Reviews for Equilibrium
Seraphy64 chapter 4 . 6/30/2019
4 chapters and she's still 4 years old. Why do so many reincarnation fics focus so damn much on toddler stages?

Also "I was still too young to be able to attempt any of the chakra control exercises I remembered from canon, so I was stuck for the time being." - she's 4, Kakashi graduated the academy at 5 in canon. Pretty sure he could manipulate chakra at 4 if he graduated at 5.
floreoRia chapter 1 . 4/17/2019
OMG, Is the person in the italics who I think it is?! Such a great prologue, bein all foreshadowy and vague, but also you can truly feel the emotions from the characters and the difference in each characters death as well, where one found it necessary to die and the other fought against it, one dying quickly the others death drawn out. So different yet I get "same" vibes from them. Keep doing good author-san, after all "quality over quantity".
Yasumin J chapter 13 . 10/11/2018
I loove it! dying for some Neji/Yumeko and, why not, Sakura/Shisui ? And will Sakura be Tsunade apprentice ?
NoName36599 chapter 12 . 6/22/2018
This story has the potential to be pretty good if rewritten, but as of now is a jumbled mess. There are several times where your characters, and yes that is plural because you have changed the personalities of several people making most if not all characters OC's or OOC's, break character and act in ways they wouldn't.

For instance, the Sandaime didn't want anyone near Yumeko for fear they would realize she is too smart and prodigious, then later that year at her birthday and every day after, he seems to no longer give a fuck about other people finding out and almost just let's anyone come and go as they please to HIS house. Why does no one have a problem with large groups of people going into the Hokage's home?

Then there is Naruto being tutored by Ebisu. The Kyuubi gives its host regenerative healing and the ability to sense when people don't like him, which is why he doesn't like Ebisu in canon, because Ebisu doesn't like Naruto. Then you have Naruto, a child who has so much energy that he can't sit still in canon, sitting still and learning calligraphy for Fuinjutsu and Ebisu, who is supposedly a good tutor, knows that Naruto doesn't have good enough handwriting for Fuinjutsu and that Naruto is impatient, and Ebisu just leaves an exploding tag laying around, which again is someone breaking character, in this case Ebisu. For starters, leaving an explosive tag laying around is negligent, especially around Konoha's Jinchuruki and the Sandaime's granddaughter, but also when one is impatient and not even remotely ready for the next step? Ebisu isn't that stupid and just why?

A lot of this story is like that, with forced interactions between characters, or forced problems like a tutor, who is so renowned for his teaching skill that he was given the rank of Special Jounin for that alone, just leaving an explosive tag laying around, or characters not being themselves like Naruto, an energetic child who cannot stay still, learning how to do calligraphy and sealing.

And then there is the show of solidarity at the Uchiha kids funeral. Fairly certain that would never have happened. Do you know how big Konoha is? To walk from compound to compound using the street is a long walk, especially when most involved in the original party are ninja who would more than likely take the roofs or use the Shunshin jutsu to get there faster. And the people hate the Uchiha. A dead child wouldn't change that fact, especially when on the night the Kyuubi appeared it had a sharingan in its eye, leading people to believe it was controlled by an Uchiha. The Uchiha were hated before the Kyuubi attack due to Danzo's rumor mill and their own coldness and arrogance. The Kyuubi attack caused people to think the Uchiha clan hated Konoha. This hatred was left for years to fester and grow worse. Human nature dictates that if something hated dies, people will make excuses for why it was justified, even if it is the child of something or someone hated.

And again back to changing character behavior. The Uchiha were proud and arrogant, and would sooner demand other people, like ANBU, do patrols as well, as opposed to allowing others into the Uchiha Military Police.

And then there is the fact that the show of solidarity would likely not stop the Uchiha Massacre anyway. Obito is powerful and has a space-time ninjutsu. Just because he had Itachi help originally doesn't mean he CAN'T do it on his own, it was just easier. There is also the fact that Danzo's hatred of the Uchiha is well known, and that it is very likely that if Obito asked, Danzo would be more than happy to lend the assistance of his best to slaughter the Uchiha, maybe even take a few of the kids for training or for future sharingan.

This story definitely has potential, don't get me wrong, but it needs a serious rewrite and for the author to remember human nature. A lot of things in this story are forced because of the sudden and abrupt change in people and their character for one thing, and then when it's over they go back to their original character again. I almost get whiplash with how fast people decide to change, then change back, then change again. People are generally consistent, not... whatever you have in this story
Beyogi chapter 13 . 5/22/2018
Interesting story so far. It's a bit strong on the ingroup creation part, but at least that was done in like 10 chapters instead of the 50 other SIs use.

