Reviews for All the Dead Lie Down
PunctuationPoint chapter 22 . 8/15/2019
Well shit, ForeseeObstacles is alive, and I can't be happier. It's really been a minute since the last chapter, huh? Nevertheless, it's good to see you back! And, with a really dope chapter :D God, where to begin with this one?

Having Lilly around makes for some definite awesome moments; I really enjoyed her additions to the truck scene at the beginning, showing how her and Kenny still don't see eye-to-eye (obviously), and how she tries to tell Amelia not to pull out the IV in a backhanded insult-compliment-thingymajig kinda way. Nick's development is super interesting too, interested to see where he's gonna go from here.

Then the crew arrive at Howe's, only for Amelia to get separated and hauled off by Nate. Definitely found myself worrying about what was being planned here, and after totally forgetting about the fact that Carver now knew about Amelia's immunity, seeing everyone brought together by the truck and the following walker bite was a huge 'what the fuck' moment, and I loved it. This whole scene onward is really great, to be honest.

Then we get to Amelia and Lilly being locked up in the truck together. Super cool dialogue here, and it's interesting to see how their dynamic plays out in complete isolation from everyone else, including the fact that, well, y'know, Amelia is bitten and stuff. Sorta puts a wrench into making amends, aye? xD Still, cool scenes, and I enjoyed the details of how Amelia takes the hatchet, and Lilly takes it back in her sleep. No trust, smh.

And Amelia avoided eating AK-47 ammunition, thank God. I hear those give you indigestion.

To sum up, fantastic chapter, a few minor punctuation errors here and there, but didn't detract from the overall experience. I'll keep harping about this in every review, but your stream-of-thoughts method of writing is still super sick, and is why you're easily on the top of my favorite writers list. Keep doing what you're doing.

OH, and reading this finally got me out of my writing slump to write some more of my new project, so thanks a million for that :D Not a lot of good TWD content to get inspiration from anymore, so it's always nice when an author I like posts. Helps get the creative juices flowin'.
thedaikaijumorph chapter 22 . 8/14/2019
Glad to see this story still going!

Can’t wait to see what happens next!
emaegx chapter 22 . 8/14/2019
you have no idea how happy i was when i saw the notification update ! I’m so happy you’ve updatedThank you for putting so much effort and imagination into your stories ! First off, I loveeee the showdown between Nick and Kenny, especially when he stood up to Kenny for Amelia’s sake. I love how the others called him out for his shit being put on Clem and Amelia. Carver making Amelia get bit ! such an intense and cool ass idea, for a second I thought she would probably turn from it, I also liked how Lily had her back against Troy from when she woke up. I cannot wait to see the denial and look on Carvers face when she proves him wrong, as well as the looks from Nick and ClemPleaseee update soon can’t wait for the next chapter
thedaikaijumorph chapter 18 . 4/30/2019
Holy f**k f**king f**kity f**k, this was quite a chapter! I barely even know where to begin!

To start, Lilly’s comeback caught me off guard. It was written in such a way (one that actually tricked me quite a bit) that I didn’t see it coming at all. And that fight that ensued?

That battle put Clem and Lilly’s final fight in “Broken Toys” to shame! And it had to be broken up by both Kenny’s group AND the cabin survivors!

Speaking of Kenny- holy shit did his character get to shine in a new light in this one! While he still retains his stubborn, somewhat self-righteous nature, this chapter saw him develop in a way only the BEST writers can write. Just when I thought this chapter would foreshadow the bitter, broken liability he becomes in Season 2, suddenly he up and has a genuine, VERY well-written conversation with Amelia where he compares the mistakes he and Lilly made, and how he openly ADMITS his faults in the part he played of turning Lilly into who she is, and that if he could find redemption, why not her too?

THIS is unique, original, and truly interesting. Instead of completely focusing on Lilly as a force of pure evil with little to no interesting aspects, as many fans (and, unfortunately, the fourth game) make her out to be, this story shows something entirely different. And the fact that it’s KENNY of all people who’s trying to give her a shot at redemption is saying something!

