Reviews for seven-per-cent
NinaNine chapter 1 . 7/21
I love
legalsakurauchiha chapter 31 . 4/26
I'm excited for the sequel.
Turais chapter 2 . 4/12
Lol didnt notice that story has the completed tag already xD
Turais chapter 1 . 4/12
Damn never seen a DC fanfiction this thrilling to read before hope you can comeback and finish this story
Silversparkanime chapter 30 . 4/20/2019
I’m speechless. Utterly speechless. I’ve read tons of Detective Conan’s FanFiction, and believe me when I say that yours are now ranked the first in my list. Seriously! How can someone write something this perfect?! I personally love the character Ran the most, but the anime mostly potray her as someone kinda like a hindrance, so I was always dissatisfied with the lack of contribute of Ran in the anime’, but your fanfic brought out the real potential of Ran, not to mention the sweet interactions between Shinichi and Ran. I’m never one to read horror fics or this kinds with guns and deaths and angst and all that, but this one left me totally breathless. I was brought into this story and sometimes my breath would hitched and panicked when they were found out by the BO members and I felt IMMENSE relief when they finally escape successfully. It was a painful experience of hanging there for 30 chapters and I felt like I have just come back from a war after finishing this. But it was extremely awesome and epic, and you are an even amazing writer for writing this out. Even the way the characters speak are exactly the same as the anime and it makes this seem so realistic! So thank you so much for writing this! I enjoyed it really really much, and I will be rereading this again after I typed out this review haha. Hope you will start a new story soon!
Blendthemadness chapter 31 . 9/11/2018
I read this story in 1 afternoon/evening, it was so good. I love your portrayal of Ran - she PROVES that she has the will, intelligence, self awareness & strength to survive any ordeal & to save not only herself, but Shinichi too. Too often, it seems as if her strength is just a facade, like sure, she may be able to take down a couple of baddies with her karate, but in the end, if she’s in the thick of it, Shinichi is the one who always has to save the day. It was also refreshing to come across a story where those two were in trouble with the BO together, & to have such a well polished story in terms of grammar & ease of reading.
Anyway, I’m really hoping you still intend to do that sequel - even if not for a while .
jenniilex3 chapter 30 . 3/3/2018
waiting oh so patiently for your sequel
11quee.nanne chapter 31 . 2/10/2018
sorry for finding your story just recently hehe, and I found myself already fall in love with the story in the first chapter! This is brilliant, you diligently write the scenes that it seems you trying to involve us into the story and I can't stop myself for not reading chapter after chapterit's addicting! And I love how strong Ran is here, even though I know she's actually a brave girl, but mostly in detective conan story, she is being damsell in distress contrary to her strength. You even make Shinichi lean on her, oh how dependable you are, Ran! The most important part iiiss, you made special chapter for our Kogoro-ojii-saaan XDD I can't tell how super happy I am! I love the bond between Shinichi and his ojii-san, so the scene he made up with his future-son-in-law really touched my heart UvU
Thank you, really, it's pleasure to read such a story, thank you for writing. Please keep writingespecially about our ShinichixRan hehe. And I will always support you! See you on your next stories!
Guest chapter 31 . 2/8/2018
Good dad Kogoro
Maya Chain 23 chapter 30 . 11/3/2017
That was a very nice fic, it explored well the idea of Ran and Shinichi having to deal with BO directly.
Maya Chain 23 chapter 27 . 11/3/2017
Reunions are cool and sweet!
Maya Chain 23 chapter 24 . 11/3/2017
YES the rescue team has arrived!
Maya Chain 23 chapter 19 . 11/2/2017
Rest in gun powder L'Oréal. You'd think he wouldn't understimate desprate teens who just dealt with at least 5 guys! Jokes aside those two would benefit from therapy after this is over.
Maya Chain 23 chapter 18 . 11/2/2017
WELP we now have a body count! Terrifying midgets they are!
Maya Chain 23 chapter 10 . 11/2/2017
I guess her slow shrinking explains how she made it through the vents, more race against the clock this is exciting!
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