Reviews for Genma Shiranui: Mother Hen Extraordinaire
CreatorOfMyOwnLittleWorlds chapter 22 . 7/1
After days of reading I finally finished this. I've read it before, back before it was complete, and boy am I glad I decided to re-read this instead of trying to find my old spot. Firstly I'd like to mention how in love with this story I am. Fleshing out secondary characters of the Naruto verse has alwayse been one of my favorite parts of reading Naruto fics. Secondly I adore Gemma being a parental figure. You made it all fit so nicely that I never really felt like the it was too unbelievable or didn't fit. Except maybe the bit with Hidan's curse but mostly because it was a new idea that I hadn't run acros before so it was a completely new spin on a character that I was trying to wrap my head around. Either way the flower crown scene with Hidan and Hinata was so unbelievably cute that I don't care, it was worth it. Super siked to see what you have in store for this beautiful mess of a family, but also a little nervous about the shenanigans I know the kids will be getting into. Thank you so much for writing and sharing this story!
Ayla27 chapter 7 . 5/1
Precious. His family is now complete with all the kids
Ayla27 chapter 6 . 4/30
Bb hinata is so precious. I want a bb hinata like that
Ayla27 chapter 5 . 4/30
I'm soft and i am crying. Naruto and farmer man and i'm. Huhuhu. Precious. So precious.
Ayla27 chapter 4 . 4/30
This is so sad. Farmer man doesn't want to be reminded of the past. Surprisingly, Kakashi is the one to remind him it's not that bad?! Woah.
Ayla27 chapter 3 . 4/30
They should buy a mansion for Genma. Lol. I don't understand how they all fit in his apartment but this was just too adorable and heartwarming. I want to see the pictures too huhu
Ayla27 chapter 2 . 4/30
Farmer man. They call him farmer man. Omg. This is just too precious. He should really open a daycare! I love how the kids are protective over him. Bb hinata is just too cute. I wish someone would make a fanart of them
Ayla27 chapter 1 . 4/30
I LOVE THE STORY! They are all adorable. I love how Ino didn't care and just rolled with everything. Mama Genma just keeps ob adopting them, this is so adorable
winterzstorm chapter 22 . 1/31
I loved this story of misheciouvisness, growth and love in a funny way that would have be awesome to see in the actual anime/manga-plus redemption arc awesome :)
Akai-Pixy chapter 22 . 10/20/2019
Awsome story! I couldn't stop reading! I love how the characters interacted together, even if some where put on the back burner because, hey, that's a lot of people to work out.

There's a few times in the story where I thought Genma and Zabuza would end up together, like when Zabuza put Genma in his bed and cleaned the bloodstains on the counter and the floor, and his thought process to punishing Naruto and Haku for upsetting Genma. Not to mention his reaction to finding out Genma ended up face-to-face with Itachi without backup. It'd be an interesting pairing, and a rare one at that, if you go that way for the sequel.

Please post the sequel! It was too good to end!
dragonfire1222 chapter 4 . 9/1/2019
I feel that at the point in time, Kakashi is being a hypocrite. He has an even bigger reason then Genma to take care of Naruto.
narutolover09 chapter 14 . 7/30/2019
i liked the chapter. you should have him get with kakashi or bear.
narutolover09 chapter 2 . 7/29/2019
That chapter was awesome. Soon he'll have all the rookie nine and team guy! You should also have kakashi have some time with the kids like ridou did. it would be funny if genma's jonin freinds met their genin as little kids.
Talosine chapter 4 . 7/2/2019
This... is a freakin' rollercoaster!
00Chup chapter 22 . 4/28/2019
such a cute storyline, thank you for sharing x
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