Reviews for Neverlands
Moonlitfaith chapter 1 . 6/6/2017
Meant to tell you months ago that I loved revisiting all these "Neverlands". It's been open as a tap on one of my browsers To remind me to review it. As I recall I couldn't bring myself to review it right away because I was still lost far away in all these new places and spaces.
Mayfly, hating the cold, offering gentle restraint to an injured waking loved one and the distance between friends all hit me hard and stayed with me. Beautifully done - as always
tmtcltb chapter 1 . 5/4/2017
Very nice glimpses into a future that might have been.
Sareki02 chapter 1 . 3/12/2017
This is such a wonderful piece, thank you! As usual, everything you write is so masterfully written. The emotion imbued into the piece was perfect - and in general one of my favorite things about your writing. I love what you did with the prompt, such a clever interpretation. I don't know if I have a favorite section, because they were all so on the mark. Maybe the 'Real Life' section? Tom thinking of his child as a mayfly...
Juddysbuddy chapter 1 . 3/9/2017
These are so wonderful and touching. You brought out things that I hadn't even thought about, but fit perfectly. Part 2 "His little mayfly" especially brought tears to my eyes; kids grow up so fast without being Ocampa. Thank you so much for sharing!
max2013 chapter 1 . 3/7/2017
Each scenario was heartbreaking in its own regards with the final one ending with contentment-thank you for sharing.
RAGAnne chapter 1 . 3/5/2017
Fascinating look at the 'could-have-beens' and 'what-ifs' in Tom's life. I was especially intrigued by the possibility of multi-verse in your last story. Admiral Janeway may have changed Voyager's future for that crew but not necessarily for the one she remembers. And I'm kind of with Tom on changing the past: yes, it's possible you could make some things better for some people but you could also make some things worse. It would be terrifying to give up the good things I have just to try and change a bad thing that happened in my past. Great work!
Orphanedacct474 chapter 1 . 3/5/2017
Gah! The Timeless section! It kills me! I am utterly amazed at how much feeling you can evoke in what was maybe 50 or 60 words.

This is such a great exploration of all those timelines - I love self-loathing Non Sequiter Tom Paris. His last desperate moments in the Year of Hell timeline! And while Before and After has its fair share of weaknesses as an episode, this was such a touching vignette. The last bit is so wonderful as well - "Would you change anything?" You wonder what the answer would be if they knew all the options.

Also - some interesting allusions to how the 24th century economy works!

So well done! Thank you!
Photogirl1890 chapter 1 . 3/5/2017
'Non Sequitur' Tom and his three ghosts is probably my favourite this set but it's a hard decision to make given the strengths of sections 2-5. More 'Non Sequitur' Tom please. I'll even read and enjoy more 'Before and After' Tom/Kes if it's like this and I generally hate that episode.
Tom Paris prison poetry - yeah, that should definitely be a thing. The YoH section ties in beautifully with the episode - and leads in beautifully to the 'Timeless' section, which is my second favourite.

So much wonderful angst and, as I mentioned before, I probably should sob rather than smile my way through reading it given the content - but it's so good!

Great choice to explore all these timelines rather than limiting yourself to just one.
Bon chapter 1 . 3/5/2017
I liked your story.
CrlkSeasons chapter 1 . 3/4/2017
Oh my. The ghosts of ephemeral realities are disturbing companions. But so rich, so beautiful.