Reviews for Twelfth Night: First and Last
Asterevie chapter 1 . 4/23
That was amazing! Thank you for cheering us up after watching this beautiful but depressing anime haha
SheWolfMedjai chapter 1 . 1/9
Awe that was sweet. And very true to the characters behaviors, I'd say. Please write another!
Rowena Pendragon chapter 1 . 4/5/2018
Aww, this is great! I wondered what happened that last night. It's a shame they didn't do this in the game! Glad to see this exploded :)
June Magic chapter 1 . 3/23/2018
This story was just what I needed. It was perfect. Thank you for writing and give us this wonderful piece.
Shell1331 chapter 1 . 3/14/2017
Great addition to the Twelfth Night story. Steamy yet understated in a classy way. Nicely done!
(I especially liked the "Dear gods, why did I wait so long..." - like we all felt the same way, Hijikata...)
Sabina-san chapter 1 . 3/9/2017

Whew, okay! Now that I've had a moment to chill...

Seriously though, that was beautiful. I could feel the desperation in it as they both knew it would probably be their last night together, and the lust from having held back for so long. Just so perfect emotionally. Definitely one of my favorite things you've written! Thank you!
Kuroki Orya chapter 1 . 3/9/2017
Hello! I've read this story with pleasure. Most of all I like that the romance is very logic in the context of canon. I can clearly picture the characters saying these particular words. And all the M parts are very delicate. Thank you!
Alley Cat Sunflower chapter 1 . 3/8/2017
THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL. I'm still buzzing in readerly afterglow and I wrote a three-page timed essay today, so I'm not the most articulate, but… this was gorgeous. I hesitate to say that anything is perfect, ever, but this approaches it. You had a hard act to follow with the original "Twelfth Night" story, but you matched it here. I know you're not in the habit of writing smut, but this was a *delicious* balance of tasteful and descriptive. The little glimpses of humor here and there are also priceless—"not that her focus was on the buttons" comes to mind—and I don't even know that I could pick a favorite moment. Well, well done!
DancesWithSeatbelts chapter 1 . 3/8/2017
The intimacy described was a lovely mix of heat and emotion, heightened by the mention of battle - and possible death. Nothing like danger and potential loss to make sex even more desired. *wink wink*

Loved 'It was, in all ways, a celebration and a resolution all in one.' ~ such a succinct summation of their lovemaking. It's kinda cute to imagine Chizuru being smug - and I have to hazard a guess she has said 'Yes, Hijikata-san.' many, many times!

A fun sexy read!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/8/2017
This is a sweet story. I love how you make it intimate without being too explicit. The 'Yes, Hijikata-san.' is very clever. Great job!