Reviews for One more chance
Snowball07 chapter 23 . 7/23
Hope you get back to writing it. This and all your other stories are really good and I hope you see them to the end. Waiting for the revised version :)
rudetection chapter 23 . 6/8
I'm just writing in support of this story. In my opinion, it is one of the most well-done stories around here, and the one I'd like to see continued the most out of all I follow. I'll definitely stick with it, and will be interested in reading both the revision and the continuation.
Good luck!
Crazy Girl Writer chapter 23 . 5/3
I do hope you continue writing this story. It has a nice twist to it that I haven't seen in time travel before. Its given me ideas for my own fics. If I end up writing something similar I will be sure to mention this story. I have one started thats a time travel souls story but your story especially the horocrux being the cause of the dursleys hatred and dudley being magical are awesome.
Olivia Kirkland chapter 23 . 4/25
Yeah I love this story and I’m very interested in it
Bianca di' Angelo1 chapter 23 . 4/25
I’m still reading it and look forward to where it could go!
it’s an excellent story
Raichu Obscur chapter 23 . 4/25
Absolutely still wanting to see more of this ! I know a lot of people are in it for the Harry/Ginny, I'm myself am a sucker for stories involving the repair od Harry and Dudley's family relationship, and think there are too des stories doing it well :)
triggbc chapter 23 . 4/25
As long as it's Harry/Ginny story, i'm still interesting in reading it.
Makimashi Misao F.D.S.S.L.A chapter 22 . 4/20
Hi, I know that There have been a long time since your last update, but I have read this fic over and over again through the years I'm still in love with it, even if I'm more a Drinny's fan ( don't judge me) I have always hold hope for you to ever continue this amazing fic... but it seems an empty hope at the end.
Even uncompleted I have to say that it is an amazing fic.
Thanks for sharing.
Sageofchaos chapter 22 . 5/5/2019
hope to read more.
HPandPJO4ever chapter 22 . 4/21/2019
This is really good! I can't wait for the next chapter!
xxxLeanniexxx chapter 22 . 2/24/2019
A nice Vernon and Petunia is very odd!
Olivia Kirkland chapter 22 . 2/14/2019
yeah still here and love the story
triggbc chapter 21 . 1/26/2019
Hope you didn't abandoned this story. Looking forward to read nore of it.
Claude Amelia Song chapter 21 . 10/21/2018
I am eben more in love. Looking forward to what you have plotted next rags! Just please don't say you've given up.
Claude Amelia Song chapter 3 . 10/21/2018
rags, this story idea is absolutely awesome. Brilliant. I could cry of how much I love it. Please never give up it is so brilliant!
Thank you do this.
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