Plus, the reasons for him thinking in such a way are written realistically and and feel believable. I’m super intrigued to see where this goes!

Before I depart, I’m gonna drop a little something. Not a criticism of this story, mind you, but simply a criticism of the game itself.

Wellington is a real place. And it’s not in Michigan. It’s a large village in Ohio.

Which does raise a question: if so many people told Clem and Amelia it’s in f**king WISCONSIN... ... many people exist out there that haven’t done any research?

... ... ...maybe the human race DID go nearly extinct because of utter stupidity!

Nevertheless, it’s 5:00 this morning and the sun is on the rise. Goodnight, sleep tight, don’t let the walkers bite, and remember:


Do that shit! It ain’t useless in the apocalypse like everyone says it is!
thedaikaijumorph chapter 10 . 4/22/2019
Finished reading Chapters 6-10.

First, something to clarify - I’ve always been upset at how fast certain characters in Season 2 died. As much as I love that game, I think that was one of its major flaws that really left me feeling underwhelmed. And Pete was one of the biggest examples of that.

But after reading the tenth chapter, I’m left feeling quite the opposite.

Not to mention, I will say that you are REALLY good at writing suspense! Even though I’ve played the game, I had no clue whether or not Nick survived after he took his stand against the zombies to allow Amelia an opening to escape! The way it was written when they go searching for him had my nerves shaking a bit, and then when it turned out that not only was he alive, but Pete as well, I could finally breathe again.

But then that whole process repeated itself during Pete’s surgery, so haha.

Another great bit that caught me by surprise was the reveal of Hilda. When it was first mentioned as belonging to an ‘Old Friend’, and I remembered that it was specifically a climbing axe, I immediately raised my eyebrows at the thought of it being Hilda-and then I was proven to be correct, which only meant one thing.


Now THERE’S someone I can’t wait to see!

Then there’s Pete. I love the development we got from him in the game, but it was cut too short. I’m glad that he made it out alive this time (at least for now), so I can’t wait to see where his story continues to go.

The last little bit I wanna touch on is Amelia’s scar that she “can’t explain.” Reading that sequence and just the sudden reveal of it without giving away the cause gave me a feeling of dread not at all unlike seeing Daryl and Michonne’s scars in AMC’s The Walking Dead, so I’m anxious to see that story be told. And given how many different thoughts directed maliciously towards herself are running through Amelia’s head, I wonder if that has something to do with it.

I’ve read halfway through the story, so I should keep going if I wanna catch up with everyone else who has read it and not fall behind!

Now, to read these so called ‘fluff’ chapters...

Well, it’s five o’ clock this morning and the sun is on the rise. Goodnight, sleep tight, don’t let the walkers bite, and remember: if you’re seeing or hearing things running through your head... ... ...

Who you gonna call?
thedaikaijumorph chapter 5 . 4/21/2019
Finished reading the first five chapters. I feel very lucky to have stumbled upon this story, because so far I’m completely immersed in it! Too bad I never discovered this story sooner!

I’ve only just started this story and already I’m loving Amelia as a character. While I am a little bummed that it appears Lee isn’t part of this story (although I’ve only just read five chapters, so who am I to judge?), I think Amelia fills his spot perfectly. While having some similarities to her younger sister, she’s also different enough to separate her from Clementine. She’s been through equally hard experiences, but ones that sound far different than what Clem has so far undergone.

Another thing that gets my eyebrows raised high is the fact that she apparently took Lee’s place in getting bitten at the end of the events that in this story are equivalent to “Around Every Corner”-only that she was bitten on the ribs instead of her arm, and that she SURVIVED. I’m both really anxious to see how that story is gonna play out AND a little jealous of Amelia...because she survived while a certain character that I love from the TV show didn’t.

That’s right AMC, I’m looking right at you!

