Reviews for Leaving You
GoldElite245 chapter 74 . 3/21/2017
I hope the worst type of bad luck happens to him, he deserves it. Anyway, great story! If you do decide to do a sequal to this, I will be very happy. Until then, GoldElite out.
Hoshi no Negai chapter 74 . 3/21/2017
Ha, I was right after all. He IS a dick. Wow, what a stupid excuse, in the end it did more damage than good! Ahg, I just hate people who mingle with the life of others, but this went too far! No wonder Qrow can't stand the Ironwood lastname.

To tell you the truth, I was expecting a punch in the face (with a side of a broken nose or teeth), but this revenge is equally satisfying, and I would last waaay longer than a damaged face. Having bad luck as your semblance sometimes have its perks, and Qrow will take well avantage of it. (YES, RUIN THAT BASTARD'S LIFE, MAKE HIM PAY WITH SHAME!)

Thank you for investing so much of your time and effort to give us this story, it was quite a ride while it lasted! Hope to see you again with other RWBY fanfic, you did a great job in this one :)

Until next time, then! Thank you again and take care!
OddRoof chapter 74 . 3/21/2017
oh... well every good thing has an end but it was really fun to read
Drakon4314 chapter 74 . 3/20/2017
And with the stories end you are told a very valuable lesson. Don't cross paths with the Bad Luck Charm himself, Qrow Branwen.
Guest chapter 72 . 3/20/2017
cool story
Guest chapter 73 . 3/20/2017
twas good
GoldElite245 chapter 73 . 3/20/2017
Oh ho ho, I have been waiting for this! Time to get your shit kicked in Ironwood! This is gonna be good.
Hoshi no Negai chapter 73 . 3/20/2017
YES! I've waiting for this moment for SO LONG!
My guesses on the reason he didn't delivered the letter are:
-He lost it.
-He forgot.
-He's a dick.
I think I'll stick with the last one until the next chapter is up. Anyway, neither of those excuses could change the fact that he broke his promise, so... Kick his ass, Qrow.
RebekahTPE chapter 73 . 3/20/2017
GrinGrim666 chapter 72 . 3/19/2017
Just a question will you be doing a follow up stories like when ruby in beacon or growing up. something like that would be awesome especially if it's the same quality as this one
The Reader of Fanfiction chapter 21 . 3/19/2017
Guest chapter 70 . 3/17/2017
Awesome but maybe instead of posting every day post every two days and get a longer story just an idea
Hoshi no Negai chapter 68 . 3/14/2017
I love how everything makes sence now, acording to the info we've got from the show. But... it's sad. I can't help but feel so bad for Tai and Qrow, and the facade they have to maintain for the girls. It's probably the best choice, but damn... It's hard.
But I guess that's what Qrow's got for making those rushed decisions without a second thought. No wonder he hits the bottle so hard :(
Thanks for the quick update!
Hoshi no Negai chapter 61 . 3/7/2017
Ooowwww that's so cute! And sad... and adorable! Uncle birdie to the rescue. Love how everything is turning out. Now it's time for Qrow to get his ass kicked by Ty when they return xD Hope the girls can save him for that well-deserved beating xD
OddRoof chapter 61 . 3/7/2017
tiny Ruby is so cute!
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