Reviews for Enemies With Benefits
Starco4everr chapter 5 . 2/4
Great chapters. I hope you update soon
Love this couple chapter 5 . 11/18/2019
Honestly of the best Stories, I have read for this couple, there isnt many unfortunately. Hope you come back to it one day, and update. I really like this, and hope to get a chance to read it more, it makes me sad it was stopped 5 chapters in. I love the pairing, and the story come back soon, please finish this when you can.
Guest chapter 5 . 8/10/2019
You are an amazing writer
Guest chapter 1 . 8/8/2019
Casually reading this again XD
Sunshine chapter 4 . 6/25/2019
Me encanta, el simple hecho de que no sea Starco es genial y me gusta que aunque la edad haya sido modificada, sigue la esencia de los personajes :)
Guest chapter 5 . 4/1/2019
wow this is hot. sucks that this site is 95% lame starco shit and there aren't many stories with this pairing.
Guest chapter 3 . 3/8/2019
I wish I could write a review to make you come back and write more... Chapter 5 left things in a big cliffhanger.

What I love about your story is that the characters are complicated, mess up, go with bad impulses and make bad decisions, just like in any other piece of well written fiction. There are many critics here that want things easy, clear cut and straightforward, black and white - and I feel that this makes for boring stories.

You are talented and write well, I can see a future as a professional writer with your own published books as a possibility. Don't stop! At least come back to wrap things up in chapter 6.

Here's hoping season 4 inspires some.
The pen in the hands of god chapter 4 . 11/29/2018
does this have a happy ending?
Jueyluv15 chapter 1 . 11/28/2018
then he has free time to have a simple conversation with his girlfriend. however, with him being busy making a living and not out wasting time I don't feel like cheating is justified on Stars end at all. Tom well he's a douche for reals. I understand his mixed feelings and jealousy but at the same time, I don't. like I'd understand how he felt if he wasn't dumped by Star twice tho, I mean since they're older in this story I would think that Tom would have at least moved on from Star a bit. I mean he seriously hasn't dated any other girls since the second breakup when they were teens? Even Star was crushing on Oscar before she realized her feelings for Marco and Marco dated Jackie before dating Star, which is realistic. it feels weird to read a fanfic about my favorite ship from svtfoe when it involves cheating. why? but nonetheless, you are a good writer, you know how to keep readers interested.
Jueyluv15 chapter 5 . 11/28/2018
I get that Star misses Marco and is struggling with the relationship they have, but why doesn't she talk to Janna or pony head about her issues? they are also her friends. I'm glad that this is a tomstar lemon but Star's extremely selfish in this story and somewhat inconsiderate. I get that she's lonely but that's what her other friends are kinda for; not to mention it seems that aside from the royal event that she has a lot more time on her hands than Marco. Seriously she doesn't even regard how cheating would effect Marco or how using Tom is actually hurting him (the guy whom she broke up with twice might I add). I, of course, have only read up to five chapters so my opinion may change in the future. I'm not gonna put the blame all on Star though Marco should at least talk to her on the phone before going to bed at night if he has time to kill at a bar with Tom and his loser friends
Jueyluv15 chapter 3 . 11/27/2018
OMG yes! I'm a tomstar fan (I actually ship tomstar/starco/tomco tbh) and I'm actually glad someone made a tomstar lemon fanfic, but why does it have to involve cheating? Marco isn't even a jerk he just has traditional morals! Man, I hate to see his reaction when he finds out his friend is sleeping with his girlfriend. I really feel bad for him. smh
WatT20 chapter 5 . 9/23/2018
Well that was amazing. The smut is actually pretty well written, as is the rest of the story. Not to mention, I love the drama as much as I love Tomstar. Keep it up!
By the way, re you going to continue this? You haven't updated in months, so I'm curious (also we were getting to the good part, so I'm kinda salty).
RedQueen236 chapter 1 . 8/22/2018
I'm still waiting the next chapter I love this fanfic
Anon chapter 5 . 6/18/2018
I love this so much.
RedQueen236 chapter 1 . 6/17/2018
Realmente quiero saber cómo esto va a terminar. Tienes un talento para escribir increíble y estoy ansiosa esperando el próximo capítulo de cualquiera de tus fanfic, sigue así
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