Reviews for Shortaki Oneshot Collection
SoMeOnEnEw8 chapter 7 . 7/16/2018
People date older or younger no matter what the law is, no one cares
Guest chapter 7 . 6/29/2018
Loved the first story! Yes, please definitely continue yoyr Age gap story. It's very promising.
Kotali chapter 7 . 3/21/2018
One of my best friends (27) just married a man (48) and it's definately difficult bearing other people's judgements, and what sucks is that they will have to continually face other people passing judgment; that won't ever not be a thing they deal with. [Sorry for the double negative?]

I admit I was dubious; I wasn't sure I wanted to read this one at first; age of consent doesn't equate to emotional maturity, of course, but since she's actually 18, I can deal.

Each of your stories that handled delicate topics were well explored and done very tastefully without betting watered down. If you did decide to write this into a longer story, I would trust your ability to do the same here, and I would read it, I'm sure.
Kotali chapter 5 . 3/20/2018
Oi, that was the right kind of creepy.
Literally made me uncomfortable.
Good damn job.
Kotali chapter 4 . 3/20/2018
AAH! So fucking cute!
24 was perfection and I'm glad you didn't take the road most traveled on 77; I immediately expected something different when I read the prompt; I'm glad I was wrong.
Kotali chapter 3 . 3/20/2018
Mm, how bittersweet.
I mean, the end is hopeful, but situations like that are hard; people like Nathan make you believe that what they do to you is out of love; that's a rough deal... and affairs are their own mess.
I appreciate that you don't shy away from ugly/uncomfortable themes.
Kotali chapter 1 . 3/20/2018
That was ridiculously cute.
I appreciate the small details you layer in; you really flesh out the stories with these poignant bits of information that paint everything together. And you do it without wordy excess.
I really like your writing, if you can't tell.
Guest chapter 7 . 2/21/2018
Ch7. This is fantastic. It's a take on their relationship that I haven't read before. It would be interesting to see how you play out how they deal with the society views and interactions with friends. I hope you continue this. 3
Guest chapter 3 . 1/23/2018
I’d love a part 2 of Nathan’s crazy sexism
Guest chapter 3 . 1/23/2018
Yay I hate men like Helga future ex
suspectreesie chapter 7 . 1/15/2018
Man this was great! I hope you do make a story out of it. I’m hooked!
PresleyRox chapter 7 . 1/15/2018
Please, please, please tell you me are going to make this into a full blown story. I think I'm already obsessed this universe. I'm itching to know more. Who was Arnold married to? Why was Helga emancipated? How will Arnold's friends react? I actually think it makes sense that Helga would be attracted to an older guy. If she's been on her own since she was 16 I don't think she'd have much in common with guys her own age. From the sounds of it they both have lived a lot of life already. I think she'd breathe life back into him and he'd give her some stability. I love the idea of Arnold being an EMT. That's just perfect. Again, I REALLY hope you continue this. If you ever need to bounce ideas off someone I'd be happy to help.
Helga G. Shortman chapter 7 . 1/15/2018
I really hope you explore this idea further. Personally I loved it. It is totally understandable why Arnold would be hesitant into getting in to a relationship with Helga. Even though it's less than ten years so really not THAT much it feels a lot larger when she is only 18. If she were in her twenties things would be different. Fingers crossed that is continued.
K.T.Waterflower chapter 7 . 1/14/2018
Fine! You can write the full story. At first I was gonna disagree and say no the topic is indeed a touchy one and in real life I would readily disapproved a relationship with a age gap of over 5 years unless it has some long history behind it. However, knowing how talented of a writer you are and this story went so far I can't wait for its full release. It's going to be nail biting, epic and so sweet practically making the readers begging to see them have a happy ending. I would like to see you flesh it out more and develop it into a story.
boxxxx69 chapter 7 . 1/13/2018
Loved it. I'd definitely read a full story based on this.
It kinda makes me want to see it the other way round too though, with Helga being the older one.
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