Reviews for Total Drama: Pomewin Island
Guest chapter 7 . 9/6
I want a update
Stan herc chapter 7 . 9/16/2019
0/10 needs more pandas
Kurisu Tanoshidesu chapter 1 . 3/8/2019
I was introduced to this fanfic through TV Tropes' recommendations of Total Drama fanfics, and let's just say this was an interesting read in my opinion, but I can't help but tell you that I'm not a fan of the contestants getting killed as being eliminated, personally, that feels like something a badly written Total Drama Creepypasta would do, and is done in extremely bad taste (Did it really have to be in the "SAW" category? Why couldn't it just be a simple gunshot?). and while I'm kinda on board for a darker season, I agree with Chris here, it's going WAY TOO FAR. Other aspects I'm not a fan of is Chris' wife in general, along with the two other OC's, all of them feel very one-dimensional and have no other aspects that want me to be invested in them other than "corrupt corporate execs". Also not a fan of everyone being kidnapped outside of their own will. A true way to add darker elements is to do so without going into mindless gore territory, add a more dark atmosphere through character interactions and the true inner workings of the show. While the twist of contestants getting killed was a good twist, it only works the first time. Now that we have a whopping 53 characters left in the season, I have the feeling it's gonna become formulaic and the eliminations are gonna be predictable. True horror isn't gore for the sake of gore, it's giving a sense of dread and despair for the reader. Now you might not take my review seriously, but I think if you at least give a happy ending to it all and give the corrupt corporate execs their comeuppance, then I can at least render some of my gripes mute.
KTitTriumph-23 chapter 3 . 10/13/2018
Down with Critics United!

They are the cancer to our society.

The root of heresy needs to be burnt to crisp

with over thousand innocent souls without remorse or guilt thereafter.

No sacrifice is too great and no treachery too small.

Remember, we all are walking under the immortal shadow of Him.

His light shines so brightly, it will guide us to our foreseen destiny that is in our grasp.

A great moment we all should not pass.

If you are on the same page, cp this message.

