Reviews for Crossroads
Beth6787 chapter 1 . 1/25/2018
Bravo for giving us a more detailed insight into Annika and her pre-Borg friends. Unimatrix Zero was a good episode in canon, but it did need more of a backstory / introduction for viewers to understand it’s true significance and why Kathryn Janeway would risk herself and two of her most senior staff to try and prevent the Borg gaining control of it.

I love the way you have ‘fleshed out’ that environment and populated it with other drones off multitude of species. I note that you had an assimilated Vorta - I’m sure there’s a story in the Borg assimilating Gamma Quadrant species...

Well done!

lizzy74656 chapter 3 . 1/22/2018
Good. I like the talk Janeway and Kim had as to why no promotion. Those bigwigs Inn Starfleet Admiralty are the pain in the proverbial! Sour puss the lot of them. Looking forward to the next chapter/character.
VGWrighte chapter 2 . 1/20/2018
Alaster Boneman chapter 3 . 1/20/2018
this was a bit dis jointed but I did like how you addressed harrys lack of promotion and while that is something of a running joke in with in star trek fandom I do think how you addressed it here was rather well thought out.

as honestly I've always found the idea that Janeway was insently promoted to vice admiral when she got to earth, that a lot of fans seem to be she was because of the last TNG movie nemesis were she was one in that movie. but I don't think we are ever given a star date with in that movie so it could be a few years after Voyagers return for all we know. (if I haven't some how missed when star date was mentioned, its being years since I re watched nemeses last. it is not a good movie) a very prossable idea as because somehow I don't think she would be star fleets fav person

but to get back to my point I did like what you did here, how you had Janeway expane it.

but for real that boy needs to see some about those dreams because that shit is fucked up, but I am slightly disapited that we didn't see that clown from that mind fuck episode were Janeway puts penywise back in the cornor to think about what hes done.

I also like how harry broke up that fight after he pored his heart out to yet another hologram. that boy needs to get himself a girlfriend that doesn't run on batteries.

I also adored Naomi sticking up for seven with out a moment of hesitation.

also also, south park...while I'm not the biggest fan of that show only having watched like three episodes. I'm honesty surprised that the PC federation didn't make it a mission to destroy every trace of that show for being offensive to everyone. but I can only imagon what fresh hell seven and sam is going to be in for , though the next couple of days as the kids parrot back everything they herd. I'm guessing that those two are going to have words with tom.

sorry for my somewhat scater brain review but I kind of sped read this.

Yours Alaster Boneman
scifiromance chapter 2 . 12/26/2016
This was awesome! I think this is the best character study of B'Elanna I've read but it wasn't only that, you'very the episode and it's events so well.

I was completely drawn in, with her throughout the ordeal. Loved your details as always, the universal translator, why Seven still had her hand, all the references to other episodes and characters. All brilliant!

Well done and thanks for writing!

Alaster Boneman chapter 2 . 12/25/2016
first of before I start pressing this chapter because it was very good, I have to alert you to a mistake you made.

When you made Be'lanna nearly be raped by three spoon heads and saved by Chakotay being their first meeting. I believe in the show Be'lanna said that Chakotay recruited her after was either kicked out of star fleet academy or left. I cant recall which. and while its possible that Be'lanna was attacked in such a manner I feel this was a bit to much of a dark story point for the sake of dark story point. sorry if that makes no sense I've seemed to have picked up a slight cold and cant think right.

Other wise this was a much better chapter than the last one, it flowed so much better and gave us a detailed look into Be'lanna character which was nice.

I particular liked that devil may care attuned you gave Be'lanna in this chapter it gave the character a lot of life with out her being coming the token jerk character that she often got portrayed as or lumped into.

While I didn't love how you addresses Be'lanna treatment of seven. (aka her thinking this was her way of making it up to seven for being an ass) not that this was bad but it lacked subtlety. I could see what you were trying to do but like I said it lacked subtlety.

