Reviews for Two Steps Back and One to the Right
Aria Dragoncrest chapter 3 . 10/23/2017
Great start. I hope you continue
Seruphenthalys chapter 3 . 9/22/2017
ples write moar. moar... moar! MOAR! Liebe
uhohspaghettiooos chapter 3 . 7/20/2017
This is such an awesome idea and you articulate it so well! I think you write so convincingly and I can't wait to see where this will go. Thanks for sharing it :)
Asj Johnson chapter 3 . 5/2/2017
This is a nice fic. And I think it'll be fun to see how things will go with little Harry and Hermione. Nice job on the story so far, by the way.
hm... also, I wonder if that one robin is either a real bird that just happened to fly in among the ones of the spell, or is being kept around by a mix of both Harrys' magic. But, it'd be nice if Hegwig's re-bought and bonds with both Harrys or something.
Princesakarlita411 chapter 3 . 3/25/2017
Aww . So older harry wants young Harry to befriend Hermione
Marvelgeek42 chapter 3 . 3/23/2017
You know, I wanted to hold off reading this so that I could write a proper review and now I can't find the words...
But I like it! Very much so!
ObsessedWithHPFanFic chapter 3 . 3/20/2017
Good that Hadrian is setting up his fake life to cover any investigation. Thanks for sharing!
ObsessedWithHPFanFic chapter 2 . 3/20/2017
Fun chapter and great that the two have made a home somewhat. Thanks for sharing!
ObsessedWithHPFanFic chapter 1 . 3/20/2017
Great first chapter and I like the story about who Hadrian is in relation to Petunia. Thanks for sharing!
Cadid423 chapter 3 . 3/19/2017
I was so excited to see this update! I can't wait to read about Hadrian getting to know the Grangers and Harry becoming friends with Hermione.
Arnie1701 chapter 3 . 3/19/2017
Great three chapters! Who knows? Maybe Harry and Hermione will become more then friends, hehe. Looking forward to seeing Dumbles' reaction if he learns Harry is no longer with the Dursleys, LOL.
Dee chapter 2 . 3/4/2017
I adore this! It's absolutely brilliant, and I really hope you continue it. I'll look out for a next chapter! Seriously, this is epic. Thanks for uploading.
Anne chapter 2 . 3/1/2017
A very sweet story.
Marvelgeek42 chapter 1 . 2/26/2017
I love it! (Psst: I haven't even started the story yet, but it's not gonna change, because a) I love your writing and b) I love this kind of story.)
And I was entirely correct in my original assessment! There were a lot of details I enjoyed—like Harry, or rather Hadrian, choosing not to hate the people on the street. Something like this takes a lot and feels very Harry.
I also like how you portrayed Petunia (and the vague comments about the residents). I think they were very much in character.
I'm certainly looking forward to more (but write the other stuff first), because this has the potential to change so many things for the better. Kudos!
Raven of the Shadows chapter 1 . 2/25/2017
Honestly, I'm a sucker for fics which project young Harry's life exactly it was like. Not overly abused, but abused nonetheless, and certainly not taken care of. And I think you did a great work with that.
The groundwork you laid in this chapter is great, and I have a feeling that what is going to come will be doubly great. I loved the way you characterised both Harry's, and the way you subtly compared the responses and characters of ickle Harrikens and Hadrian without going too much into it. Petunia's words and personality were spot-on, and the whole thing came across as really well-thought of.
There were a few wayward commas but nothing which threw me off the fic-flow.
I don't usually follow in-progress MCs, but I believe I'll be looking forward to the next chapter of this one.

Happy writing! :)
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