Moving aside from that...Amelia’s interactions with the Cabin Survivors are, in my opinion, the most interesting bit, probably because she’s a completely new character that wasn’t present in the game and she’s interacting with a scene I know so well from the game, making all this seem more fresh and new. While it was one thing to see them meet Clementine as a lone, solitary little girl who just lost her surrogate guardians [Omid and Christa], it’s quite another here to read them meeting her first, and then seeing her older, badass sister make her entrance.

And at the worst, most guilty-looking time, too! She finds Clem in the shed (and we still get the classic line of Still Not Bitten), and the moment she does, I actually found myself internally recoiling a bit. The way that moment was written is so well, I could FEEL Luke’s little moment of fear, knowing how badly he just screwed up.

And Amelia isn’t taking any shit from anyone! My favorite scene is where she notices Rebecca picking at Clementine, and just immediately those protective instincts kick into gear and she enters the room, literally putting herself between her sister and Rebecca. I may like Rebecca as a character, but this scene from the game always made my blood boil and to see it repeat itself only this time for Clem to have an older guardian figure stepping in to defend and support her is heartwarming and provides a “F**K YEAH!” Moment for Amelia. And the part where Rebecca backs away after Amelia comes in just solidifies the glory.

Just by merely being there, Amelia’s making everything loud and clear for the older woman: DO NOT TOUCH MY SISTER. She may not be a mom, but Amelia isn’t any worse: she has every requirement to be a reliable and effective guardian for Clementine to look up to. She’s every bit a mama bear as Michonne is to Judith in the TV show.

I’m loving this story and I’m looking forward to continuing to read it. I can’t wait to see where it leads and how differently certain things might play out in this alternative universe.

Well it’s 5:00 this morning and the sun is on the rise. Goodnight, sleep tight, don’t let the walkers bite, and remember:

Why did the zombie cross the road?

Because he was a jaywalker.


*crickets chirping*
PunctuationPoint chapter 21 . 11/27/2018
I may be sick as fuck, running on 10 hours of restless sleep over the past 48 hours, and awake at a time I really shouldn’t be, but seeing this pop into my inbox at 3 AM was more than worth the agony I’m in.

Based on the title of the chapter, I had a feeling we’d be seeing our good friend Nate show up, and I’m low-key excited to see how his dynamic with Amelia begins. His reaction to Amelia basically giggling like a madman made me realize just how similar the characters are at this point in time, both clinging onto sanity by a thread (though Amelia is the only one with the potential to gain it back, after she gets reunited with Clementine). I can almost imagine his face dropping from his crazy smile to a pissed off frown in an instant when Amy threatened him with the gun. You really got his character down to a tee here.

Also, while on the subject of this first scene, I really liked the similes and imagery you’ve painted here. The line about being fragile like a grenade without a pin rather than flowers or glass really stuck out to me, and I loved it.

This next scene had a lot of similarities with the conversation Nate and Russell had, though with an Amelia twist. The bit where Nate stops the truck and Amelia kills the walker brutally was feckin’ cool. I bet Nate knows she’s not all bark now, eh?

Damn, Amelia’s all about threatening Nate whenever she gets the chance to xD

Then our boy Nate saves her life, and she can barely muster the courage to say ‘thank you’. Even early on, she has a problem with that xD Not to mention that a couple scenes later, she steals his truck. Oof, no wonder Nate’s careful with her in the future.

Alright, long story short since I’m barely operating as is and my reviewing skills have declined because of it: this was an excellent read, and a nice break from the storyline unfolding in the main plotline. It’s cool to see how Amelia and Nate met and the way their dynamic first took shape, and seeing how that effected their dynamic in the present day. I’m still a huge fan of the way you structure your writing, like how a lot of the paragraphs tend to end with a dash, really makes the whole thing feel like it’s playing out in real-time and Amelia’s thoughts are bouncing from one thing to another as they’re happening. As always, I look forward to the next chapter!
BHBrowne chapter 20 . 9/3/2018
Whenever I read your writing, it’s a journey. Emotions and feelings that I didn’t realise I could feel come to the surface, and it’s all thanks to your renditions of a motley crew of survivors trying to make do in a world that has gone wrong. Over the last twenty chapters, we’ve had so much growth and gone on a fantastic journey, and to know we’re only two episodes in is something that fills me with joy.

