Reviews for Less Than Nothing
Mirrors Cracked And Broken chapter 11 . 3/12
he's naturally an asshole, then.
One-eyed Spider chapter 13 . 2/25
I love how Homura acts. Seen so much, been through so much, just to protect Madoka. And now has to a slave to Organization XIII. Can’t wait for her to get back at them.
AkemiTheSunbro chapter 7 . 1/14

Letting the ugly crying commence.
Guest chapter 13 . 10/1/2019
Homura is such a bitch. I actually hope she attempts to attack Xemnas just so Xemnas will make her suffer.
makoheroes chapter 13 . 9/11/2019
Ok wow Homura is complete heartless bitch here. She does realize that magical girls are supposed to be emotionless liches without souls right. Everything she said to Roxas. Just as easily applies to her.

Honestly I actually want to see Homura suffer with how she's treating Roxas.
UnholyDiver chapter 13 . 9/7/2019
So nice to see another chapter! Noncanonical though it may be, I like the idea you’ve come up with regarding these darkness ‘storms’ that TWTNW experiences. Also, you did a really good job of capturing how off-putting it must be for the Puella Magi to watch a Nobody actually emote, even if it’s only Roxas’ weird little half-nascent “What is this thing I’m feeling, and also what is a feeling”.

Keep up the great work!
Hadiz chapter 13 . 9/4/2019
Thanks for Updating. I really appreciate these kind of stories. It's both sad yet really interesting. Roxas is really a special case for the Puella in the Castle. Unlike the other 12.

Roxas doesn't have any memories of Sora to Associate any of these 'feelings'. No I think experiences fit better. Even if he was carrying a bit off Ven. He's still a Nobody.

Other than the sharp will to simply Exist. He really doesn't get emotions. So unlike everyone else his own development is strongly influenced by those around him. It's honestly interesting to see how this Train Moves. Whether it's going to crash or not. The morbid curiosity really. Will he finally connect the dots that Nobodies can develop a Heart?

But still. Homu being Homu can't really blame too much considering circumstances. But being too Jaded to care about the others but Madoka. In a KH story will be her own failing.
angeldude chapter 13 . 9/1/2019
Homu appears out of nowhere with lunch, says a cryptic message, then vanishes without a trace as quickly as she appeared. Classic Homu.

Cerise, all of you may have been torn away from your friends, but most of you have made new ones. Homura has only ever had one true friend, and wasn't just torn from her, but she's watched her die over, and over, and over again. After everything she's been through, Madoka is the only reason for Homura's life, and if Homura can't protect Madoka, they're both as good as dead.
wolfdude16 chapter 13 . 9/1/2019
Poor, poor Roxas, like a newborn child learning how to feel empathy. Then we have Homura, who has seen way too much and may very well be forgetting how to feel empathy. They're certainly a contrasting pair, that's for sure.

Little does Roxas know that it was HIM that eliminated his own comrade! Chain of Memories Sora was a savage beast with no regard for human life. Namine REALLY messed him up.

Meanwhile, Rapunzal as a Puella Magi magical girl isn't something I ever expected to see in my life, but much like the concept of Organization XIII employing teenage girls to fight monsters, it makes more sense than it has any right to. Though now I'm just wondering what it would be like if Kyubay got his bunny ears on any of the other Disney Princesses (I mean, we've already screwed canon, so why not?). I feel like Elsa in particular would be pretty OP, seeing as how her ice magic is already super powerful as it is. I was actually kinda sad we didn't end up having a boss fight with HER in KH3...

I have no idea how much of KH3 will be incorporated into this story, but I'm going to be supremely suspicious of every scene Xigbar is in now regardless. Seriously, we thought HOMURA has seen her fair share over the years...

I think those are all my thoughts on this chapter. Keep up the good work!
DPSS chapter 13 . 8/31/2019
And suddenly, Homura became my least favourite character.
Ph0enix17 chapter 13 . 8/31/2019
Annnnd my sympathy for homura starts to dwindle.
angeldude chapter 6 . 8/21/2019
"What's fairy tale in one world is often reality in another... I bet somewhere out there, there's even a story about you."

Somewhere in the back of her mind, Homura swears she hears:
"Kawashita yakusoku wasurenai yo
Me o toji tashikameru
Oshiyoseta yami furiharatte susumu yo"
but it fades as quickly as it came and she forgets it ever happened. :P
Ctl0ver777 chapter 12 . 3/25/2019
As much as I love this story (and trust me, its one of my favorites so far) I'm a bit nerves of the timing in the crossover.

What I mean by this is the is; in KH Days, the story stretches through almost a year, where in Madoka Magica, its only a few weeks climaxing to the arrival of Walpurgisnacht with the exemption of the Rebellion film which takes place after the main series. (Which will likely not happen here because Madoka wont become the "Law of Cycles" in this timeline for the simple reason that she will still be ignorant of the "Terrible Truth" of the Puella Magi and there for, wont use her wish to save them).

Unless you plan on letting Walpurgisnacht destroy Mitakihara City and just droping Madoka and Sayaka from the story, the only way I think they can stay reverent in the story is for Sayaka's wish to be the same in canon and Madoka's wish to save the city (or any other wish you can think of, its your choice) and afterword have them both indoctrinated in the Organization, continuing from the KH Days stroyline.

But other then that keep up the good work, I really do love this story.
Ctl0ver777 chapter 11 . 3/19/2019
If Walpurgisnacht is still here, is she too strong for the Organization to handle? Or are they just ignoring her?

If its the latter then why?
Ultimate Black Ace chapter 12 . 3/13/2019
Safe to say, I don’t see much further interaction between Homura and Roxas for a while. Being around her is unpleasant for him, so Roxas will probably avoid her. Homura hates Roxas and I get the impression that she distrusts and holds him in contempt to the point that it won’t even occur to her to manipulate him. Much less have more benign contact.

And so, Xion begins to form her identity! Similar to Roxas, I’m looking forward to seeing how the Puella Magi might change her own development, whether they speed it up or move it in a new direction.

And so Mami teaches Roxas the subtle art of hiding things from your boss. While it seems like Mami has closed the possibility of Roxas bringing Puella Magi to the clock tower, which I imagine Axel wouldn’t like when he returns, I think that this has possibly started a change in Roxas’s reputation among Puella Magi, depending on what Mami shares to the others. He, like most of the Organization, has likely been seen as distant, not helped by his lack of socialization and especially not by Ito, whether she Witched out or not. Mami is at least now more aware of Roxas’s actual personality.

As always, enjoyed the chapter.
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