Reviews for All I Want For Christmas
MissScorp chapter 4 . 12/25/2019
Hi again! Okay, the quilt was a perfect as an intimate present but this is the perfect present because it builds a bond from the past into the future. In the air is where Dick is happiest. He’s a flyer. It’s in his blood. It’s what makes him, him. Having this trapeze and the ability to fly when he wants is the medicine he needs. John Grayson is right... if you fall (off anything or even emotionally speaking) you gotta get back up and try again. It rolls into the theme of “rise” for me. You gotta fall to rise.

I love how Dick questions Bruce if he knows enough about trapeze artistry to know what he’s doing lol that’s just so perfect and such a nice role reversal. Here it’s Dick that is the expert and teaching Bruce. It shows them having a balance, almost being equal in a way because of what they can offer to the other (since they don’t have it).

A wonderful story!
MissScorp chapter 3 . 12/25/2019
Hi again! Okay, yeah, this chapter totally hit me in all the feels. I admit to having tears in my eyes as I was reading through the presents and the notes attached. The presents were sweetly touching and the notes that were with them all elements of Dick’s personality. The quilt, though. That was just the icing on the cake. That’s absolutely something that would mean the world to Dick. All his memories of his mother and father and his life in their small home are inside that blanket and can bring up happy times when he’s feeling sad. I was expecting pictures or a piece of clothing or jewelry instead of the quilt but the quilt is perfect and something I can see Dick keeping into adulthood.

The interplay between him and Bruce and their playing around was amusing and shows how each has influenced the other. Until Jason Todd’s death (and Dick hitting those angsty and moody years known as the teenager years) Bruce was lighter and at times happier. This shows that and gives us a reason why. Dick is the light that has broken the darkness that enveloped Wayne Manor following the death of the Wayne’s.

Ah Alfred and his protesting. All for show ;) lol he is the mother, though, Dick is right haha

Another great chapter!
MissScorp chapter 2 . 12/25/2019
Hi there! Wow somehow forgot to finish this last year! I’m sorry I didn’t because it’s glorious. I love that Dick’s heritage is represented here. It’s glossed over so much and is an actual important part of him. His minimalistic lifestyle, the simplicity he has in his life (outside crime fighting) is all learned from his early life. He’s not prone to having stuff or caring about money. He learns the meaning of family here. It’s different from Bruce who grew up in a place of wealth and privilege. However, he did have a solid family relationship and like Dick is also capable of rest emotions. His compassion and desire to do good are things he learned from his mother and father, too.

Alfred was so awesome as he read Bruce the riot act. It’s true that allowing yourself to stop celebrating holidays right after a death can lead to not celebrating them again. Not only that but Bruce didn’t overcome his grief. It’s the shadow that haunts him everyday. Like it will Dick if he doesn’t help him to overcome his loss. Justice is a good way of starting. It helps to see the one responsible paying for what they did.

Another great chapter!
CMC chapter 4 . 4/28/2019
This is incredible! Your writing and creativity are still as stunning as ever. This story is so adorable and bittersweet; by far one of the best Christmas stories I have found on this website. The part with the quilt almost brought me to tears. You have done an absolutely incredible job with this story, thank you. You are amazing~
MissScorp chapter 1 . 12/20/2018
Hello there! This was a really bittersweet start. You have to feel for him and Bruce and Alfred here. This is the first Christmas since Dick lost his parents. He’s still grieving their loss as well as the loss of his circus family. He doesn’t want to celebrate Christmas since the grief is still fresh and it’s the first without his folks. His life has been turned upside down so celebrating is kinda last on his list of important life events. I love the incorporation of Bruce hunting Zucco here. It’s a big element in Dick’s life and something that eventually leads to him finding out who Batman is (and starting his own path as a crime fighter).

I got a real hoot out of Alfred trying to limit Bruce’s caloric intake. Given his training regime, you’d think that he could eat just about anything without any concern whatsoever. However, he does have that playboy image to maintain so monitoring his sugars and fats might be a good idea ;) I do love how Alfred is so much more than a regular butler here. He’s mother, father, teacher, secret keeper, guardian and protector. His influence is so strong and I love that he’s center to everything. He calls Bruce out on his stuff and makes it clear that he needs to make Christmas happen, period.

Dick fearing losing Bruce as he lost everyone else is so tragic. He’s lost everyone else at this point and can’t handle losing anymore. His asking at the end if Bruce will be back and making him promise is heart wrenching. It really expresses how much he’s lost at this point and how fragile he still is from everything. He’s in that same place Bruce was with his parents. He’s struggling to come to terms with their deaths and figure out his place in the world... while dealing with his new guardian. It’s a lot. However, I like that you show them making strides to forming that bond they have (and DC has ruined...).

Very promising start! Can’t wait to see what happens next!
RenesmeVivio chapter 4 . 8/8/2018
You right Bruce will be fine Dickie had understood that for ages. Damn a tear had dropped from my eyes "again" oh well it was a gooood one story to cry for, it was "sniff" worth it.
RenesmeVivio chapter 3 . 8/8/2018
Oooooh goooood I cried a river. Jeeeez yes YES I CRIED LIKE A BABY DAAAAARN.

I swear if my little brother comes to my room at this moment he will laugh at me. Seriously crying like you watch something sad is well SAD, but crying out loud for reading a story... yeah he will definitely say YOU ARE WEEEEEIRD.

But really thanks, tears are very good for your eyes anyway "trying to be intelligent and wise but failed".
RenesmeVivio chapter 2 . 8/8/2018
Are you kidding my eyes are tearing all the way already sob sob sniff sniff TT the gift will be awesome and Dickiebird will be flying from happiness I assume.
God my heart was killing me when Dick hugged Bruce before he goes. Waaaaaaaa that was indeed a wonderful moment.
RenesmeVivio chapter 1 . 8/8/2018
I diiiiiiied with the sad goodbye darn it my little heart has meeeeelt and crushed into pieces.
Bogorm123 chapter 4 . 9/20/2017
This is so sweet! Love it!
Rookblonkorules chapter 2 . 9/15/2017
I think I read this chapter when it first came out and just forgot to review. Oops. No matter, I can just leave one now though.
Anyways, I love that Bruce visited Mr. Haley... you rarely get to see him in fanfics and you did a great job with the characterization and with his concern for Dickie!
RedReno16 chapter 4 . 8/30/2017
Great job here! I thought that the bit about the quilt was really original and a great idea! Thank you for all of the wonderful stories!
RoseVered chapter 3 . 8/9/2017
Oh my, I will have to process this chapter for a while. Just... overwhelmed. And I cried a bit too :)
RoseVered chapter 1 . 8/8/2017
Aww, Im brokenhearted now :(
nancy1066 chapter 4 . 5/14/2017
Just recently started reading your stories. Excellent. I hope you continue. Thanks for sharing.
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