Reviews for Golden Stinger
Just A Visitor chapter 14 . 7/19
I just founder your work a few weeks ago and I am already a fan. I love how you are able to capture the personality of each RWBY character perfectly; it is so well-written that I can hear their voices in my head when I read it. I hope that you continue this story to the end and that it goes on for as many chapters as possible.

On a side note, I have been reading some of your other work and am also a fan. I hope that once you are finished with this story you will continue your other stories. My personal favorites are Spectacular Spider-Man's Blessing in Disguise and Naruto/Spectacular Spider-Man crossover Action Pack; both of which I think have the possibility to go far. Action Pack is so good that it even has it's own TV Tropes page, so don't give up on your older stories.
DrakeFisk chapter 9 . 7/16
I really shouldnt love this story as much as i do.
Vanessa Masters chapter 14 . 7/5
Tyrian chuckled, and he reached a hand towards Jaune's face, tracing a finger along his cheek. "It's no bother, I'm an actor." he grinned. "Being intense is a part of the job."

Probably not to the degree you are, Jaune thought. He closed his eyes, and leaned into the touch. And he couldn't really deny he liked these moments between them. "What if I said I wanted you to myself for a little longer?"

A tug on his shoulder caused Jaune's eyes to fly open. He found himself lying on the blanket, with Tyrian above him, hands on either side of the blond's head. The man smirked and leaned down, stopping just inches from his face. "Promise?"

There was so much in that heated gaze, that one word. And Jaune was startled to find he wanted to say yes. But out here in the park and under the night sky-it might be a romantic date, but it was the last place Jaune wanted to make-out in.

And that was a big step in of itself.

"Rain check?"

The heat in Tyrian's eyes simmered to a low burn, and he bumped his forehead against Jaune's. "Of course."


Marvelous! And love seeing you post so much. :)
Vanessa Masters chapter 11 . 6/30
And you're veeeery not druuunk." Tyrian slurred, his voice lower and rougher than normal. "Why not? It's all freee here!"

Jaune raised a brow, and set his cup down. Right, he was definitely going to need to be the responsible one tonight. "That only means the drinks and food are free. I better not see you trying to take anything else."

The other man snickered, leaning in closer as he nuzzled Jaune's neck. "I'm good 'ong as I get to take you hooome."

Jaune found himself still flustered even as he rolled his eyes. "We live together. Of course we're going home after."

"Reaaally?" Tyrian breathed, leaning up, his lips grazing against the blond's jawline to his temple, pressing a kiss there.

Jaune huffed, but smiled despite himself as the other man clung to him like a sweater. It was a bit difficult moving them somewhere less crowded, trying to navigate a drunken faunus who still cared little about staying out of people's way. "Sorry, sorry." Was what Jaune said so many times in just a few short minutes


Another fabulous post. Lol drunk Tyrian.
Vanessa Masters chapter 10 . 6/30
I went out but…." Jaune started, wondering how he could phrase it, before realizing there was no way to make it sound good. "It was a disaster. The guy took me to meet his family for a dinner, on the first date, and if that wasn't bad enough, he left me sitting by myself and practically ignored me the whole evening talking to his mother. I honestly would've had Nora call me except Cinder was glaring at me the rest of the evening and I was too scared of the mother to do anything."


Ha! And yet, you agreed to a second date. ;)
Vanessa Masters chapter 9 . 6/30
Jaune wasn't sure what to do, his reprimand on his tongue but he choked it back as Tyrian grabbed his hand and dragged him excitedly to the door of the house, and away from a scowling Cinder. Jaune gulped as the man opened the door. "Why'd you bring me here, especially for a first date?" he whispered frantically.

The taller man raised a brow. "Why wouldn't I? If we're going to be dating you'd have to meet my family eventually. Might as well get it over with now." He shrugged.

Jaune stared incredulously at him. "Okay, there's so much wrong with that I don't know where to begin." He muttered, and sighed in frustration as he was tugged to the dining room.


And I love the description of Salem.
Vanessa Masters chapter 8 . 6/30
Jaune stared out at the sun as he began to disappear behind the southern buildings. "Wow. That view never fails to impress."

"Speak for yourself."

Jaune shrieked as he jumped forward, whirling around as he almost fell. A hand shot out, grabbing the front of his jacket as he's steadied. Jaune's heart beat rapidly in his chest, eyes wide as he meets yellow. The blond sucked in a deep breath, calming down as he realized Tyrian was hanging upside down over the edge of the archway.

And then Jaune got angry. "I can't believe you just did that! Warn a guy next time."

"I was amazed watching you be amazed though. I couldn't bespoil such awe." Tyrian still managed to flourish, despite continuing to hang upside down.


Lovely. :)

Oh Tyrian, boo! Bad move! First date with the Giu, and it’s to take him to dinner with your mother and sister?!
Vanessa Masters chapter 7 . 6/30
Awwwww movie night cute.
Vanessa Masters chapter 6 . 6/30
She gave him an odd look, but told him to wait in the foyer. Jaune did so, but his stomach churned as began to freak out over why he was here. What am I doing? This was a terrible idea. What if he thinks I'm pathetic? What if-

"Ah, surely I must be dreaming, for only in my dreams did I dare think you would seek me out."