Now onto the actual review:
"Simple", Cassandra bluntly spoke, "We're going to back to square one.""Square one?", Ejiri questioned, "Is that a good idea? All-Stars went back to Square One!""Though", Thomas said, "An underwater season would be interesting.""Though that is an idea", Cassandra admitted as she continued, "That is not what I'm proposing. As you all know, I am running in the Prime Minister elections this year, and I am every much expecting a clean victory.""So we're doing an election season?""No.", Cassandra gave Chris a cold scowl that made him shudder in response to his sudden speaking, "We're going to do what Total Drama was originally intended to do.", Ejiri and Thomas nodded, they clearly knew from the start what Cassandra was talking about, while the likes of Chris and Chef were more than confused. Cassandra seemed to see this on their faces when she turned to them, and with a seemingly kind smile this time, she said to them: "Do not worry about it, you two. You will understand once you are done with the first episode. Your job is to find us an island. Preferably one as isolated from the coastline as possible. We will handle everything else.""Alright...but, I got a weird feeling about this", was Chef's response to that."I know you do. But it's only because you don't know what we have planned. Don't worry. You just focus on finding the perfect setting for us, and we'll supply the contestants. In the meantime, I have an election to win aswell. Once I have won, this season will begin.""Why is that important?", Chef asked, "Why would you need to be P.M. just for this season to happen?""Once more", Cassandra reiterated, "You both will learn the answer to everything in due time. You two just go and find the island for us to use in this season, and I will handle all of the other arrangements.""That's it?", Chef spoke back, "You called me at 3 in the morning for a meeting and that's all I'm needed for?""Yes", Cassandra was less friendly in tone now, "We just needed you two to know about your latest job. Me, Ejiri and Thomas need to discuss the rest of this season amongst ourselves. It's going to be, simply put, the most important season of the series thus far. Therefore, I would suggest you two not bother responding to me and just go out and do as I say already. Do I make myself clear?""Yes Ma'am!", both Chris and Chef said that in unison with each other, supplying Cassandra with a salute. She then pointed directly to the door of the room, and the two wasted no time in doing as she said in marching out of the door and back out into the hallway which preceded it. Once the door closed, they could only vaguely hear what Cassandra, Ejiri and Thomas were talking about behind it. The two continued on to begin walking down the hallway back towards the stairs as they of course, began discussing what they had just taken part of with intense curiosity:"What was that all about?", Chris asked first, breaking the brief silence, "They always let us on in on the full plans for the seasons!""This must be something big. They wouldn't be so secretive otherwise.""Yeah, you're tellin' me. What I'm wondering though dude, is how are we gonna find the island?""We could just bring Wawanakwa back up from the ocean!""No no no", Chris failed to understand he was joking and took Chef seriously, "We need to find a new island. Do you think we can use Pahkitew Island again?""No", Chef replied, "The current P.M. had to close it off due to complaints from the citizens worried about a robot take over after watching an episode of some cartoon about a bunch of underwater talking animals.""Oh, yeah, right", Chris was clearly annoyed, "Then where are we gonna take the Total Drama Island train to this time?""Well", Chef then took out a map of Canada which he had in his pockets, it was in-depth enough to actually lay out every single solitary individual island in both Canada and Alaska, "We could use that island out in B.C. that makes Wawanakwa look like your old cottage.""No no no", Chris wasted little time in saying back, "Remember, that one's reserved for the final season of the show!""Well", and then Chef scanned the map again to look for other potential locations as the two were now walking down the stairs into the front room of the manor, "How about some place in Alaska?""I dunno, we've never done an island season outside of Canada before.""But, we've done a season outside of Canada before. Even if we came back.""True, but, I'd have to run it through Cassandra first. Besides, those islands might be too small or something. I think we need something in either the West Coast or the East Coast, or even in the Hudson, that fits the quota Cassandra set for us.""Hmm...well, she wants it far from the coast", and as Chef took his next look at the map they were by then walking out of the front door and towards Chris' luxury car, "I got it!""You do?", Chris had just opened the door to his car, "What is it?""They call it", and as they stepped into the car and Chef still held the map, Chef built up a level of suspense up to the point in which both were seated in the car and he finally revealed the name of the island as: "Pomewin Island.""Pomewin Island?", Chris raised a brow as he started his car to begin driving back the way he came, "What's that mean?""It's Cree for Despair.""Oh...I like it. It's fitting, considering what we do to these kids on a regular basis.""Exactly."Once that word was spoken, the two co-hosts shared a laugh together as Chris drove off with Chef, most likely to locate the island, scope it out, and set up shop there - so to speak. As they did so, Cassandra watched them from above, the windows of the meeting room overlooking the front yard of the manor thus giving her a view of her husband and his trusty sidekick leaving the manor off to find the island. A smirk on her face grew as she turned back to Ejiri and Thomas, who had pulled out a blackboard so that they could put down all of the contestants planned to be involved in the season. With her smirk still upon her face, Cassandra looked directly at the blackboard. On it were code-names for all the contestants to be involved in the upcoming season, what they had picked were the 'perfect' ones to be brought back. All of it written in white coloured chalk, Cassandra examined all of the contestants carefully, her smirk turning into something more of a grin as she mentally repeated all of the labels they had went over:GeekPunkQueenStalkerSpaniardClonesEye CandyGuitaristIdiotIdiot's FriendDumb JockC.I. GirlShort TemperParty BoySurfer GirlSnarkerDweebBunny LoverPsycho H. F-kHairsprayMPDDirtBlandGreenhornJocketteSha-noyingBubble BoyChatterboxSilentHippieClean FreakGymnastZombiesGiantessWannabeSuperior TwinInferior TwinBoo BooSoundboxWizardCountryVikingCynicStepbrothersHatersDreamerVampiresChild"So", Thomas broke the moment of silence once he was certain Cassandra had finished looking over all of the names, "Are you sure that is all of the ones we need?""Yes", Cassandra commented, "I'm positive that our experiment will run the best with this selection of our little rats", she then chuckled at her own analogy, "Soon we will know which one of them will be...perfect.""Well then", Misato then spoke up, "How are we going to go about bringing all of these kids to us? I don't expect them to just willingly agree to sign up for another season no matter how much we bribe or coax them.""True, but I've already thought of that", Cassandra then put her hands together and continued her series of devilish smirks, "They will have no choice but to participate.""But", Misato pined, "The contracts.""We won't need the contracts", Cassandra clarified, "Not by the time I'm in control of the season. Once Hale gets over his cold I'll tell him that he can be the one to oversee the conscription.", she was of course speaking of a fourth member of the Producers to the show, one which was unable to show up for the meeting this time around, "Once he has them all ready and I'm elected, we're good to go.""How long will that all take?", Thomas pined, raising an eyebrow.,"All but a few months", Cassandra assured him, "Do not fret, perfection takes time. In due time, everything will be going according to plan."It is unfortunate how right Cassandra was in that regard. Indeed, the whole thing seemed to happen so quickly. It was very easy for the government to lend the underpopulated island out to Chris and Chef due to being, plain and simple, an unpopulated island that had no real natural resources on it for the Pre-Cassandra government to care about. Speaking of which, Cassandra was successful in the election for Prime Minister. She was able to easily gain support of the people through a mix of foreign donations into the 'McLean Foundation' for bribes, and her liberal views and values - even though most of it being very possibly a façade - was able to sway the hearts and minds of the Canadian people into voting her to office. The Monarch and Governor-General of Canada also had no qualms against her rise to power, with the mainstream media giving her unprecedented support against her opponents, though the details surrounding her rise to power are better left told somewhere else. The point is, she rose to power, and once she had that power she was able to get the RCMP to ignore the missing person reports from the various parents of the latest season's contestants when they awoke the next morning to find either their children missing from their rooms, or never pick up any of their calls to their homes depending on the living all of them, it was a situation of 'like it or not', for the true face of Total Drama was going to show itself regardless of how they felt about their was not going to be a pretty face to look at.

