Reviews for You Lose
gabelou1991 chapter 1 . 8/31/2017
Intéressent Intéressent mérite une suite.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/20/2017
Good story.
Wud love to get a follow up on Slade side of the story
The Cancer Man chapter 1 . 3/8/2017
I am out to get you, little one...
melicitysmoak chapter 1 . 3/7/2017
This is so painful to read, a bitter pill to swallow. (sigh)
I'm just so disappointed these past days, I've somehow decided to boycott writing for a while. I'm choosing to enjoy my birthday and celebrate it with family for the last three days.
risinhero14 chapter 1 . 3/5/2017
I think the witers want oliver to be portrayed in a negative light. I mean dont you think this is all working out too well for prometheus? I wouldnt be surprised if he set everything up to make those closest to oliver leave. anyhow nice story and i feel likthis isnt that far from hat may happen in canon. One things for sure though... this season is a blast compared to Sason 4. I actually am interested in watching because there are real stakes at hand and not just felicity's love life at hand
Ol4fr chapter 1 . 3/5/2017
I'm starting to think that the show writers want us to start rooting for Prometheus. That's how far Oliver has fallen this season. He has been an ass to the people closest to him and only seems to care about what's happening to other people when it directly impacts him.

Has he once asked Felicity how she is feeling after killing her boyfriend? He has done little to show he cares one way or the other. He ignored Felicity's advice to wait and plan before facing off with Black Siren - wasting a perfect opportunity to capture Prometheus because his 'redemption' was more important than stopping a serial killer. Seriously? This is how he acted only a short time after murdering Felicity's boyfriend?

Has he spent more than 5 minutes with Thea all season without making her feel either stupid/ like crap? When Susan ran the story earlier in the season painting Oliver as a crap mayor Oliver was more pissed at Thea than he was at Susan for running the story. Thea makes an impulsive decision to protect her brother from a reporter who is investigating him and Oliver is more pissed at Thea for protecting him than he is at Susan for continuing to investigate him while sleeping with him.

And he ignored the advice of several people and starting dating her anyway - Quentin, Felicity, Thea, Chase. Who exactly is he listening to this season? Because someone really needs to start making his decisions for him. He' clearly unable to make good decisions himself.

Sorry for the rant! Good story - I used to be an Olicity fan but I don't want them together anymore. Felicity deserves so much better. Maybe Prometheus will do everyone a favour and end this 'Susan/ Oliver' crap-fest
julieann.l.wilson chapter 1 . 3/4/2017
Please continue, very interesting
Guest chapter 1 . 3/4/2017
Yeah, what they all said
Guest chapter 1 . 3/4/2017
Yeah oliver deserves all of what happened to him in this story. ..
pity they will paint him the pretty boy hero in the end like always...
I wish to Felicity and Thea would go away and leave him and his stupidity
Freya Romanoff chapter 1 . 3/4/2017
This is really good! Tell me it will be continued
Guest chapter 1 . 3/4/2017
Haha. Yeah, this was sati sing simply because Oliver is an asshole this season and deserves all the pain.
ClausXD chapter 1 . 3/4/2017
I loved it! 3