Jaune breathed in deep, and fought down the flush rising in his cheeks. When he turned around, it came back full force. Tyrian was wearing a white uniform that showed off his bare arms and chest, and Jaune struggled to keep his focus on the man's face. "I thought about your offer-I mean, asking me out."

Tyrian's eyes lit up, and he stepped lightly toward the blond, tail swishing behind him. "You have?"

Jaune heard the softness in his voice, and bit the inside of his cheek. "I've given this a lot of thought and...I'd like to give going on a date a chance."


It stats! _
Vanessa Masters chapter 5 . 6/30
xpected him too.

Halloween though was like a flip switched in the faunus, as though the build up to that one night was permission to spend the whole month dressing up. More than once he got angry parents calling him to yell at Tyrian for scaring their kids because his costumes freaked them out. Given Jaune had woken up to see a skull mask looming over him one morning, he could relate.

It made them the most despised tenants for one month a year, which thankfully meant they weren't kicked out.



Okay, give Tyrian his attention, but I wonder if he’ll wear the skull mask while making love to Juane?
Vanessa Masters chapter 4 . 6/30
Are you two siblings?" Jaune's face flushed at how out of nowhere that came.

Cinder scowled at him, her answer an instant "No", while the man said "Yes."

The man gasped, holding a hand to his chest dramatically. He stared at Cinder with an exaggerated hurt in his eyes. "How can you say that? Did our wonderful mother not raise us side by side?"

Cinder scowled, clearly unwilling to play along. "Foster mother," she gritted out, "and you're nothing but a foster brother."

The man crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes. It was like a flip in personality. "How ungrateful you are, didn't I just about break my back hauling all you're luggage back here?"

Cinder sneered at him. "The car is ten feet outside, and it was only three suitcases."


Foster siblings, fits with the Cinderella name. Lol almost.

Oooooh Tyrian don’t waste time.

And does Juane mean yellow? Huh, didn’t know that.
Vanessa Masters chapter 3 . 6/30
Snickering to himself, Jaune cracked two eggs onto the heated pan. He was a bit nervous about burning the food still, but smiled to himself when not long after quick footsteps came down the hall from their bedroom. He grunted softly when a leaner body collided with his, arms wrapping around his waist, while a tail wrapped around him a well, resting snugly just below the hands.

"Something smells delightful." The words were murmured in his ear, warm breath tickling him.

Jaune bit his lip, cheeks flushing. He didn't mind being touch sensitive, but sometimes it got really distracting. Like when he was making breakfast and needed to keep focused. Ruining a pan was one thing, but he wasn't going to burn down the apartment. "I hope you mean the food, 'cause we both need to have a shower."

"Do we? I always did prefer my scent on you." Tyrian pressed his nose against Jaune's neck, and inhaled deeply.

Jaune's cheeks flushed deeper. "I'm not sure whether to say this is cute or weird. And you've done some pretty weird things."

"Can we just not agree I enjoy our moments together, and you find my quirks charming?" The other man questioned.

"Right, charming." Jaune drawled. He slid the spatula under an egg and made sure neither were stuck. "I find it as charming as when you take the things I ask and see them as suggestions."

Tyrian let out a dramatic gasp, and he leaned around Jaune's shoulder just to let the blond see him place a hand on his own chest as though hurt. "I for one take great offense..." he grinned at him. "I take your requests at my own leisure." his grin softened into a smirk as he leaned forward and pressed their foreheads together. "You certainly don't complain about that when we lay together."


Nice. \\\
Vanessa Masters chapter 2 . 6/30
"You're clearly not getting it, Hamlet is the most gory of Shakespeare's works. Practically the entire cast is dead at the end."

"No, Romeo and Juliet is the most tragic. Both main characters kill themselves, and leave dead bodies in their wake."

Jaune glanced around, but saw that many of the patrons were ignoring the arguing duo too. Some looked just disturbed though. Jaune finally let his gaze slide over to the other couch. The first thing he noticed was the dark-haired man's scorpion tail waving frenetically. The woman sitting next to him had her dark hair covering an eye, with what looked like scaring peering just out from under the fringe.

The faunus scoffed. "Ever since you got your voice back, you've done nothing but be absolutely wrong."

The woman's single gold eye narrowed and almost glowed with the anger burning in it. "I am not wrong: both leads make stupid decisions that are guided by lust they think is love." she sneered. "If they lived, they would have been divorced within a week once the excitement wore off."

Jaune was curious despite himself. He'd studied Shakespeare in high school, but who hadn't? Much of it he couldn't remember, but there were a few lines he didn't think he'd forget. "The lady doth protests too much, methinks. To-"

"What did you just say?" A male voice asked.

Jaune jerked up, his eyes widening when he realized that the two had heard him. The woman's eye was burning a hole through him now, while the man's equally yellow eyes stared at Jaune intensely. The blond cleared his throat nervously. "Sorry, it just slipped out. Uh, don't mind me." he picked his book up, trying so very hard to look as though he were studying.


Ooooh! And Turian using Shakespeare to flirt. ;)
Vanessa Masters chapter 1 . 6/30
I never considered this pair, and now I’m kinda liking it.

Lol oh Tyrian laughing, normally scary, but now..., well the relationship that fucks good, and laughs hard is the one that lasts.
eyepatch240 chapter 12 . 4/17/2019
Really enjoying this and can't wait for more
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