Change the format
ultron emperor chapter 7 . 9/27/2018
Cody is the best !
Shade chapter 7 . 8/6/2018
Wow... Just Wow, this is really good and dark story. You probably decided on the ending of this story but could you please at least let one or two people survive this nightmarish island like Gwen and Courtney.
Guest chapter 7 . 7/28/2018
Hey there! So happy you have a new chapter out.
Please message me more information about the co-writer gig because I'm interested.
Your story has really had an affect on me, so much so that my own TD fan story Total Drama Action Stars Island Tour has been influenced by it.
As far as losing motivation. I've felt that too. Honestly I suggest reading some good TD fanfics to bring back the love!

Okay onto feedback. Really strong beggining and ending but the middle had a bit too much bickering for my tastes (though I understand why).
I really love how you portray the characters and give them unconventional reactions at times to keep things interesting.
In particular I enjoyed Leonard and Ella's dialogue.
The only problem I felt in this chapter was the narrator saying that there wasn't a spy in the group. This lessens the suspense and takes us away from feeling like the cast.
As always great attention to detail and great suspense.
Can't wait for the next one. :3
Your fan forever Alexander McCarty

Oh a few little comments too.
I was pleasantly surprised to hear Owen talk about vegan cheese and really felt a connection to Dawn and her distaste for them talking about animal flesh.
You also mentioned the movie Battle Royale. I'm actually going to have a BR challenge (not with actual killing of course) later on in my series. :3. I highly recommend the manga, there is a also a book. My point being that the movie is actually a really bad portrayal of the series and that you'd likely get ideas from the book or manga. Both are translated and should be on amazon.

Thanks again!
Nicky Haugh chapter 7 . 7/28/2018
Nice one mate!
Lyds1866 chapter 6 . 6/11/2018
i love thus story! im kinda scared and excited to see what happens when Heather or Alejandro die and especially if Crimson or Ennui die. i kinda want to know how the goths will react to being separated like that and watch the other die.
Concerned Fan chapter 6 . 4/8/2018
I just wanted to say that this is one of the best stories that you have written. I only hope that not all the characters will be killed. I have to say that maybe there is a redemption angle you could try with Alejandro and Dave. Anyway, keep up the good work.
Ms. Sleepy Clover chapter 6 . 2/25/2018
Nice, so now Gwen has become MORE of a whiny bitch.

Yes Duncan is nowhere innocent in the problem, but shes the one who took him away from Courtney AND shes the one who was obsessed with getting to Courtney AND to Blame Duncan for her mess up?

Im really hoping Gwen dies early.
ProtectorOfRabbits chapter 2 . 2/24/2018
Over 50 competitors? No teams? Old rivalries? I love this season already.
Professer Fish chapter 1 . 2/23/2018
Can we get another chapter of this? I love this story.
CDreadsStoryBUM chapter 3 . 2/17/2018
Everyone hates Sky AND Dave... interesting.
I love all the team's.
The way you portray some characters, especially Duncan, is great!
Although, Mike and Zoey seem a bit too reliant on each other.
And what a brutal elimination... I love it!
CDreadsStoryBUM chapter 2 . 2/17/2018
This is actually amazing!
I like that Chris doesn't even know what's going on with it all.
Each character is written amazingly and I love that you''re using their past relationships and interactions here.
I do find that their constant arguing is quite annoying, but it is called Total DRAMA for a reason.
Looking forwards to the next chapter.
Once again, I love it!
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