A House Divided is one of the best episodes in The Walking Dead, in my opinion, because of the complicated relationships that are brought to the surface and the razor sharp tension that runs throughout the story. You can feel the electricity in the air as Carver storms the cabin, the discomfort between Nick and Amelia when they first arrived, the fury in Amelia’s heart and soul as she was reunited with Lilly. And it’s this raw emotion that is poured into this story, the feelings and thoughts and ideas that you lovingly craft and hone and tweak, that make it such a treat to read.

Despite being a story that follows the canon story with the addition of one character - that is to say, a story we see a dime-a-dozen of - All The Dead Lie Down sets itself apart from every other story of this ilk by having a character who goes beyond being a single personality. So many stories insert the ‘selfless brave guy’, the ‘clumsy awkward guy’, and the ‘sarcastic wise-ass’, and it’s the fact that Amelia is simultaneously all of these things yet none of these things specifically that makes her so special. She’s not just a cliche, or a tabula rasa, she is an intricate and believable character with motivations to be the way she is.

She’s one of my favourite characters in The Walking Dead.

Because she is genuinely a person that you can understand. A character you root for for reasons beyond ‘they’re the protagonist’. You want her to succeed, because she’s not spouting one liners every five seconds. She’s not always making good decisions, or even respectable ones. And she’s not just some buffoon. She is a character that would fit seamlessly into the games, and one that the game sorely needs. As a hero, as a character, as a person. You half want to hold her close and tell her it will all be okay, and you half want to keep her at arm’s length because she’s a bit like a stick of dynamite. She’s bright and exciting to witness, but she’s dangerous. I know for a fact that I love her, and I want her to have a happy ending. I eagerly await every chapter, just to find out what will happen next. Who she’ll meet, how she’ll handle that, what her story will be. It’s her interactions with characters like Nick, Clementine and Luke that make this story so readable and endearing.

What I’m trying to get at is that, before I even talk about this chapter, this story and the characters mean so much to me. You’ve taken a concept - OC added to the canon cast, how do they get along? - and made something magical. Amelia and her story trump anything anyone else has written in this genre - hell, in this entire fandom! It’s a testament to writing, to fanfiction, and to write a character that reads like a living, breathing, person.

All The Dead Lie Down, despite only being two episodes into its run, is beautiful. It is heartfelt, and inspiring, and genuine, and written with so much energy and heart it’s infectious. It makes me want to start creating, and I’m sure it makes almost everyone who reads it want to do something to share in the fantastic feelings you get when you read this story. Characters and events are convincing, they are genuine, and they are everything I want to read in a story. If this level of quality keeps up, then episodes four and five are sure to be simply wonderful.

Before I continue, I need to thank you. For being such a wonderful writer. It is so refreshing to see a story that is written with genuine care and planning behind it. It’s not just thrown together, you take care to make every sentence as special as you can, and the characters do so much more than just push the plot forward. You are a blessing for this fandom, and I am delighted to count you as a friend. Thank you, for this and for everything.

This chapter, at over thirteen thousand (!) words long, is the perfect way to end an episode with a bang. From the exhilarating opening, to the beautiful ending line, you kept me absolutely spellbound. Which is something I don’t get from other stories, which I would drop in and out of as my concentration and interest wanes. You kept me reading as if my life depends on it, even though the events are ultimately fictitious. The emotions I feel reading these characters is something that is truly special, and it is a credit to you as a writer that you can make me care so much about the cast - even moreso that you can make me love an OC as if they were always in the story. That is something I have never had happen, at any point.

