Reviews for Skip-Paradox
Guest chapter 19 . 7/30
I'm not sure if you will see this, since it's bee 3 years since thia story was posted, but I just wanted to say this was one of the most unique stories I have read and I loved every minute of it. Thank you for sharing
claraowl chapter 19 . 3/9
DAMN, that was awesome!
bloomnskyrules chapter 18 . 4/4/2019
I love this story but I just wanted to know, what is the name of that American model who was Kuon’s ex? You used several different names for her throughout this fic - Heidi, Milli, Nelly, Billie...what is her name?
bowlfullofcherries chapter 4 . 11/10/2018
So freakin adorable. So so great. What a lovely idea. And the execution is stellar. If this story was a meal I’d kiss my fingers with a loud ‘mwah!’
dreamerkins chapter 1 . 7/31/2018
this is so completely adorable, and well written (as well as incredibly sexy). love it!
The7Strange chapter 19 . 7/26/2018
Very cute story. I found every chapter increasingly enjoyable. Thank you so much for sharing. :)
palmtreehead chapter 19 . 7/23/2018
Interesting tale, have to admit I liked the lemons and though it was kind of weird to have a confident Kyouko it’s nice to think Kuon could help her become that sure of herself. Thanks for sharing
Hairy Friend chapter 13 . 5/11/2018
They are sooo sweet, all four of them! It really feels right.
Hairy Friend chapter 12 . 5/11/2018
Their interaction is just becoming better and better! :D 'It's important that I remain a virgin' - 'Forever?' LOL And past Kyoko finally summoned the courage to come to their bedroom, hooray!
Hairy Friend chapter 11 . 5/11/2018
This must have been the most funny conversation I've read considering the circumstances. Kyoko's ramblings are completely logical from reader's point of view, but from Kuon's? Poor guy, he must have almost gone crazy himself! His internal reactions are just too cute, he's keeping up extremely well on the outside, and his trust in Kyoko is infinite. He really took it to heart and never raised the topic again for all seven years! Amazing couple.
And the video past-Kyoko watched was incredibly hot. And she's even inspired by them! No 'too much too soon' here, and I love it.
Hairy Friend chapter 10 . 5/11/2018
Sho's redemption was kind of unexpected, but completely logical! I do not see how he could become better in the actual manga considering all events, but in your story you made it possible, and it's wonderful. The message really got to him in the end.
Hairy Friend chapter 9 . 5/11/2018
Oh Lory, you are a real trickster in this story :) No wonder Nakamura-sensei named you her favorite character in this manga! :D I just now realized that it was past-Kyoko watching those videos that must have prompted her to suggest to film them in the first place (and mask it as some kind of acting exercise, no less!) It's just too hilarious, I wonder how she even brought it up, and what was Kuon's initial reaction (I know he wouldn't mind, but to hear his Kyoko suggesting they make a home-video? Oh my god!)
monkey kix ass chapter 19 . 5/4/2018
lol, that would be interesting too to have kuon also experience a skip. wonder how he would do things. anyways, really enjoyed reading your story. really entertaining. thanks for sharing your work.
Hairy Friend chapter 4 . 4/28/2018
Press conference was full of surprises, I think we never really saw past Kyoko's reaction to watching it? I wonder how long it took to find the courage to watch it!
Oh, the dynamic between past Kuon and future Kyoko is simply hilarious, pour Kuon (and blessed too!), how would you be able to endure the whole week like that? Luckily you won't need to! :D
Past Kyoko is keeping up pretty well, considering the circumstances (she doesn't even know yet that she'll come back eventually!) And Kuon, of course, is the best.
Hairy Friend chapter 3 . 4/28/2018
Oh, I was always wondering how that BJ coming out will work out! I really like your version of it too :) As for the second part - perfect! Adorable and hilarious at the same time, and simply perfect!
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