Reviews for The Secret Life of Castle and Beckett
Chris chapter 97 . 8/26
Glad to see u doing good. Thanks you for the new chapter it was great.
wendykw chapter 97 . 8/23
The idea of Rick writing erotic fanfiction is a surprise to me. It's certainly an unexpected way to distract Kate from the argument with Alexis. Hopefully, Rick will find out about the argument and resolve that conflict in the next chapter.
sasans chapter 97 . 8/23
Good chapter. I really would have preferred for Kate to be honest with Rick about what Alexis had said to her but it was/is your choice. Rick is definitely suspicious something is up but I don't suppose he will ask Alexis or even if he does I imagine she will not be honest with him either. So when will Kate tell him she is moving out? I'll have to wait and find out.
Jbug47 chapter 97 . 8/23
Alexis is a spoiled brat and too clingy to Rick! She needs to grow up! Looking forward to more soon I hope! I love this story!
life's a mystery chapter 97 . 8/23
great :)
Madelynn one chapter 97 . 8/23
Nice. Very nice.
dopeysac chapter 97 . 8/23
Great update! Looking forward to the next chapter. Stay safe!
TORONTOSUN chapter 97 . 8/23
Very good writing.
rina123nike chapter 97 . 8/23
Thank you for the update
SusanCastleFan49 chapter 97 . 8/23
So glad you are still writing this. Thanks for the new chapter!
theputz913 chapter 97 . 8/23
She really needs to tell him what happened and they all need to have a discussion about her living there and Rick and Kate’s relationship. Alexis needs to quit playing the spoiled brat and saying mean, hurtful things to Kate.
Caskett1963 chapter 97 . 8/23
Great to have another chapter. Continuing to enjoy this story.
Castle4Eva chapter 97 . 8/23
hmm, surprised Kate and Alexis haven't opened up to Rick about their fight yet. Love the fact that Castle writes Nikki Heat fanfiction!
iMTheStormKing chapter 8 . 8/16
I love this fic. I really enjoy that you are using the actual tv script and making your own additions to it. I enjoyed this episode when I saw it originally and that last part made me laugh again!
Chris chapter 96 . 8/8
Thank you for the chapter I love this story. You did great on this chapter keep up the good work.
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