Reviews for Craigslist: A Love Story
MaxandFang101 chapter 4 . 6/4/2018
I have the happiest grin on my face. My job is sucking my soul out but your stories are putting it back together. The part where they went to kindergarten made my jaw physically drop :O What a great wrap up! And Helga and Gertie are lovely . thank you!
MaxandFang101 chapter 2 . 6/4/2018
Omg omg do I love this story. SO CUTE AHHHHHHH
Kotali chapter 4 . 1/31/2018
Wtf, so cute.
I loved it. Your characterisation is so much fun. I just wish there was more of this story. Looks like I'll have to read your others.
Also, I love it when people write Gertie and Helga interacting; they're wonderful.
And thank you for honoring Arnold's character and acknowledging cognitive consent with drunk Helga; as much as I would have been glad for them to hook up soberly, I was pleasantly surprised and pleased for how it turned out.
Thank you for sharing your work.
AtomicAdri chapter 1 . 1/25/2018
I really, really, REALLY love this story. I wish there was more to read and see how they are as a couple, but the ending was fitting. It was a crazy ride, but so much fun to read!
AtomicAdri chapter 3 . 1/25/2018
Karaoke bars are my favorite places to be!This was another great chapter!
AtomicAdri chapter 2 . 1/25/2018
This was another great chapter! I’ve always felt Helga’s greatest asset was her sass and wit. I’ve also always loved the compatibility between her and Gertie. Those crazy old birds are two peas in a pod. We can already see Arnold starting to fall for her, should be interesting to see how/when Helga does.

I also really like the story in Arnold’s POV. It’s so much nicer and sweeter in there lol
AtomicAdri chapter 1 . 1/25/2018
Oh my god! That was so fucking hilarious! “You are confusing my with your mouth words” is quite possibly the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. I think I read that line like 10 times before I could continue reading the chapter.

This was so good and so funny and it seems like this story will be filled with my favorite tropes!
ZephyrMelrose chapter 4 . 12/17/2017
*once again, insert massive screaming*
This whole thing was amazing. What a ride. I loved every minute, good god.
The ending was perfect, very them. You bring out their best qualities, individually and together, so so well that I'm just two breaths away from screaming in my bedroom that I love these damn characters and this fic and it's honestly a weird feeling in my throat to have, thank you very much.
But seriously, thank you so much for gifting this fandom/show/etc with your writing talent.
I absolutely adore your style and it's so inspiring and it actually makes me want to write again because ughhh! I still have to go back and re-read the other fics of yours I read so I can give those the love and senseless review babbling they deserve since I'm here on a Sunday in bacon pajamas with a whole day for reading and writing and feeling utterly inspired and tickled with mirth. :')
ZephyrMelrose chapter 3 . 12/17/2017
I just sit here picturing them sitting in a bathtub together, fighting over who is gonna sleep in it and it tickles me so much inside. Banter is one of my all time favorite things to read between AH and I appreciate it even more when it's very natural and smooth and they are the right dose of their childhood personalities without being too exaggerated (Helga being sass but not intentionally cruel and Arnold's daydreamer innocence but equal intellect to match Helga)...I don't know if that makes sense, but I just love reading this fic. That's the point. Yes. I'm thrilled to see how this ends!
ZephyrMelrose chapter 2 . 12/17/2017
I don't know what it is about your writing that just makes me eternally scream inside (the good kind), but oh my gosh I am so pleased with this chapter and it made me laugh and smile and now my cheeks really hurt. I was hoping to high heavens that Helga's plan was going to backfire brilliantly because if there is anything I ever think about Helga vs Arnold's family, it's that her specific, unique brand of crass weird is right up their alley and you wrote that beautifully! I also love the way you write Arnold to, so so much. I feel like he's not the easiest to write because of the nature of character he is, but goodness gracious you just have that way of writing that makes it utterly enjoyable.
ZephyrMelrose chapter 1 . 12/17/2017
Oh my god, I absolute adore the way you write Helga, she's so internally (and outwardly) sassy and I am a huge sucker for Arnold being a handsome but awkward individual, you have no ideaaaa! I love the tone you have in your writing as well, it's incredibly entertaining and I have a grin on my face the whole time.
maidens-wanderlust chapter 4 . 12/8/2017
Ahhhhhh! This was so cute! I loved it! The dialogue and interaction were so natural and just, thank God I found this through Mony/Mikosarthouse. And just in time for the holidays too!

And if the game is still going on I'd name my hedgehog Shinji.
Dark Shuichi chapter 4 . 9/4/2017
Oh my gosh this is absolutely pure gold! 100% pure schmoopy GOLD. Hilarious and sweet and also surprisingly insightful, like the glorious paragraph about the bar and this awesome line:
"Maybe there were moments that belonged exactly where they were, and no place else."
That is absolutely beautiful prose which should be on a plaque, and stationary, and a poster in a teachers room and now I'm just rambling but I loved this and I'm so glad I found it thank you for writing!
CharmedNightSkye chapter 4 . 7/9/2017
This is gold. Complete and utter gold. I love it. Pooky is adorable and she and Helga make the best friends. Arnold is the best and the cutest and adventures are to be had always.
dvd123 chapter 4 . 5/6/2017
This little fic was such a fun ride from beginning to end! I kind of do wish that it was longer, but you ended it on a perfect note!

I love that all of it started from a sense of recklessness from both Arnold's and Helga's sides, and it just carries them along towards something unexpected but wonderful. And Helga was an absolute joy. That she just surprisingly falls into a fun-loving family that enjoys her company and likes her as she is, especially Gertie, makes me giddy. I just adored the free spirit she has here!
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