Reviews for Something Special for Someone Special
OffsetEvergreen chapter 5 . 5/5/2018
Omg you...this is amazing. Honestly this so good. Any possibilities of a sequel with a wedding and kids?
Astral Dragon Spirit chapter 5 . 10/27/2017
Such a great story! It was so sweet. They are my favorite DigiDestined couple and you made me love them even more!
Team Cap chapter 5 . 7/11/2017
Wow. I'm really impressed. It's really well written and just... overall amazing. This is beautiful. I am left speechless.
SharpeBB chapter 5 . 5/27/2017
How did I miss this?! Excellent story as per usual. It's always fun to see the parallels in how TK and Kari can get treated, and it was awesome that TK wasn't the only one to beat on Nobu, and Kari got involved as well.

And I liked that there was very little mention of the other DD's. I think things would have gotten way too bogged down if everyone's reaction had been included, so I think avoiding that was the right call.

Great read, looking forward to the next story!
Atariel Tsukai chapter 5 . 3/22/2017
Awww, such a sweet ending! I absolutely loved Takeru's final gift for Hikari! I relate to Kari in many ways (probably why she is still my all-time favorite character), especially as a photographer, so I think that the photo album was the perfect gift! I also really enjoyed the time skip with T.K. giving her a new album every year and ending it with the proposal!
KHLostEmpress chapter 5 . 3/22/2017
I thought Takeru's gift of a photo slbum was fantastic! And I loved the little epilogue. I'm a big fan of closure, so I thought it was a nice touch.
Lilly The Omega Wolf chapter 5 . 3/21/2017
Yep, its typical and fluffy (and I like cute and fluffy) and cliche but that makes it all the more fun and enjoyable sometimes. I dont need to worry about unwanted surprises and stuff, I just had to enjoy the story and characters.
It was delightful to sit down to at the end of a hard days work on a French butter commercial. Its pleasing to read and feels true to TK and Kari. Thats what matters to me as a reader and fellow fan :)

Although I would have enjoyed seeing their next day at school, the ending with them 21 and living together was a great way to end it and again, I feel its in line with TK and Kari.

You're an amazing author and my top Digimon fan fic artist. Keep up the amazing work!
callofcamo chapter 1 . 3/19/2017
this was a great ending I hope this means well get the next chapter to the wave of darkness or another one shot from such an amazing writer
Atariel Tsukai chapter 4 . 3/15/2017
I liked this chapter a lot! I love that Takeru didn't jump in to protect Hikari right away. I'm not sure what the point of keeping their relationship a secret, but it's good that he is not just jumping in the moment another guy gives Kari chocolate for White's Day. It was great to see him jump in when the captain flirted with her and touched her, though she was also capable of taking care of herself!
KHLostEmpress chapter 4 . 3/13/2017
Oh how the tables have turned. This is why you shouldn't keep it a secret! But then there would be no story I know.

What a creep. He deserved that for sure.
Lilly The Omega Wolf chapter 4 . 3/12/2017
My reaction to the end of the chapter; no, don't end here. I want more! They're still at school...
Great chapter. After taking a moment to realise it wasn't set at Valentine's Day anymore everything was sweet :)
callofcamo chapter 4 . 3/11/2017
this was a great chapter now it has me wandering what happens next
KHLostEmpress chapter 3 . 3/1/2017
Haha! I called it! Takeru didn't quite mess up the plan as I thought he would, but he still messed up the elaborate plan. Great chapter and I am waiting for White Day.
Atariel Tsukai chapter 3 . 2/26/2017
Another very sweet (pun-intended) chapter and I love it! I squealed a bit when Takeru pushed aside all of the presents from the other girls when he realized how much thought Hikari had put into his gifts. I can't wait to see what he gets her in return for White's Day!
Lilly The Omega Wolf chapter 3 . 2/26/2017
Nice chapter.
One of the best kissing scenes I've read. Good job.
I look forward to more, the date nights gonna be simpler and quite different to how I thought it would be.
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