Reviews for Soldier, Spectre, You and I
Alpenwolf chapter 29 . 11/24/2017
Even though I haven't really reviewed this story, I do it now. I liked the story, the idea and everything. The way people interacted, how this different situation played out sometimes in their favour. It definitely was a good read. So, thanks for sharing this with us.
Teizan chapter 1 . 7/26/2017
This, was great.
shom chapter 29 . 3/22/2017
Great story! Thank you for sharing!
shom chapter 10 . 3/20/2017
I tend to like AU stories and this is one of the better ones I've read! Love the banter between Shep and Wrex!
griezz chapter 29 . 3/9/2017
For the most part, a great story showing an alternate take on events. What keeps it from being excellent can be summed up in a single word: Wrex. I'm a diehard "Team Krogan" member, so seeing my favorite alien not only die on Virmire, but shot down off camera so that we can't even judge for ourselves whether the action was justified or whether the prejudices of Garrus and Williams cost Wrex his life. What's worse is that, despite being a strong part of the team, he barely gets remembered for a moment. The poor bastard is trying to save his people from extinction, yet he gets treated like crap by everyone. The only consolation I've got is that Shekarian is still going to have to go on bended knee to the Krogan in ME3, begging for help for the Turian from the brother of the very Krogan they shot down. (Of course, as a thank you for the Krogan doing it, Shekarian will probably kill Mordin to prevent yhe Genophage from being cured.) Like I said... a strong Team Krogan supporter who hates betrayal by supposed allies, especially by ones trying to claim some moral high ground.
Nova Heart chapter 29 . 2/27/2017
This story was great! I loved it.
And just curious, are you planning on continuing this story? It would be really great if you did.
justsomebody2 chapter 29 . 2/20/2017
Those cats must have sounded like demonspawn all the way home.

How miffed is he gonna be if he finds her comfortably cuddled in his weirdo Picasso-couch and not requiring any help once she gets the hang of getting out of it after the uncomfortable furniture experience he had to go through?

The cats are precious. I miss having a kitty.

They can go bathtubbing with the cats.

Did Garrus just eat catfood? Hahahaahahaha (well, shrimp puffs but still)

They need to watch shitty westerns with the cats and junkfood one of these days (and throw said junkfood at each other after one of them keeps making bad puns in an unconvincing cowboy accent – then scramble to get potentially dangerous dextro-junkfood out of the cats mouth [which turn out to be fine for them, but the quick struggle is amusing])

(can't wait for the next installment of this AU. Thank you again for sharing it!)
justsomebody2 chapter 28 . 2/20/2017
Poor Mako

Woop! Cooperation!

The moment Saren’s corpse was reanimated I actually felt a pang of guilt for the dude. Bastard can’t rest even when dead. On the other hand, he was the most badass husk of the series.

Poor Anderson got a facefull of rubble

Lol, at the Spectre suggestion. Scrappy Shep must have looked like a deer in the headlights.

Aww, Garrus, what a sweetheart.
Mai-danishgirl chapter 29 . 2/20/2017
This was a great ride.

And what a nice ending, and I love the cats, or course they would try out clawing the poor turian, the stupid little assholes.
meeph chapter 29 . 2/19/2017
This has been a fantastic read. I'm glad you decided to share it and not let it collect anymore dust. I know that you currently have a lot of projects going on right now, but I would absolutely love to see this AU continue. Once again, thank you for sharing your wonderful work with us!
ylri chapter 29 . 2/19/2017
Well, that was great. Are you planning on writing more? As in, the other two games? :o
Cipher Zulu chapter 29 . 2/19/2017
This is quite a wonderful fanfic.

I greatly appreciate the decent interpersonal relationships, absence of nudity and smut, the generally courteous language, and, above all, a good, honest AU.

To my great regret, many stories in this fandom are rehashes of canon with verbatim game dialogue which gets old, fast, and I am very much glad I stumbled upon this story.

May I convince you to come write something KOTOR-related? Star Wars really needs a bit more of your brand of writing, in my opinion, having just finished reading your first two Mass Efect fics and one of your Skyrim ones.

Good luck to you!
Ledilettant chapter 29 . 2/19/2017
Well that was a great fanfic.
Amberstar of Thunderclan chapter 29 . 2/18/2017
Oh my gosh, LoL, Garrus and cat treats! YES! You know, I always wondered what would happen if Javik was introduced to catnip for some reason...
FuryouMiko chapter 29 . 2/18/2017
What a ride. Another great Mass Effect story from Raven Studios.

Writing a disabled protagonist without handwaving away their disabilities is hard enough on its own, but here the author has managed it with aplomb while avoiding creating a pity story.

Good luck to Tavia, and good luck to Garrus, going into the future. They've set themselves up for a difficult run of the third game with those casualties.

The site needs more Shepard/Tali protege type relationships. The adoptive-little-sister dynamic fits them so naturally that it practically writes itself.
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