Reviews for The Shinobi Without Fear
Nico de Angelo chapter 4 . 12/7/2017
It's been ten months since you last updated and I was wondering if you were going to continue your story or put it up for adoption because I really like your story so far
Zela Night chapter 4 . 9/30/2017
Please continue this story.
I want more!
I really like it when Sasuke and Naruto are friends in the academy, but there aren't many fics like that.
You also do a wonderful job of representing a blind!Naruto.
Please update.
InkMelody chapter 4 . 9/11/2017
are you going to update this story any time soon?
Phoenixx Rising chapter 4 . 4/5/2017
I LOVE this story! Can't wait for more!
Morbious20 chapter 4 . 3/20/2017
Awesome chapter and story . I'm really looking forward to reading more so hopefully you'll post again soon.
Iviidiis chapter 4 . 3/5/2017
Love your story.
emillyn.figueiredo.5 chapter 4 . 3/4/2017
Please continue the story she is excellent
HyperspaceGamer chapter 4 . 2/28/2017
I really love this story, and I can't wait for the next chapter to be released.

Hmm... I don't suppose that Naruto will ever be able to use the chakra of nature to augment his field of "vision" in much the same way the he does with the chakra that other people release, will he? Since Nature Chakra is pretty much everywhere, even if in very small amounts in most places that have been touched by humanity, it's potentially very overpowered, but there are ways to counteract this. Aside from making it a skill hat requires the use of Senjutsu, the most notable way would be making it a skill that requires near masterly level in order to actually be useful. Making it require training in Senjutsu, but not the actual active use of Senjutsu, would be a good compromise, probably even better than the original ideas.
HyperspaceGamer chapter 3 . 2/28/2017
Maybe it's just me, but I feel like the absorbing of his chakra in the Forbidden Scroll of Seals has more to do with Naruto's heritage than simply because of some random fūinjutsu interspersed throughout the scroll. The Hokage could clearly see that Naruto was okay after the ordeal, so he should know that nothing happened. I'm not saying that the warning about potentially dangerous seals isn't important, but I just feel that it wasn't the actual purpose, and was more of a convenient cover-up. There is also the fact that Naruto was completely shut out of the Hokage's office when he and one of his ANBU were examining the Scroll, which I don't really believe would be necessary if he simply wanted Naruto to be more careful.
KaousuShin chapter 4 . 2/21/2017
Thank you so much for starting this amazing story. Most of all thank you for doing something that is apparently not everyone can do, that is use Sasuke as a character and not just a plot device. He actually has character here. I have read a lot of sasuke bashing or asshole fics and got to say that once you read one you read them all, he is just the same in all of them it gets boring eventually. Don't get me wrong there are exceptions but not a lot.

Anyway as I was saying really good job on the first four chapters and I hope to see more from a fellow writer that can tell the difference from a plain board and a human being lol.
Inuyashas bloody moon chapter 4 . 2/19/2017
Please update.
MyNameIsLaura chapter 3 . 2/19/2017
I can't wait to read the next chapters. And I love how your Naruto is basically imune to the Tsukuyomi and even hacked some aspects of the Rinnegan without realizing it at all. Also, kudos for the bromance.
RamenKnight chapter 4 . 2/18/2017
This has been a very fun read so far. Its amazing how much pain can come from misunderstandings and assumptions. Im not sure if you know this, but something like Narutos chakra bounce happens IRL. There is a group in California that teaches the blind to move around by echolocation. Here is a video on it

Thanks for making!
Shinigami Merchant chapter 4 . 2/9/2017
Its a really good story with so much potential and a variation of unique ideas that leaves me guessing whats going to come next.
I like the seemless blend of seriousness and humour, it makes for a really enjoyable read that isnt too weighed down with drama.
I also appreciate how you've constructed Sasuke and Naruto's friendship the fact that it started out of Sasuke's guilt but grew into something more gives it a solid foundation thats interestinf to watch evolve.
I look forward to more
Rakugosha chapter 4 . 2/8/2017
Gotta admit, this is a nice spin on the usual Naruto story. I'm really looking forward to where ever you may choose too take this and hope that you update soon, and often. See ya 'round.
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