Reviews for Until I Fall Asleep
Shadowdapple chapter 1 . 3/14/2018
aww. I love the sisterly affection we never got to see in the movies.
Life's-For-Living chapter 1 . 8/3/2017
Aw, this was such a beautiful story. Having just seen both Alice films for the first time, the two Queen's were easily my favourite characters. There's a depth and understanding to their relationship, you know (the second movie delved into that more). I was so happy that the two sisters reconciled at the end of the second film. But even so, I was left wishing that we'd had one last scene with them before the credits rolled (although I did love seeing them playfully fighting for the crown in the end credits (in animated form)). I'm just upset that the second one didn't do so well at the Box Office. It probably means we'll never see a part 3 (which is a great shame, in my opinion, because this magical world has endless potential) This story quenches my thirst somewhat. It's a beautiful little one-shot. I hope you write some more stuff about these two characters.
McGonagall's Pet chapter 1 . 7/10/2017
That was so cute and beautifully written! I love those two, so thank you for doing this!
sxpphic chapter 1 . 1/29/2017
This is so sweet
Madam Violet chapter 1 . 1/19/2017
Awww... This is so sweet ! We don't read enough cute Mirana/Iracebeth friendshio stuffs. And it's canon. As a canon nazi it makes me feel even more happy . Please, write more !