/29/2019
I think you should write more when you can as it is really good so for, yet cute and funny as well as not as funny too, but I'm ok with that. I think you should write a chapter where the reader it is being cheeky with Jack Frost yet a tease at the shame time as that whouled be really cute and funny as well as playful as well , please and thank you.
Demi clayton chapter 8 . 12/29/2018
I think you should write more when you can as it is really good so for, please and thank you.
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