Reviews for A Port in the storm
joshuasmom131 chapter 19 . 7/29
I wonder what Charlie has been up to, hope it’s good for bella and Emmett. Can’t wait for more, ty for updating.
fanfictionalcolic chapter 19 . 7/25
Oh. Cliffhanger
Moltz chapter 19 . 7/24
This does not bode well for Isabella.
Yali.Page chapter 19 . 7/24
Welcome back! I’m glad to hear your mom is doing well!
tff000 chapter 19 . 7/24
NickChick22 chapter 19 . 7/23
So thankful your mom took to chemo well and so sorry for all you’ve dealt with in the past year! Take your writing at your own pace—loyal readers will understand. Anxious for more because I need to know what crazy Renee is doing. Here’s hoping for the best for these two! Happy writing!:)
traceybuie chapter 19 . 7/23
If I was Bella I would be stressing even more now that her incubator is coming around. ugh... Thanks for writing and sharing.
dazzleglo chapter 19 . 7/23
Glad your mom is doing well. Loving this story.
queen cullen0527 chapter 19 . 7/23
Please up date this soon. I am glad you are back after a break. I hope she didn’t plan for bell to marry someone else. Let’s hope Charles fixes this problem. Or maybe Edward and Bella need to be wed ASAP lol.
lillianolivia.white chapter 19 . 7/23
Lovely chapter. I loved the party menu, but that is a lot of food for this day and age. Now I wonder what in the world Renee could want? Surely she is not wanting Bella to come live with her? Bella is betrothed to Edward!
archy12 chapter 19 . 7/23
Hmm, Edward's surprise is valid. If half the town was invited, how come there were seats for only twenty four guests?
Renee is back, and has spiked the blood pressure of everyone in the house.
Now what is Charles going to announce? Nothing bad, I hope.
So glad to know your mom is doing well. My best wishes are with her.
dreamiedreamer chapter 19 . 7/23
Thank you for this new chapter! It's always a nice surprise to see an alert of a story that hasn't been updated for a long time. All the best to your mom, hope she continues to respond well with her treatment.
quinzy chapter 19 . 7/23
Short but I still appreciate to have this chapter. Hope we get the next soon. Wonder what Charles will tell Isabella and Edward.
NeeNee246 chapter 19 . 7/23
I'm glad your moms treatment is going well. Cancer sucks!
This is fantastic! I am so excited to know what Charles is going to tell them! I can't wait! ;)
debslmac chapter 19 . 7/23
:) I'm happy to hear your mum is doing well
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