Reviews for Shinobi Amongst Godlings Book Two
lonewolf420 chapter 1 . 8/19
Ok I'm really curious as to how your going to play this one. After all Naruto, especially your Naruto is powerful enough to take out the Cyclops that has Grover hostage without tricking him, but if he does then in theory when the Cyclops comes back to life then his eye site will be cured and there for more dangerous to future hero's unless his dad comes and claimed him and puts him back down with the rest working in his shop. Then there are the two guarding the entrance to the sea of monsters. Again Naruto can easily kill both of them but if he does then will all the monsters in the sea of monsters then be able to get out and reak havoc on normal people in the regular ocean? Going to be very interested to see how you do it. Maybe kill all three and use a sealing aray of some type to keep the monsters in.
Dylan-A-Friend chapter 8 . 8/18
Guest chapter 8 . 8/15
Love the story, keep up the good work
Shifter chapter 8 . 8/14
Great story continue as soon as possible please along with To Be A Master since that hasn't been updated for quite a while
ShadowRealmComics chapter 8 . 8/16
Hmmm, why do I get the feeling that I am going to love what is about to take place in this story? Keep it up for I love what you have been doing.
Mbak Titin chapter 1 . 8/15
dlowe265 chapter 8 . 8/14
Fucking awesome update soon
MadManWithAHat chapter 8 . 8/14
Long time no see, thanks for the coming back with a chapter!
The Tell-Tale Man chapter 8 . 8/14
Pretty glad to see this returns from the grave, despite the chapter's a little bit shortens for a cliffhanger but nonetheless. Please keep on updating this story sooner and take care!
era-romance chapter 7 . 7/18
really wishing you would come back to this fic. your percy/naruto is amazing, and much kinder, to his nonememies anyway, that your canon percy.
ManticoreBlues chapter 1 . 6/18
the first one was really good, the second one is reaaly good so far to. although I was wondering what your update plan is as well if you know what other universes your going to have Naruto reincarnate into after he leaves Percy Jackson.?
Dbanksischillin chapter 7 . 4/6
God I wish that there was more to go around of this story. Really great and your other stories are pretty awesome as well
jackmylad 2 chapter 7 . 12/7/2019
More pls I love the story
nightfright2 chapter 7 . 10/5/2019
Good story...please update...pretty please
lara5170 chapter 7 . 7/8/2019
This is interesting and I'm looking forward to reading more
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