Reviews for The Thing You Hate
GrammarDemon chapter 3 . 7/26
OMG. I never noticed that about John. Well, my heart just shattered into a million pieces.
GrammarDemon chapter 2 . 7/25
Motherhood, perfectly described.
AshtynnAlba chapter 13 . 2/20
I knew it!
AshtynnAlba chapter 5 . 2/20
I can’t believe she hasn’t seen the connections between “online Sam” and Supernatural Sam!

OMG is she a prophet?! It would explain why her images are so vivid and make her so emotional!
cruelzy chapter 126 . 12/18/2019
This ended very realistically and I am stuck between roiling pleasure at your audacity and my liking of abstract feelings and dissatisfaction/regret at all that could have happened. Nevertheless, amazing work.
cruelzy chapter 122 . 12/18/2019
Man I really really enjoyed this; I can honestly say I've never read anything like it before. Its such a huge project and not only can I appreciate that in itself, but I respect you immensely. Thank you for allowing me to read this masterpiece and I hope you're doing well
cruelzy chapter 112 . 12/18/2019
I read "God suggested" and I started shivering ahahahaha man wh a t
cruelzy chapter 112 . 12/18/2019
As a Christian can I tell you reading this is one of the strangest yet interesting thing I've ever done ahaha man this chapter had me screaming
ngregory763 chapter 126 . 12/9/2019
Gosh this ending got me. I love Sam's remorse and anger! It feels so, well, true. These last seasons have been a struggle for me, I just want the brothers, doing what they do best, hunting the baddies. I struggled with the inconsistency and how they want to constantly create a bigger and scarier bad guy. You gave me insider information and helped me understand them again. You have such a gift for the written word. Thank you for making the boys real for me again!
Kathy Gimm chapter 126 . 11/15/2019
WOW! OK you got me! I'm officially a mess. Your Michele (darn autocorrect) was the single best, most human character I've read in fanfiction. I just found your end note and wanted you to know this story means a lot to me. And THEN you add Sam's part at the end. All I can say is Thank You, from the bottom of my farmgirl heart.
CallMeSama chapter 77 . 11/12/2019
I can’t handle this level of fourth wall break

On another note, I’m really appreciating the angle with which you’re traveling Christianity in this fic. Having Mitch keep her faith even throughout everything and pulling through on the real way that God operates, not the way true anti-Christ Chuck operates has really helped me tackle the SPN universe without the normal level of confusion and anguish of seeing a religion butchered and abandoned in the favor of storytelling. The show truly abuses Christianity. Many OCs who have started out Christian (and authors I believe are Christian) follow that path. You’ve addressed it in a way that leaves a wholeness and allows me to enjoy the story. I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate that. So, thank you, both for leaving me with a trippy fic that’s making me question the fabric of reality and a story about a home-mom who saves the world while baking pies and mothering two - six? - seven - nine by the time Cas and Jack arrive - knuckleheads. Super moms don’t hunt fuglies while lying to their full-grown sons and expecting them to take her word as gospel. Super moms do what Mitchele does.
CallMeSama chapter 21 . 11/11/2019
*Realizes the title and pen name of actual fic I’m reading*


.I think my brain just exploded.
ngregory763 chapter 124 . 11/11/2019
I am enjoying the journal point of view. The insertion of Jack was a hard thing for me. I saw it as a fantastical reach, like the writers had gotten tired of keeping track of rules they had created. I so enjoy your backstory...filling in holes left gaping. I so love your writing!
Nic chapter 122 . 8/24/2019
Thank you I have enjoyed your work I am glad you finished it. I like the Crowley character and I am glad you wrote him a redemption arc, I enjoyed the preachy bits and the biblical quotes. I prefer your God and your Chuck and his Ineffable Plan(cf Good Omens). Michele's death is very sad but it makes an awesome ending few fanfic writers have the courage to kill off their main characters but if you want it to be real then death is part of it, not everyone gets to live happily ever after, you are a very skillful writer.
fandomcrazed chapter 122 . 8/12/2019
Whoa. Okay, first of all, I've been reading this fic since it was 66 chapters. Thanks to life, technology, life, and a whole lot of life, after you posted chapter 110 I hadn't kept up. I just caught up today … This is beautiful. Absolutely stunning. So well thought out, so deep, and the twists and messages!
Are you a professional writer? Can this become the basis of a real novel that you write?!
I've only read using my 3rd generation Kindle so it's very difficult to write comments, which is why I haven't said anything before (typing takes three times as long, and if I have patience, I'll spend twenty more minutes correcting every typo due to my dysfunctional keyboard) But yes: the ending was so beautiful andd fit just right and made me feel so happy and at peace even though Michelle had to die. I give you all the kudos for this work of art.
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