Reviews for Solstice
damienfoxy chapter 34 . 4/25

boy i haven't heard from you in 3 years. shit, i just searched through my library and found this Gem again. reread it and i still loved it. a shame that you still havent updated it over the years. just wondering if you had abandoned writing altogether. the last stoey you've updated was 'thicker than water' and thats a year ago. i hope that you havent given up, your stories, they are different from others, that's what makes them unique.

i hope you're alright and hopefully you have plans on continuing these stories.

pandacorn25 chapter 34 . 3/21/2018
Will there be an update for this? It's a really good story and it would be a shame to let it sit here.
Misslieness chapter 34 . 12/23/2017
I'm sorry, but I don't particularly like this chapter.

The c-section feels off for this simple reason:

Doctor: Mam, we must do an immediate c-section.
Nora: But what's wrong?
Doctor: Nothing, don't worry. BUT WE HAVE TO MOVE NOW.
Nora: Doctor, you're scaring me, what's wrong?

Rather than going with the anime-esque trope of 'something's wrong'/mysterious illness, having taken the time to actually look up a reason for c-sections would've gone a long way here.

The births happened too fast as well. Having both of them give birth in the same chapter with no respite in between where you elaborate on the first few days and have them, and the others, adjust to that new reality... left me feeling that the children weren't something really worth caring too much about. Births are major events and both the pre- and post-birth scenes felt too short and too close together, meaning it came across as generic.

I guess the spa bit was nice, but I walk away from this chapter with the sense that you got tired of writing this part of Solstice and decided to say, "Eh whatever, I'm just gonna cram 4 chapters into the space of 1 to get this over with".

I'll have to check out Thicker Than Water soon. I held off on that due to the update cadence.
Fennec9 chapter 34 . 12/15/2017
I'm loving Thicker than water and I know you said you two are taking a brake but... SEASON 4 HYPE!
QueequegTheater chapter 34 . 12/15/2017
So, just wondering about something regarding the school's anti-bullying stance.

Are Yang and Winter (or even you guys) aware that a "zero-tolerance" policy on fighting means both the bully and victim get punished? Because that's one of the main problems with ZT policies.

Like, if some kid was beating up Summer and she raised a single hand to defend herself, both students get suspended.
Cavetroll001 chapter 34 . 12/15/2017
Looks like Glynda and Pyrrha are about to get a new client, and Solstice may be getting a new model. My condolences to Cinder on the loss of her Emerald (assuming here, but I think I'm safe). Looking forward to seeing TTW continuing, and will be waiting with anticipation for Season 4 of Solstice.
Sebine chapter 34 . 12/15/2017
i forget entirely wherein Cinder comes into this story o.o
nice face Holly
Boombox94 chapter 34 . 12/15/2017
You scared the shit out of me with the c-section crap. I like the baby names.

Yang's had kind of a rough week. First was Summer's first day of school and then the c-section. Probably very rough on her mind.

Emerald died somehow, didn't she? If so and if I was in Cinder's place, I would want to do the same thing to someone who said that shit.
Jiore chapter 34 . 12/15/2017
Wow, they're finally here! Chapter wise and I bet story wise, it's been so long since they got pregnant and finally the kids are born, fortunately they're okay and all...and have cool names!

I bet Yang was reminded of Ruby hence the crying after Summer entered school.

Is that a potential new member of the company I'm spotting!? Or just a source of conflict for the group!? Only time will tell...
Misslieness chapter 33 . 12/12/2017
A very emotional chapter. I feel quite somber after reading it. That is a good thing.
Fennec9 chapter 33 . 12/11/2017
Oh boy. Now I'm getting my hopes up for some fun times between Kali and Sienna. (Kali is best milf imo) Thank you for the update.
Boombox94 chapter 33 . 12/11/2017
Oh god, you know how to make my eyes well up. Maybe Yang should tell Summer stories of her mother if she hasn't already. That way she can at least get to know Ruby a bit. That is if Yang is ever gonna be ready for that. Still really tough on her, though.

Raven, you're making progress! You can do this! Summer's already making good progress too. They bonded over being nerds!

I already miss Kali. I hope she comes back soon.
RWBYGuy2015 chapter 32 . 12/8/2017
lol since you talked about Blake and Yangs past now all I can think about is a 4 way relationship between Blake Velv Yang and Win so then Reese and Summer are now sisters XD. great story still
Boombox94 chapter 32 . 12/8/2017
Raven with the smart! I hope that works out well. Penny could use a friend or two.

Just wait until Reese falls flat on her back and gets all of the air driven out of her lungs. As a kid, that happened to me and it scared the hell out of me because I couldn't breathe.

Ooh, is best mom gonna experiment? That's gonna be interesting to see if it happens, and to see who Kali tries it with. Let it happen, Ghira. You know you can't say no to her.
Misslieness chapter 32 . 12/8/2017
Great chapter! I'm so glad Reese is enjoying herself and Velvet filming the moment was very endearing. I hope you show her meeting Summer - definitely something I want to read about. I hope those two will be good friends.

Cat mom looking into the possibility of something a little with the fairer sex? If Ghira is cool with it, which I hope. Living with regrets sucks...

Nice to see more of Sun, Pyyrha and Nora too. BTW, are they in a three-way relationship as equals, or is it more like the traditional harem, with the guy having 2 girls? I can never recall. Got to say too, that I love Sun's attitude. Lesser men wouldn't have stepped up like that
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