Reviews for Too Close
Guest chapter 1 . 9/5/2018
feels... :)
Ardoa88 chapter 1 . 10/1/2017
Please tell me there's a part 2 brewing somewhere! This was really good! Amazingly well written, characters in point, and you captured the mood perfectly!
hengrimm chapter 1 . 8/27/2017
This was so beautiful, so heartfelt I was teary-eyed; it was a needed and welcome sequel to the episode itself, adding what the series can't or won't. Thank you so much for sharing!
SayLo chapter 1 . 3/18/2017
Beautiful and fufilling
Elektra Elentari chapter 1 . 3/10/2017
I just watched that episode (I know, I'm a disgrace to the fandom) and I was literally thinking, 'Cas needs a hug'. So thanks a billion for writing this :)
Spoocky chapter 1 . 2/28/2017
I really loved how you resumed the heavy feels from this episode in such delicate way. Mary's motherly affection and the boy's brotherly one are described in detail but without exaggerating them.
Well done! Very well done!
shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod chapter 1 . 2/26/2017
You added an incredible coda to an incredible episode, and I loved reading it :)
SammyGirlForLife chapter 1 . 2/25/2017
So sweet. I love it. This a really beautiful story.
mckydstarlight chapter 1 . 2/20/2017
I noticed the hobbit thing! Can we just talk about that episode though! Omg I though I was going to die! It about killed me.
Shandrial chapter 1 . 2/20/2017
Is is bad that the first thing I thought of after I watched this episode, besides the whole oh my god the feels, was that I hoped you'd write a story about it? lol Seriously. Because, omg, the feels! This kind of family bonding and sticking together is what should have happened in season 6. I felt like a squealing fangirl. Sheesh. The one part that stuck out to me that I loved, was at the end when Mary was like, "I almost lost one of my boys." Her character just won a piece of my heart with that one line. And then I wanted to slap her the next moment for having the one weapon on her that could have killed that demon right out lol.
pajasekacka chapter 1 . 2/20/2017
OUUU! That was what I need it. This episode was great! I love it, I love everything. Richard did a great job. And you delivered a great extension to us. This hug was what was missing.
And Ramiel was cool. The calm and on top of things Villains are the scariest.

I will be glad if you wrote something else inspired by this episode. Bag of slash stories are ripped out, so it would need a bit of to cope numbers. Nothing against tastes, but sometimes a person feels in the minority here. he he :D :D
e-pony chapter 1 . 2/19/2017
A satisfying tie-up to a really good episode. These characters have all been through so much together that it's great to see them finally admit how close they've all become.

I'm not one of the Mary-hating crowd, but it is hard to see her making the same mistakes that have caused so much trouble for her sons and Cas. I'm glad you don't condemn her here, but you still separate her from some of the action. If SPN decides to keep her around, they will have to have her eventually settle in and find her place.

Hugs to you, Aini, for giving your readers more family hugs than the show ever gives us.

Loreley chapter 1 . 2/19/2017
I was hoping there would be a few codas for 12x12 and yours is easily my favourite so far. The episode itself was incredible. It's a bit worrying that one of them has to be on death's doorstep before they finally admit what they mean to each other but what else could you expect from this family?
I liked that you imply a kind of distance between Mary and the boys, e.g. when she drives the truck. It's probably not going to be pretty when TWF finds out that Mary is working with the British douches and is indirectly responsible for nearly getting Cas killed and putting Sam and Dean in grave danger as well - not to forget the unlucky Wally.
29Pieces chapter 1 . 2/19/2017
:') The hug, omg. I adored the episode but I really was hoping for a hug, so thank you so much for letting me see one! :) The feels! When Cas said he loved them, I just died! Seriously, season 4 Cas would have never dreamed where he would end up... And Cas, come on, they would NEVER just leave you to die there alone :( So much heartbreak, so much awesome. Thanks for this tag!
LadyWallace chapter 1 . 2/19/2017
This was a lovely coda for the episode :) I think you portrayed them all very accurately in their reactions. I especially liked your insight into Cas and how he was almost ashamed to admit he didn't want them to leave, but that he's finally accepting it's okay and that family doesn't leave when you need them most (of course, as you know, it's not like he had any good examples of that before meeting the Winchesters, and even then…) But anyway, yay family feels for TFW :) FINALLY. And I too needed at least one hug ;)

And no I didn't notice Mary's contact name, but that is hilarious LOL :P
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