Reviews for Harry Potter Down Under
Spellflame chapter 44 . 6/19
Got It!
Spellflame chapter 32 . 6/19
Why is the dork lord less mean?
Spellflame chapter 12 . 6/19
It’s not that hard
Spellflame chapter 11 . 6/19
Was * his mom?
Spellflame chapter 3 . 6/19
The blue is his mom’s
Guest chapter 12 . 2/1
The voices are Lily and Voldy
TimeBlade chapter 15 . 10/12/2019
The greatest nickname for old Voldy boy is...Moldyshorts
Lix231 chapter 24 . 8/4/2019
I siriousley do not understand how Frisk and Chara can be Gender Neutral. Would it not be easier to simpley decide for a Gender? I mea Tobi made them Gender Neutral so we can decide for ourself if they Boy ore Girl. In my Case there both Girls to me
megasauruss chapter 1 . 6/2/2019
This is really amazing. Such a strong start.
astalthecrow chapter 14 . 3/18/2019
You know I thought the voice was Chara for, like, two chapters. But then as the story progressed, I then relized Harry still has that horcrux. And a part of his mother's protection...

So. By me reading the end I have one thing to say: I F-ING KNEW IT
AngelofDarkness95 chapter 42 . 2/13/2019
Cool twist...monsters biggest fear is a human
Will you be posting more on this story?
Aina Saiga chapter 4 . 11/26/2018
Hey, the Story is great so far, but a tip. Since your Frisk ist genderless you should write 'her' with the them/they pronoun. Its a kind of hard to see them as genderless when you always descrip them as 'her'.

LEW chapter 30 . 11/13/2018
“Yay, I have to deal with you the entire year.”

Let me tell you, that’s what goes through my teachers heads every time I talk to them. XD
Guest chapter 42 . 10/3/2018
When's the next one?
Guest chapter 3 . 8/21/2018
Could you clarify who's speaking and in what context?
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