And, despite Pete dying in episode one of the game, I was still devastated to see him die here. Because you gave him a chance to have an effect, you pulled him further into the story, and you wrote him as if you were born to do it. The same goes for Walter, albeit his lifespan did not extend past the games, but you still wrote him convincingly and with true emotion behind him. His life in the story was short, but you added in so much with him - I remember fondly his talk with Amelia when Lilly was reintroduced - that made him mean a lot more to me than he did in the game. Which is something that isn’t to be sniffed at, as so many stories have characters repeat their lines from the canon ad nauseum and add little to it beyond “add OC into the mix”. Which I mentioned before. You surpass this, and prove to everyone how it should be done, with your story.

One of my favourite things in your stories is the use of previous quotes to show how Amelia is thinking and feeling, without having to say “she felt miserable” or “she felt sad”. You choose to subvert ‘show don’t tell’, too, by using various previous scenes from the games to illustrate and add to Amelia’s character. I especially loved this in the scene where Troy smashed Amelia in the head with his rifle. What made me even happier was that you referenced Katjaa, too, with ‘it’s here or nothing’, as she gets forgotten a LOT in canon and in most every fanfiction. But, you keep me amazed by referencing her of all people too. The lack of capitals, to me, illustrates the lack of clarity of Amelia’s thoughts. She’s about to fall unconscious and all she can remember are the words and vague voices, not inflections and where sentences began or ended. It’s techniques like these that make your story so unique to read.

I also appreciate the immunity finally getting revealed to the whole group, and thinking about how it will affect things has me hugely excited. That whole segment, with Amelia trying to think of a happy memory which isn’t overshadowed by something darker, is simply amazing. I felt a lump in my throat, and I can’t help but feel in awe of how many emotions you crammed into so few words. The revelation of Amelia’s immunity is so special, as something that has been hinted at and teased so many times, and I am glad that you revealed it in such an electric situation. Really, my heart is so grateful for all the stress I was feeling on Amelia’s behalf.

I don’t want to keep this review going for too long, so I will tail it off here by saying:

Thank you, from me and from everyone who likes this story, for putting so much effort into such a beautifully crafted story. You’re putting on a show on how to write a story, and everyone else writing fanfiction should take notes from this story. You’ve raised the bar so much, I don’t know if it can ever be topped, but I do know that I will be waiting with bated breath for the next chapter. Thank you, from me, for being a great friend and for spending so much time talking to me about this story. I cannot wait for what happens next, and for all the ideas that’ll fly around. That, and In Harm’s Way is exciting to me for my own reasons.

Thank you, Foresee. And I can’t wait for chapter twenty one.
Guest chapter 20 . 9/3/2018
This is so good oh my god, can’t wait for the next update I’m loving this story and the latest chapter was so intense!
PunctuationPoint chapter 20 . 9/2/2018
Oh my god. This chapter. Holy fuck.


Okay, recompose.

We start the chapter with Amelia being metaphorically dragged back to the lodge, with Nate being his usual unpredictable self, and the beginnings of Bonnie’s gradual shift in attitude towards the group she’s taking hostage, starting with Amelia.

Once again, I have to commend you on how well you write Amelia throughout this chapter and every previous chapter till now. She’s complex, beyond the complexity of most OCs you see these days, and I truly appreciate her character for that. For giving me a character to enjoy reading that *isn’t* a canon.

Then we get back to the lodge, and shit goes fucking bonkers, and I fucking love it. I was almost convinced that you were going to kill Carver in this scene and have some new, alternate plotline that’ll lead us through the rest of the story and found myself cursing when Troy finally ended Amelia’s valiant efforts to kill Carver.

Also, RIP Walter and Pete. Walter, we hardly knew ye, but Pete… my boy Pete… I’m gonna miss you buddy /3

Lilly and Amelia’s interactions in this chapter were also hella cool, seeing them getting along, if just barely, under the guise of having to work together to get out of the shit situation they’re in. I look forward to seeing where their relationship goes in future chapters, ‘cause it’s already hella complex.