Thank you for writing,
LitheBunnyQ chapter 13 . 4/24/2018
I LOVE THIS STORY! Please update soon, if you can. All of your chapters are so cohesive and well structured i just can't get enough of your work. I'm excited to see what you do for the bigger parts of cannon too and where things end up between Neji and Yumeko!
Aelain chapter 13 . 1/31/2018
Wow this is really well written. looking forward to updates when you can!
Jayla Fire Gal chapter 13 . 1/28/2018
This is great! I love this so much! I need to go back and check how long the hiatus is going to be, and then I will be on my way. The foreshadowing though. "If only I had focused on what I changed", "Why did I have to jinx it", and so on. And NEJI (That's all I have to say). Also, I would totally be worshiping the ground you walk on for killing Danzō, except I feel it will turn out to actually be a very bad thing... I can't wait to see where you plan to take this!
Big Fan chapter 13 . 1/6/2018
Man I am so happy I found this story. :D I really like it. Does Neji have a crush on her? What other missions are they going to get? Are they going to get the land of Waves mission?
ghostpuppy chapter 13 . 12/7/2017
Awww this was so cute! I'm we got to see Yume's first summoning experience!

Although I'm kind of surprised that you had her start out knowing so many jutsu as a baby genin. I get that she was a prodigy, but knowing two elemental transformations, medical ninjutsu, kenjutsu, sealing, annnd being able to summon from the start kind of pigeon-holes you as an author I think. I get that everyone is a bit stronger than they were in canon in your story, but that's wayyyy stronger than any of the rookie 12 in the original story started out. I mean there's nothing wrong with it, but it's going to be kind of tough to show her development when she already started out knowing so much. It also makes her seem stronger than Naruto and Sasuke, which just makes me nervous. Either way, I'm sure you have a plan but it's just something to keep in mind.

I can't believe I'm caught up! I've really enjoyed the story so far, and can't wait to see what you have planned next!
ghostpuppy chapter 12 . 12/7/2017
Loved your rendition of the bell test! It's a scene I've seen redone and reworked in so many fanfictions, but yours is definitely unique in how they worked it out. Looking forward to see how this team 7 handles the wave mission! And for some Kakashi bonding!
ghostpuppy chapter 11 . 12/7/2017
This was a really interesting chapter! Everything covered was basically canon compliant, but it didn't feel boring or like a rehashing of scenes from the original Naruto since we got to see it from Yume's POV and got her thoughts and feelings on everything.

That moment when Naruto decided to continue to see the best in people broke my heart though.
ghostpuppy chapter 10 . 12/7/2017
Oh man, I am so nervous about that last line... Nothing good can come from that. I loved the introduction of all of Kakashi & Co! I'm glad Asuma is back although I kind of wish you had shown the reunion instead of just telling us about it.

Shishui/Hana is a great pairing - they're both so eccentric and energetic that I could see it working out really well. Sakura's crush on Shisui is so adorable and it was a great way to work in her pre-shippuden personality in a realistic yet not-annoying way. She's totally the hopeless romantic type and her idealization of her crushes is definitely something that would have carried over to this AU. It was a great way to keep her in-character without having her pine over Sasuke, which just wouldn't make sense in the context of this story. I can't wait to see Lee's introduction and if he would still have a crush on her. It's honestly a pairing I've always wanted to read about but haven't yet - Lee is kind of everything Sakura wants in a boyfriend besides his, um, eccentric looks and enthusiasm.

I also like that Ino isn't fixated on one guy - they're only 12 so it's way more realistic for them to have puppy crushes at the moment. I know that romance probably (hopefully) won't come into play until much later down the line for Yume since she's still so young, but you're really selling me on the Neji/Yume ship. I could also see Shikamaru/Yume happening. Those two are the only ones I think would be comparable in mental age to her. Plus, Shikamaru is my favorite so anything that gets him more screentime is going to get my support lol.

I'm not sure why Yume feels so connected to/concerned about Kakashi. Is it just because he was her favorite character before? That seemed a little out of left field - but I would understand because Kakashi is basically everyone's favorite, for good reason lol.

I really enjoyed this chapter. I feel like you have really incorporated more dialogue and are doing a lot more "showing" than "telling" where you can. I know that there was a time skip and a lot of exposition to cover so you had to summarize some parts, but I can definitely see the difference compared to earlier chapters.
ghostpuppy chapter 9 . 12/7/2017
Awww yes! I'm glad the rookie 9 is back together! Can't wait to see how you're going to fit in Lee and Ten-Ten. Lee is ab absolutely adorable ray of sweetness, so I can't wait for him to get in on this fluff-fest. Ten-ten I think has so much potential that was never used in canon. Can't wait to see what you do with her character.

I'm curious to see how Yume and Asuma's reunion is gonna go. I'd be fucking pissed if someone who I cared about just up and left without saying goodbye for five years, so I hope there will be some conflict/resolution there. Also, he missed most of her childhood, so I'm hoping there are some awkward getting-to-know-you-again moments.

Wonderful chapter like always, and I can't wait to see what you have planned!
sukondis chapter 12 . 11/29/2017
is this a with a side of narusasu
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