Reviews for sometimes you don't get it right
tangerine-sama chapter 1 . 1/13/2018
This was so beautiful. Just amazing.
Punzie the Platypus chapter 1 . 5/7/2017
Dude, /really/ well-written!
xbecbebex chapter 1 . 2/19/2017
This broke my heat. It was so beautiful
fiesa chapter 1 . 2/15/2017
I love this.

Seing Jyn and Han together... I haven't thought about it before, but you are right. They are similar, and it's not only because the people they love so much are similar, too. But I love the way you compare Cassian and Leia, and Han and Jyn.

Jyn says Leia and Cassian would always chose the cause over Han and her, respectively, but I ... well, I am not so sure. I'm sure they stand for the Rebellion with their hearts and minds and everything, and I'm also sure they wouldn't abandon their cause for nothing. But I'd like to think they're not the kind of people who would let the other one go without a fight. Most of the time, if both parties are willing, there is some kind of compromise that can be found, isn't there? So maybe there would be a way for Cassian to be with Jyn despite his loyalty to the Alliance, and with Jyn, despite her rather separated stand towards it. Same for Leia and Han. Maybe that means falling in love with the Rebellion, as well, as you say. Maybe it just means falling in love with their respective partners more deeply, and getting to know and accept them.

But I really, really love how you show Han's frustration when it comes to Leia, or Jyn's emotions when it comes to Cassian.

Thank you for a beautiful story - I really enjoyed reading it!
Annalay chapter 1 . 2/11/2017
Now I began your biggest fun. I love your work and I practialy read everything you had in Cassian exept the AU which I left because I still want to stay with them in that far galaxy. Great work with this story
Leia chapter 1 . 2/8/2017
I love it. It's so true of life.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/5/2017
I loved it! Please write more!
godsdaughter77 chapter 1 . 1/29/2017
I think you did a great with Han and Jyn's interactions. This was great to read. Thanks for sharing!
TheseAreTheDaysWorthLiving chapter 1 . 1/24/2017
Looooooooved it! So good!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/22/2017
This is really good, but also kind of sad. This is such a believable camaraderie between Han and Jyn. And I like that she's working with Han instead of in the Rebellion ranks because he's more impromptu in how he does things, less rigid. And I think that helps fit Jyn's character. And I know others have done it, but yeah, I can definitely see Han and Cassian not getting along. Their personalities are both too similar and too different at the same time. They are like two magnets with the same polarization.

I do feel like both would stick around for the Rebellion just because of the other two. Very realistic. Sad that Cassian and Leia would always put the cause first, but it's also pretty darn true as well.

The ending is so sweet though with Cassian seeking her out and wanting to be close to her, something she's been craving. My heart was squeezing in my chest while reading it.

Han is larger than life and one of my favorite SW characters and I think you nailed his character.

Also, it's spelled Wookiee. :P

Good piece, thanks for sharing.
Freebooter 4Ever chapter 1 . 1/21/2017
I LOVE ALL THIS! the character exploration is true to each and the interactions are believable and so so so good. It adds to the story and helps further Han/Leia's development too! I wish to see more, see them go through the whole rebellion together and figure out how to piece together 'after'.
JRCash chapter 1 . 1/20/2017
Love Han and Jyn interacting! Great job.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/20/2017
Nice nice nice
. Have you think to introduce Luke also? For exemple about Cristal o remembering jhedda
Guest chapter 1 . 1/20/2017
Really absorbing story. I like Jyn and Han as friends. She might dream of more with Han but I don't think he'd ever be into her because of Leia. Also because he might think she's kind of butch and too similar to him. You could see how he would be drawn to a woman so different from him. You can also see how Jyn would be drawn to her opposite Cassian because he is so different than her. Good job!
PocketRamblr chapter 1 . 1/20/2017
Oh, I've never noticed how similar they are. This was ingenious, and very well written!
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