Then when all seems lost, Clementine drops the motherfucking Tsar Bomb on this bitch. Amelia’s immunity is out, and the whole game has fucking changed. All hands, red alert, the motherfuckin’ tension in the air is gonna suffocate us all!

Alright, before my review degrades into memes, let’s get into the issues I picked up on through the chapter, which was mainly just simple grammar stuff x) There were a few misspellings here and there, but they hardly detract from the overall experience. Worst offender I found was that the paragraph ‘Carver fixated on Carlos, pulling him out of the lineup with a rough hand under one arm. Amelia knew the choice wasn’t random. She didn’t know the story behind it and didn’t need to. She knew what a personal grudge looked like.’ got repeated after the first one. We also didn’t really get to see the Walter/Matthew thing get carried out, but due to the fact that this story focuses solely on Amelia’s POV, it’s another thing that doesn’t detract from the story too much.

But nevertheless, this was such an epic fucking chapter that I can’t help but love it. It very much felt that it earned the episode finale that it was and built on what we already saw in the game in a wonderful way. I rate it a solid nine out of ten hellas.
smeake chapter 20 . 9/2/2018
I can't believe Amelia couldn't kill him right then and there. That would've been an awesome plot twist. I've loved the story so far & it's a real shame Pete died
Guest chapter 19 . 8/20/2018
This is so amazing! I’ve just read all of this today. Loving Amelia, and her relationship with Clem, loving how you portray all the characters so accurately.

Just wondering, when do you think you’ll be posting the. Next chapter? I’m really looking forward to it, and hope it’s not too long of a wait. I could read this over and over again, honestly, never once getting bored.
BHBrowne chapter 19 . 8/20/2018
Thank you very much for updating this so soon, I loved it to pieces. I think that you're an awesome writer and I can't express that enough to you, because this story is my favourite to read in the whole world/fandom/universe and I mean that in the truest sense of the words. But, I need to get this review a little longer because this would be SUPREMELY UNDERWHELMING, so with that thank you said and done - and seriously, THANK YOU, because the passion and care and creativity you invest into this work is so inspiring - I'm gonna do review stuff now. Otters hella yes.

I loved, right off the bat, the conversation between Nick and Amelia, and the 'peace offering' he brought in the form of a beer. Even if it was ... LUKEWARM. Bad joke, bad me, but I did like how you continue to develop Nick from a tritagonist to a character I genuinely root for. I am a bit nervous that, seeing as Clementine and Luke both opted to tell him to hide the truth about killing Matthew, he's going to get hurt by Walter in some way - like the game - but I also really hope that you love him as much as I now do and will keep him alive plskthx muchos gracias fren. I always rave about this story to people, about how it made me completely change my opinion on Nick - especially the idea of him imitating Luke, considering his hysterical impression of Carlos in the games - and then Clementine joined in and tore Amelia a new arsehole and that whole scene was so wholesome. Especially with Amelia resting her legs on Nick's lap. Genuinely, my heart melted.

I really digged how Lilly corrected Kenny to say 'women'. I dunno why it makes me laugh, I just love the idea of her still picking him up on all his shit. Considering how often she did that in season one, with most everything they argued about, I love how old habits die hard. Another thing I really really digged about this scene is how it interwove with a flashback of a conversation they'd had earlier - the line "Can we at least just ignore each other in peace?" was so in character it made me laugh, because Lilly is nothing if not a bit fiery in arguments. "Suddenly I'm a goddamn Nazi", "All I want is a week of not hearing it", "You know what, if you think handing out rations is so easy, then YOU do it", and the whole Ben situation in S1E3 are testament to that. I'm really loving the way you write Lilly, as someone who likes her character and wants to write her some time, because you make her human without removing her antagonistic traits. She's far from a decent person, much like everyone, and your story goes to great lengths to show that almost everyone in the apocalypse has their flaws that make them as shitty as the next person. Much very good, yay!