I also had a laugh at that bit about female drones keeping their figure and their feminine qualities. and yet another jap at the universal translator.

something I did take a little umbrage at was Chakotay telling belanna to pretend that the Borg drones shes fighting are Cardassian. that just rubbed me the wrong way, I mean I get it he hates the cardassians but Chakotay never stuck me as spiciest. I mean you have to hate the enemy if your at war with them because well wars aren't fought with niceness. just something about that rubbed be the wrong way

While this chapter was perfect it was a massive improvement on the last one, 7/10

I look forward for more

Yours Alaster Boneman
Juddysbuddy chapter 1 . 12/6/2016
This is really great. I loved the way you described Seven's time in Unimatrix Zero from the time she was little until she was freed. I also enjoyed the conversations with the Borg kids on Voyager. I'll look forward to any updates you come up with. Thanks for writing!
Alaster Boneman chapter 1 . 12/6/2016
this was an interesting story before I go into my thoughts as a whole for this story, I know you said you would do more of these chapters for each of the main seven characters, Harry, Tom, Neelix, Blenna and so on. could you also do one for the Wildman's Sam and Namoi? as it must have being a fresh new hell for them dealing with this shit, and maybe a moment between Namoi and Seven after she comes back to the ship.

Ok fair warring some of my thoughts may be a little negative so before I say anything else I want to say I really liked this story and found it very interacting.

Frist I want to complerment you on you skill of fleshing out the other unimatixe 0 characters they were all intresting in their own right. I also like how you developed Annika as a more or less sepprit eneity to Seven but as the story got on the two were becoming one whole identity which was something the show should have toyed with but didn't.

I quite liked how even has being having dreams since the "raven" incident and just like any person not all her dreams are nighmares which is something other righter sometimes forget. while no doubt nightmares make up a large quonity of her dreams, their are plesent ones as well.

I also like sevens embarrassment about her dreams that detail romantic subjects and that her feelings for Chakotay didn't just come out of the blue she's being having those feeling for likely a little while. and while I still believe unimatrix 0 and imperfection the next episode likely served as a for the lack of a better work wake up call for seven that the possibility's of deeper and more meaningful relationship's and romantic were possabale for her and she could at least try.

but like I said I do like how you showed that seven has being exploring this side of herself for a while, probably more seriously since 'someone to watch over her' she has just lacked the social experience and confidence to explore this any ware but out side the privacy of her own dreams. and despite seven's... seven'niss she has the same desires as anyone else. but like I said I think it was unimatrix 0 and imperfection that had seven realise that this was a possibility for her and one she should fallow through on.

also matrix refance's with the super powers and the guy who was girl in the real world but a guy in the dream. that's from that chick in the first matrix wasn't it. but the movie scaped the idea.

one last think I guess seven just has a thing for old men, and while I'm said she and axum lost the kid you didn't give us enough time to feel anything for him.

ok on to the negativity, I found the way your formatted certain parts of the story didn't flow very well and I found it hard to fallow or understand which parts were set in the past as Annika was growing up and in the present, and I felt that the formant and the story was over all bit chaotic.

Also while I liked the unimatrix 0 character I felt that their were far to many to keep trek of and while I joked before about seven likening older men. Axum being hundreds of years old and having many partners and family's though his life was a bit creepy.

and also I found what you said about the E-luanions a bit odd. I always though the reason why the borg attacked them and whipped them out was because the Borg couldn't assimilate them because of their ability to exist in and perceive other reality's. that they existed outside time. or something like that but maybe I am confused.

other wise a great chapter and I hope you don't take my complaints to hard.
and expect me to say hello on your youtube channel.

Yours as always Alaster Boneman
scifiromance chapter 1 . 12/6/2016
WOW! :D This was amazing! Now I have to continue the incest by referring to little bits of this in 'In Thy Name', lol. Like the new characters, some of the childhood memories, Axum's background...

I was really impressed with all of this! Seven's thoughts were very believable, so insightful, her confusion, her very mixed feelings, you've added so much depth to the episode for me. I liked how you wrote Axum pretty ambiguously without hating on him, I don't like the character but it has to fit events too. For him to be both enticing and repulsive was a great description and the duality she was experiencing throughout with him and Chakotay, and just trying to gain perspective, really worked.

That idea where she was repeatedly killing herself in there after 'Survival Instinct' was so dark but so fitting, that's my head canon now, for better or worse. Poor Annika!

The scenes with the Borg kids were wonderful.

Actually, every scene in this added something. WELL DONE! :D

There were lighter moments too. I laughed at Seven wondering whether Chakotay was any better at sex than piloting, and deciding never to find out! LOL.

Thanks so much for writing! :D
