Reviews for Little Things
LilyEvans009 chapter 18 . 10/6/2019
Ok so I’m kinda addicted to Jily stories atm and this is rlly good! I feel like a Hogwarts attack is coming and hopefully with it a relationship shift...? Im siriusly (hehe) looking forward to next chapter tho! Anyways I like how James explains Sirius in this chapter, i feel like it’s pretty accurate and definitely my impression of him thru jk Rowling’s books so great job on that! Careful with ur wording there are some parts where the sentences can be a bit long and I’m absolutely am BURSTING to see what’s happening with Sirius and Dorcas!
Thanks for this story can’t wait for more
hazelis924 chapter 18 . 3/31/2019
Hey, I’ve really been enjoying your story and I hope you continue it soon! I know it’s been a while since you’ve posted but I hope you continue!
ginevrezz02 chapter 18 . 11/4/2018
OMG, no! I've been so invested this week reading Little Things just to reach chapter 18 and realize this story's been discontinued. I mean, you must have your reasons, but if it means anything, there's people still interested. You have such a good grasp of these characters. I'm not a regular fan fic reader, I just move along if the story captivates me, and it's well written plot-wise and if it matches my idea of how the marauders/Jily were. Yours just became a favorite. It's so endearing and feels true to the characters. Oh well, I just wanted to let you know that you're a fantastic writer, I couldn't put this down. Kudos to you, and I hope the story doesn't end just when it had reached Lily's enlightenment.
ju.zelbova chapter 18 . 10/25/2018
Hey! How dare you consider this an ending!We need more. Much more, actually. You write fabulously and I love how you stick to the canon. The Christmas party plot twist was so brilliant it left me speechless. The only thing I have to addplease don't doubt yourself so much. You really are a great writer, so many people say it to you here, it makes me sad that you don't realize it.I really hope you get to finish this story. I'll be watching!
feed-the-birdss chapter 18 . 9/26/2018
Love love love! I really hope you continue.
Miisss chapter 18 . 8/3/2018
Love your story ! :)
empc523 chapter 4 . 7/27/2018
Love the AVPM joke in here!
BeethovenFA03 chapter 18 . 7/10/2018
Really enjoying your Marauders Tale! Any chance you’ll update instead of abandon?
LuNiK7505 chapter 18 . 2/11/2018
I just read every single 18 chapters in a row i love this story ! i really hope you will continue it :) i love the character of Lily warming up to James and finally falling for him, that's great writing, so i can't wait for the next chapter !
WorldNerd12 chapter 18 . 1/20/2018
I just found the story, and I absolutely love it! I can't wait for the update!
Guest chapter 18 . 12/20/2017
such an awesome chapter
Imogendoylee chapter 18 . 11/30/2017
You are an incredible writer! I’m really enjoying this, please update soon!
PotterPollock chapter 18 . 11/27/2017
Awww I love this story x I can’t wait for the next chapter
Guest chapter 18 . 11/25/2017
Fabulous new chapter
TrueHomiePiP chapter 18 . 11/18/2017
Thirsty Lily is kind of amazing :'D I think I read so much about James being the thirsty one that I'm always a bit stunned when it's Lily doing the pining. I don't think it's very out of character for her either. James is the love of her life, it makes sense that she'd thirst a little (or a LOT) for him before they start dating \o/

her flashback in this one was actually quite harrowing. I genuinely felt concerned for her younger self :O you wrote that really well. I hope Lily takes her opportunity to learn more about duelling because I keep getting the sense you're foreshadowing an attack :S

I love reading about these two when they're open and vulnerable with one another. Obviously, it's fun when they dance around one another and they're flirty and coy, but I really enjoy seeing them talk to one another like real people. A constantly smirking, perennially cocky James tends to rub me the wrong way as it comes off disingenuous and maybe a bit lecherous? I love the idea of him being a bit of an oblivious moron, but one with a heart of gold nonetheless :P

thanks for updating \o/
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