Reviews for I'm No Superman
agentmeister chapter 8 . 3/21/2019
Great read
A Plus!
Guest chapter 3 . 8/12/2015
You kind of slip in and out of first person and third person.
Other than that, this is great.
DwaejiTokki chapter 8 . 2/19/2015
Love this! Thanks for writing. :)
sam chapter 8 . 12/23/2013
"even if he was going about it like a mutant mother hen"
Do you know how much i laughed at that?
Vincentia the Shiny Mew chapter 6 . 12/23/2012
I love your story. Thank you. I hope you make another JD whump story
rawr52 chapter 8 . 12/29/2010
Lol, love this fic! :) I like the bit where JD is talking to himself before he wakes up from his coma :D
Mrs-N-Uzumaki chapter 8 . 3/12/2010
That was one of the most beautifully written Scrubs stories. Great emotion, brilliant chracterisation and a nice plotline. Congrats, definately one of my fav fanfics ever :)
TheAlphaAI chapter 8 . 4/15/2009
Wow. It feels wierd reading one of the first Scrubs fanfics years after it was finished. I'm not sure you'll ever get this review, or if you're even still an active memeber of fanfiction still. Either way, I loved the story, thanks for writing. I hope you know that there are now over 1250 Scrubs fanfics, and this could be largely due to your influence. Congratulation, you are a pioneer.

The AlphaAI
hurkydoesntknow chapter 8 . 1/10/2009
Wow. This story is amazing! You totally put me in J.D.'s shoes there. It's that great. How come I never discovered this before? Anyway, I know this story is like six years old, but there are WAY more than 18 Scrubs fics. One of them's mine. Great story! I also loved the last few paragraphs.

Hurky :-D
Mustang'sMistress chapter 8 . 7/25/2008
Absolutely fantastic.
Owl Emporium chapter 8 . 4/17/2008
Haha, love the last paragraph. And love what you did with JD and Elliots relationship! It's Elliot by the way, bot Eliot. Great job! Loved it, and this was really good. :) Yay for Scrubs (he, sorry but I had to do that lol).

ddamato chapter 8 . 12/18/2007
first of all, i love the name of the chapter - totally contradicts the story title!

and now speaking of the story - what a great story it was - is! awesome! i love it!
ddamato chapter 7 . 12/18/2007
omg omg, great chapter - i really love this chapter! though, the other chapter that i mentioned was my favorite, still is. *grin*
ddamato chapter 6 . 12/18/2007
ooh, great chapter!
ddamato chapter 5 . 12/18/2007
omg the best chapter yet!
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