Reviews for Secrets and Divine Diplomacy
Guest chapter 41 . 7/30
Cuntinu plizzzzzzz
InsertRandomUncreativeNameHere chapter 37 . 7/28
Thank you! I agree with you, and people who leave that kind of reciew are just looking to get others angry, if you MUST keep everything completely canon, then you are limited to the xtent of canon. Stories like "Dark Phoenix" by Lightningscar are some of the best in my opinion, because they have zero dependence on the original books. Not everyone can write that well, so dependence on the books is acceptable as long as you find a way to include character development and make it your own. There are hundreds of "Voldemort's Grandson Percy Jackson" fics out there, but, to my knowledge, only four that have major changes, such as Good!Voldemort or Smart!Harry. The first one was good, but now everyone is just using that plotline. If you don't change things up it gets boring, but if you do you will get hate reviews. Ignore them. Anyone who can come up with their own original plotline and carry it out well earns my respect.
InsertRandomUncreativeNameHere chapter 1 . 7/28
You have everyone pretty in character so far, I agree that Romione doesn't really work out so well with the amount of time they spend not talking to each other over silly things (*cough* Crookshanks *cough*) or yelling at each other. Nico has a sort of dry humor here, it is in character for him to be sarcastic, but I feel like he is slightly more serious in canon, with less humour. This could also just be his maturong, so not necessarily out of character. Characters also change slightly depending on the reader's interpretation, so OOC-ness is really dependent on how each person interprets them and whether they have sudden changes in a book without character development to back it up. Overall, I like the story!
Memorable Mandy chapter 37 . 6/24
I am officially your biggest fan, and am 1000% against bullying in any form. I love how you are standing up to the bully.
Alice chapter 41 . 6/5
When will be continued
SevlynStrange chapter 36 . 2/18/2019
If Hermione is more powerful than everyone else,shouldn't she have a drawback like Frank's firewood?
lattyboo chapter 1 . 10/17/2018
when they say not with themselves it means they are not fighting the Romans. The Roman are like the multiple personality of the greek therefore it says themselves.
Qoheleth chapter 1 . 10/7/2018
Dear Leo:

"…not with themselves, but with each other"? I'm sorry, I don't think I know what that means. To be honest, I never expected the Greek gods to be at war with themselves; they don't strike me as the sort of people to lead such vivid interior lives.

Neeya2 chapter 37 . 9/25/2018
funny reply. fanfic should block the a..hole. Love the plot though
QueenVulca chapter 41 . 5/31/2017
I loved reading this. never felt I was not reading the original series. it was in sync. so seamless!
keep writing!
QueenVulca chapter 34 . 5/31/2017
the foreign curse! prophesy at work.
QueenVulca chapter 29 . 5/31/2017
I'm sensing some part of the prophesy is already getting fulfilled here.
QueenVulca chapter 28 . 5/31/2017
Wonder why Sirius did what he did. it siriusly is a sirius question...
QueenVulca chapter 27 . 5/31/2017
Poseideon taking the coward's way.
can't say wasn't expected out of a god.
QueenVulca chapter 25 . 5/31/2017
Trust Harry to forget to call off the manhunt.
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