Reviews for Aria's Lament
Barachiel chapter 7 . 3/10/2019
This. Oh, this. You took one of the most under-developed DLC in the franchise (not counting that stupid arena one that isn't even worthy of a name), and gave it the added depth it desperately needed. If I had any complaints, is that there needed to be more Garrus/Nyreen chats. I realize there couldn't have been too many, because the whole point is Garrus' grief and lack of closure with her. But still!

Hell, you even gave Aria some much needed depth. Not that she wasn't an interesting character, but most of that came from the air of gravitas Carrie-Ann Moss' performance lent her. It had just the perfect amount of jaded boredom and icy ruthlessness. But I digress.
ThePervyA chapter 7 . 9/7/2017
This was a pretty great pseudo-novelisation, all things considered. It actually managed to make the Omega DLC retroactively better, in the sense that I can now look back on it with some fondness, as opposed to the indifference I had previously treated it with. The plot twists you introduced really helped in this situation, so much so that this is now my head canon.

I always wondered, as I played through the Omega DLC before, why exactly Aria was going along so half-cocked. She didn't seem like the ruthless and intelligent crime lord that the previous games set her up to be, and it really didn't seem like she had any plan whatsoever. This fic of yours easily answers that nagging question that I had in the back of my mind, and for that, I thank you!

It's been a great ride. Looking forward to new chapters of The Hero Rises!
chris dee chapter 7 . 9/8/2017
This was a terrifically satisfying conclusion to the Garrus trilogy that began with Something from the Citadel. Having the occasional adventure through his eyes was an unexpected treat.
ANARCHY RULES chapter 7 . 9/5/2017
This was a great story. As much as I love your Shepard, it's always fun to spend some time with the other characters. Aria was well written and her banter with Shepard was a lot of fun but the real star of the story was Nyreen. Making a connection between her and Garrus was inspired as non romanced NPCs have little in the way of a love life. It also gives him and Aria a nice connection. I'm hoping this gets a mention if you follow cannon and put him and Tali together later on.

I also noticed that Shepard kept the board. Will my idea of him giving it to Traynor be a thing?

This was lots of fun to read and I can't wait for the next update on The Hero Rises
neogoki chapter 7 . 9/4/2017
such a great plot-reveal and incorporation of a spin-of, masterful.
why didn't Bioware hire you to write (or at least review) the ME:Andromeda Plot?
bluemarlin chapter 7 . 9/4/2017
Wonderful chapter and story. Sorry Nyreen died but I was expecting it. Looking forward to more of 'The Hero Rises'.
bluemarlin chapter 6 . 9/4/2017
Excellent chapter. LOL on Shepard finding Aria's couch.
The Incredible Muffin chapter 7 . 9/4/2017
Whoa... Aria's daughter... holy shit, I did NOT see that coming. That makes this whole thing a hell of a lot more impactful, and makes me want to see Kai Leng dead even more, something I didn't even know was possible. And then there was the loss of Nyreen. I didn't expect her to survive, but it was still really sad, especially for poor Garrus. Still, I loved the callbacks to your other stories, and just how badass Aria can be when she's royally pissed. Great job, and I can't wait for you to resume The Hero Rises!
The Incredible Muffin chapter 6 . 8/7/2017
Fantastic chapter! I felt a real rush as Talons, Aria's troops, and even pissed-off citizens attacked Cerberus alongside Shepard and company. And then that ending... aw, man, I have a bad feeling about this.
ANARCHY RULES chapter 6 . 8/7/2017
Making Nyreen Garrus' former lover was a brilliant idea. It really adds a punch to her sacrifice and will give Aria and Garrus some common ground. His guilt over his involvement with her relocation also adds weight to his character.
All in all, this was a good chapter. The action was fast paced and exciting with the character all getting moments to shine, I particularly enjoyed how you described Aria's use of the biotic whip.
Speaking of the blue Queen of Omega, is she going to get any comeuppance for attempting to force Shepard to sacrifice civilian lives last chapter? I know she doesn't in the game but that fact really bothered me. What she tried to do was so wrong and you weren't even allowed to call her out on it.
Finally, I really enjoy seeing your Shepard from a different character's perspective. It was great in The Spy Who Loved Me with Miranda and it's great here with Garrus.
Great chapter and I can't wait for the next one
Guest chapter 5 . 8/2/2017
as much as im enjoying this story i have to ask when will you be completing heroes of future past
bluemarlin chapter 5 . 7/4/2017
Awesome chapter. Excellent job writing the combat and portraying Nyreen' s fear of the adjutants. Please continue.
SgtGinger chapter 5 . 7/4/2017
I've been meaning to review these and keep forgetting, apologies. Once again, I will say that I hold these stories and writing in very high regard, and often refer to them for help in my own writing, as rare as that is nowadays. Thanks again for making this whole adventure of Shepard's a fun and interesting adventure.
The Incredible Muffin chapter 5 . 7/3/2017
Absolutely great chapter! Nyrene is seriously freaked out, and I don't blame her, those freaks are basically a zombie epidemic. I can't wait to see what happens now that things have escalated even further.
ANARCHY RULES chapter 5 . 7/3/2017
This was a really good chapter. I especially liked how you're focusing on Garrus really thinking about the implications of Aria and Nyreen's relationship.
There's a lot of good action here as well with the adjutants proving a suitable level of creep factor.
One thing I hope you do is have Shepard or Garrus think about Aria and how she wanted to throw away thousands of lives. I didn't like that in the game and was furious I didn't have the chance to call her out on it.
Good job as always and I'm looking forward to the next one
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