Reviews for Kaleidoscope
Nkvmendoza chapter 40 . 7/30
You’re an incredible writer. It’s been a good while where I’ve read a book on here that’s captivated me like your stories do. I truly hope you finish this book!
Nataly29 chapter 40 . 7/26
This story is so good! I have been reading it non stop. I hope you can update soon! ;D
Guest235 chapter 40 . 7/2
This story had me gripped from the beginning. Please please update soon!
tlwatkins chapter 40 . 5/5
Omg this has been the best story ever! I cannot wait for your next chapter. This story has captured heart. I love lemons as the next person but this story line is so good keeps me on my toes on what’s gonna happen next. Great job but need more!
nzjojo chapter 40 . 4/21
I have just binge read Kaleidoscope and I'm stunned, shocked, amazed, thrilled - too many adjectives but the main one is grateful to be able to read your words. The only thing left to say is - please write more. I need to know how this ends. :)
EdwardLoverForever13 chapter 40 . 4/13
Omg this fanfic is amazing! You have had me hooked staying up until late in the morning reading it! It’s so good! I love it! And I can’t wait to read more! I can’t wait to see how this plays out and how they destroy Doc and everything!
KravO chapter 40 . 3/26
I am soooo looking forward to reading the end of this story! Please, don't give up. You are brilliant! I've read all 3 stories in a week and I want mooore :)
GUEST chapter 40 . 3/13
LOVE this story, please update soon
shehazi chapter 40 . 1/26
Yay...thank you for coming back.. I loved this opportunity/reminder to re read an incredibly good fic...I’m very excited for the rest. Take care and thank you.
Guest chapter 40 . 1/23
Self-deluded (not diluted).

I just discovered thus story a few days ago and I'm hooked. Thanks for updating.
Guest chapter 32 . 1/23
Proud of myself for calling the Edward-in-her-past thing! Woot! I normally don't catch things like that.
Guest chapter 31 . 1/23
Makes me wonder if Bella and Edward knew each other before, too.
paragod chapter 40 . 1/23
Damn, a cliffhanger. Please post soon. Loving it...
edwards-debussy chapter 40 . 1/20
Love love love this story so much! It’s amazing. Can’t wait to see how she deals with Doc.
sfspeedy chapter 40 . 1/19
Immensely grateful for the update. Dynamic and engaging as always. I’ll be here for the next one. Thank you and best wishes.
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