Reviews for A Puck in Me is a Friend Indeed
VizeerLord chapter 5 . 2/22
Puck me
KidMidas chapter 5 . 7/23/2019
great story so far and i cant wait for more!
R3D4K73D chapter 5 . 5/25/2019
So, i might be thinking reading between the lines a little too much, but since willow has become a gargoyle, does she no longer need sleep? i'd figure that experiencing the change from human to gargoyle or vice versa while asleep would be something that would be ill conducive to STAYING asleep.
WildlyLaughing chapter 5 . 5/24/2019
I'm seriously wondering who those two people are that make even Aurors afraid.
The Richmaster chapter 5 . 2/23/2019
Well, that is really interesting way to meet your fellow Slayer and I'm curious to see what kind of effect the wizards have on this situation
Byakugan789 chapter 5 . 2/17/2019
It should be noted that "basic control exercises" from the third season also included telekinesis, Telepathy and turning ice into fire and fire into ice. Willow tells us how this one is very bad on ones bed sheets.

Telekinesis is very good for catching arrows. Bullets would be a bit advanced I suppose.

As for Puck about some classics?

Tiny spirit of fire and light,
Find the ones I seek tonight.

Armored warriors who would stay
Upon the winds of yesterday,
You have discharged your promise bold,
So sleep you now; Grow still; Grow cold!

I lumped telekinesis in with levitation. mmk.

No fae around tech? What is this? Dresden files? Side note, iron is supposed to heat up in contact with magic alongside weakening its effects. Steel otoh, reflects magic. Not sure why, honestly, but a steel sword buried point first in the ground is supposed to reflect spells. Maybe its the carbon bonding? Because cold steel has too much carbon, weakening the metal.

I dont suppose the ambushers at the end are the Rosenburgs? That their constant 'academic conferences' are a cover for more intersting work in the magical community?

Also, man this crossover is getting cluttered.
Harry2 chapter 5 . 2/13/2019
Well, we have double trouble on the scene. First off, we have a second Slayer on the scene. Kendra is council raise, Council trained. In other words, she is exactly what the Council thinks a Slayer should be. Which is WHY she will fail in Sunnydale! She is too rigid in her thinking! The second problem is Auror Picquery, which means The Ministry from the UK is getting in on this as well. Nothing like double trouble to mess things up on the Hellmouth.
superpierce chapter 5 . 2/13/2019
Great chapter.
RHatch89 chapter 5 . 2/13/2019
Awesome update :)
Kminari chapter 5 . 2/13/2019
Why Xander is not wearing gloves (reinforced would be excellent) to avoid touching the metal that can hurt him, unless that type of gloves causes problems to use magic (there must be some metal that helps with magic), I do not know why he is not using something similar.
sirensoundwave chapter 4 . 2/9/2019
I just luv The Puck! The idea of the Zeppo with his powers is awesome. OMG update!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/8/2018
What makes you think that the whole plan was the Captain of Wyvern Castle's guard's idea; it could just as easily been Demona's, and the Captain was her collaborator?
Byakugan789 chapter 4 . 8/18/2018
EH, I just hope you choose a different set of assassins for the next one. Buffy would actually do VERY WELL as a police officer. Take the night shift in a demon town and she can close cases with a high success rate that drives her up the ranks and paygrades while doing exactly what she'd be doing /anyways/.
I rather liked your alter-job for Xander this time too. Bodyguard would have suited his cannon character quite well. He's always putting himself in harms way and taking the proverbial bullet for Buffy and Willow, despite acting like a cowardly joker more often than not. Frankly, combined with his soldier halloween I'm baffled why that wants the original suggestion, other than the whole series was an effort to shit on male characters.
RHatch89 chapter 4 . 8/11/2018
Great update :)
Harry2 chapter 4 . 8/11/2018
I wonder just how Xander's training will help out with the Teraka assassins. That will be a interesting challenge indeed.
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