Reviews for Toxic
LittleMermade chapter 1 . 5/21
Amazing! I adore Maysilee and this makes her stand out. Wish it was a one-shot rather than a drabble
dreams and desperation chapter 1 . 1/16/2017
This is so poetic and ack, I love it! Xx
madworlds chapter 1 . 1/10/2017
BELLE ASDFGHJKL i'm so late reviewing this wtf next time yell at me okay ! but seriously this is beautiful and I love maysilee omg and look I can't quote my fave parts because then I will quote the whole thing but your writing style is super pretty and I hAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS NOW ACK. [she won't have to worry about that now] LIKE CAN YOU NOT. i just want her to live forever and go around with flowers in her hair kissing everyone to death like damn your fave could never. but asIDE FROM THIS BEING RLLY HEARTBREAKINGLY RUDE it is beautiful and you are beautiful and I love it (: thank youuuu /faves &hearts
cristina rosales chapter 1 . 1/4/2017
belle! this is so lovely and condensed and so detailed yet small. i love maysilee's characterization in this, mostly because i haven't pictured her as this kickass girl, more of a simple, darling girl but i love this portrayal more.

the second line is especially my favorite, hinting at some haymitchxmaysliee but not the unrequited love... i really love this

i know i'm overstepping, but this is possibly my favorite of your drabbles! amazing!
k.m nicole chapter 1 . 12/23/2016
Intriguing. I love it!
pistonsfan75 chapter 1 . 12/23/2016
Aw, sad. :-(