I also really liked Clementine's reaction to getting rid of the knife. Rather than just hiding it, she has to dispose of it completely. It's that all-or-nothing mentality a lot of children have, that it's either 'destroy the evidence' or 'leave it out', that makes Clementine so endearing in this story. She goes from adorable badass to young little sister who wants to do the right thing, and it's such a believable transition whenever it occurs that you barely notice it when it happens, because she's still the same character with the same adorable quirks and motives that make Clementine so special. That was a really long sentence, wow. But your rendition of Clementine makes me all giddy, because she's so compelling and adorable and convincing, and you just want to hug her. Especially after her struggling to explain herself, and then the absolutely heartbreaking lines:

"You're worried about what'll happen to Nick."

"I'm worried about ... what'll happen to you if something happens to Nick."

I'm worried as to why Clementine thinks Amelia would hate her, and my heart jumped into my mouth when I read her plummet. While I knew in the back of my mind she had to be okay - she's friggin' Clementine! - it was scary to read her go through such an experience. I think, maybe, Clementine told Luke about Amelia being immune to the walker bite - as that's what she keeps compelling Amelia to do - but I don't know for sure. It'd make sense with the "I don't want you not to trust me", before she fell. I just want them to be okay why do you make me so anxious Foresee ;-;

And then you made me EVEN MORE ANXIOUS by introducing Carver and his crew, and having friggin' NATE with them! I gasped so loudly, I swear to God, I must've sounded like an idiot. Then I made a bunch of gibbering noises, like "oh shit" "clem pls" and "you better not hurt any of them", but mostly I was just so so happy to see him again. He's such a fun character to read, and seeing his reaction to Amelia - and hers to him - was a real treat to be sure. I simply cannot WAIT for what happens next.

Sorry this review's a bit shorter than usual, I'm an ickle bit sick, but thank you so so so so so much for continuing to write this story. You're the pinnacle of a writer who invests care and love into their work, and it shows in how every word is so carefully chosen. The plot is terrifyingly tense, and the fact you're remaining close to the canon while still branching off in your own fascinating way, and it makes this entire story a true diamond in the rough. A precious gem that's received enough love to become one of the most valuable things in this fandom.

Please keep writing. You're an inspiration to me, and I'm sure to countless others, and it fills me with joy to read this story and to be friends with you. Thank you :)
PunctuationPoint chapter 19 . 8/20/2018
And so the day has arrived, and I can sum it up in about three words: holy fucking shit.

Amelia, Nick, and Clem sharing impressions of others in the group. Lilly continuing to make her presence known despite Amelia clearly wanting her to be buried six feet under. A secret that cleverly got delayed by Clementine’s sudden fall off the hill (which got my going ‘holy shit’ when it happened, was quite enjoyable to read Amelia’s thought process while falling down the hill). MOTHERFUCKING NATE making a comeback and bringing in that famous Amy line you said would come up eventually. And finally, Carver’s back in town.

Fuck, I want more. Right now. I fucking loved this from start to finish, and I can’t wait to see how things turn out in Part II. Just imagining characters like Lilly, Pete, and Nate being involved at Howe’s has my head spinning in anticipation.

Nate’s interactions with Amelia were pretty hilarious, with how much he obviously knows Amelia and how she operates. Too bad Troy didn’t take that to heart, poor bastard xD

The way you handled the knife situation was also pretty cool, differentiating itself from the original game enough to have me curious as to how it’s going to get handled in the coming chapter, given I’m sure Amelia still has the knife on her (for now). Some drama’s about to go down, and I cannot wait!

If Carver doesn’t fuck up the Lodge first. *evil laugh*
thesameoldfearsx chapter 18 . 8/1/2018
Really love this! I really like Amelia, and how you've written her in to not just seem like Lee's replacement but as her own character (if I'm making any sense). Anyway, looking forward to the next update :).
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