Reviews for Forbearance
marissa2020 chapter 9 . 8/24
Draco in agony hehe
Pleaseeee please update!
marissa2020 chapter 6 . 8/22
This storyy is so sweet ...i like the interraction between Draco n Hermione... SLOW BURN !

Draco is tormented by his attraction to her ..
marissa2020 chapter 6 . 8/22
One of the greatest Dramoine story
marissa2020 chapter 3 . 8/16
Yes , Blaise is a girl’s name
amethystfirechik chapter 9 . 1/16/2010
This is a pretty good story, one of my favorite's so far. I like how your incorporating some thimgs from Full Metal Alchemist,one of my favortie shows. Ihope you get to ginish this story one day. I look forward to it.
cornilia243 chapter 1 . 1/4/2009

your chapters are really long

it took me more than half an hour to read it!

oh well

the more the better!

cfvdfs chapter 6 . 6/14/2007

–adjective, smug·ger, smug·gest. 1. contentedly confident of one's ability, superiority, or correctness; complacent.


i'm guessing neville wasn't being smug..

dfg chapter 4 . 6/7/2007

you are utterly predictable.

your grammar has some serious issues at times.

and it's almost like your want to use big words over comes the need for the sentence to make sense, sometimes.


i love it anyway.


you are a good author, you just need to watch the grammar.

fictionwriter191 chapter 9 . 12/24/2006
wow you are a great writer you know how to make sure that we readers continue to read i must say my imagination is moving at a hndred images per minute trying to figure out what could have happened between hermione and harry that draco is so moody who was the girl being chased by the death eaters and is that happening or is it the uture wait its hermione isn't it she gets chased down before they take her away because she's a fighter um i'm probobly wrong but oh well what is the name of chapter 9 gonna be or are you gonna keep it chapter nine and what was the rest of the sentence at the end of chapter nine so confusing but so interesting your really good (no i think i'm gonna go with the word excellent) at cliff-hangers
astP chapter 9 . 9/7/2006
Why the sudden inclusion of Full Metal Alchemist aspects? Much as I love FMA, I'm not sure it's entirely appropriate in this story...
Serenity chapter 9 . 8/14/2006
that's a great story and i hope you update soon!
Wynnie chapter 9 . 6/18/2006
Your fanfic had been a wonderful read. I agree with the other posters about how you've portrayed the characters. I was also wondering about the quotes in italics in chapter one, do you happen to have the author's name or did you write it yourself? I really like the saying and am intrigued by it. (Sorry if I do not make much sense, English is not my first language). I cannot wait to read more of your story. Good work!
Lady Narcissa Black Malfoy chapter 9 . 6/14/2006
Wow... I just read your fic from start to finish and I am breathless and praying for the next update! You are trully a gifted writer... I adore the complexity of your story and the original manner by which you have bound Draco and Hermione together... PLEASE put me out of my misery and update as soon as possible! You are on my favourites list (where you well deserver to be!) Congrats on being one of the true talents out here on - I'm holding my breath in anticipation for chapter 10! I hope that many more people read and give you the fantastic reviews you deserve!

x Lady Narcissa Black Malfoy

P.S. My favourite bits so far are a) That I am being sneaky to keep my son safe... thank you for having faith in the character, as she's my favourite! b) how cleverly you have kept Ginny involved while having all the 6th years in France c) your beautiful use of French d) that Draco hasn't sprouted an halo, or Hermione horns - it is a true testament to your skill as a fanfic author that you have been able to build a bond without breaking the canon characterisations! ... I'd go on and on and on and on and ON but we'd be here for a while, so I'll wait until the next update to pester you with a longer and more thurough review! I'm so happy to have found your story before it's completed! xD
Irresistable Malaria chapter 9 . 6/12/2006
Dark Helmet chapter 1 . 4/6/2006
Seriously, now. What's up with you? In my own words, I havea theory that Enitsu Emira was a hurricane victim or died of some illness recently, or mayb a few moths ago... anyway, I have completely given up on checking this story, its a bit obvious that you've abandoned it.

Ta-ta, The Robin Red Breast in a Cage
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